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The Weihsien Museum's staff ...

The first row from left to right are:

1. Xin Jiaying (Staff of the Liaison Department) 辛佳颖(外联部工作人员)

2. Yang Qingyu (Staff of the Liaison Department) 杨青玉(外联部工作人员)

3. Sun Li (Deputy director of the The Curator of the Courtyard of the Happy Way & Weihsien Concentration Camp Museum, Manager of the Liaison Department) 孙丽(乐道院·潍县集中营博物馆副馆长、外联部主任)

4. Gong Shiyong (The Curator of the Courtyard of the Happy Way & Weihsien Concentration Camp Museum) 巩世勇(乐道院·潍县集中营博物馆馆长)

5. Hou Yuying (Museum docent)

6. Yan Bing (Museum docent)

7. Wang Xiaoxuan (Museum docent)

8. Ji Shuchun (The Curator of the Weifang Museum, the Chair Man of two museum, The Courtyard of the Happy Way & Weihsien Concentration Camp Museum is a subordinate Museum of Weifang Museum.) 吉树春(潍坊市博物馆馆长,两家博物馆总负责人,乐道院·潍县集中营博物馆是潍坊市博物馆的下属博物馆)

9. Tian Bin (Section chief of security department) 田彬(保卫部科长)

10. Sun Tingting (Staff of the Security department)

11. Zhang Yanling (Staff of the Security department)

The second row from left to right are:

1. Guo Hui (Museum painter, she redraws paintings from the camp period.) 郭慧(博物馆画家,她重新绘制了集中营时期的画作)

2. Wang Qiang (Staff of the Security department)

3. Han Zhuoyu (Staff of the Security department)

4. Wu Zongjun = Mr. Neal Wu (Staff of the Liaison Department)

5. Guo Junqi (Staff of the Liaison Department)

6. Chen Jincheng (Staff of the Security department)

7. Sun Cong (Museum painter, he redraws paintings from the camp period.) 孙聪(博物馆画家,他重新绘制了集中营时期的画作)

8. Liu Yanling (Staff of the Security department)

9. Dong Baobao (Staff of the Security department)