following cutting is taken from a South African newspaper (the name and date of
which I have not kept). It shows that the Japanese commander who led the
360-plane raid on the United States Fleet in
years ago, on December 7, 1941, the Japanese attacked
Today Fuchida is an ordained Presbyterian minister. His story is that of a sort of spiritual pilgrimage through Shintoism, Buddhism and Emperor Worship to Christianity.
a journey to
prison he had been given a Bible, and after the war he returned to
This tract had a profound effect on ex-Commander Fuchida, and he began to read the Bible carefully himself.
"One month after the tract was given me I read in Luke's Gospel the words, 'Father, forgive them for they know not what they do', and it came home to me just what Christ had done for me."
twenty-six years of dedicated Christian ministry the Rev. Mitsuo Fuchida died
in hospital at Kashiwarashi,