September 4th 1945


Major S. A. Staiger

U. S. Army

Weihsien Civil Assembly Centre


Dear Major Staiger,

         Now that your particular Mission is completed, we, the elected representatives of those interned in this camp would like to express, however inadequately, the depth of admiration and gratitude which is felt towards you and your group by everyone in Weihsien.

         The memory of your arrival on August 17th is one that can never fade from the minds or hearts of any of us, and we hope that the memory of our joy and emotion at your coming is one that you, also, will be able long to cherish.

         But it is not only the heroic manner of your arrival that has exited our admiration, it is also and perhaps especially the tactful and efficient manner in which you have performed your duties, maintaining all the time the happiest and friendliest of personal relations with us all. If we, as a committee have worked with you to the best of our power and ability, this fact offers one more token of the respect in which you and your group have been held by us and all the internees of this Camp.

         To you, to Captain Gorgia, Lt. Hannon, Lt. Moore, Sgt. Hanchulak, Sgt. Nagaki,

Cpl. Orlich and Ens. Wang, we offer the heartfelt thanks of this community, and express the hope that somewhere and some when it may be possible for some of us to meet again.

         Yours very sincerely,

         The Committee of the Weihsien Camp


-         L. Allan

-         W. R. Chapman

-         J. H. W. Grice

-         M. C. Halton

-         W. J. Howard

-         E. McLaren

-         W. Pryor

-         E. J. Schmidt

-         P. A. Whitting