Addressed to all Japanese Commanders and Officers, and all Japanese residents.

Issued by Gen. Wedemeyer:-


1)      The Emperor of the Japanese Imperial Government has surrendered unconditionally to the Allies, and the detailed regulations regarding the cessation of war is now being negotiated between the Japanese Govt. and the governments of the various Allies as listed here below.

2)    All Allied POWs and non combatant people taken prisoner are to contact the representative in China of the Allied Supreme Command.

3)    The instructions of the Allied Supreme Command should be obeyed.

4)    In all areas where there are Allied POWs and non combatant prisoners all food, clothing and medical supplies should be continued, and peace and order maintained.

         The international Red Cross will co-operate with the U. S. Command to maintain peace, release the prisoners and guarantee their safety.

         This order must be obeyed for the maintenance of peace and discipline as a provisional measure until the arrival of the Allied forces in the various areas.           The surrender formalities of the Japanese forces are still in progress. Thus the maintenance of peace and order are still the responsibility of the Japanese Commander.

         Singned ---  Major Gen. A. C. Wedemeyer

                             (U. S. Commander in Chief in China)