... from Norman Cliff's scrapbooks,
about the people who died there:
... in between the "Blocks" of rooms and the "Watchtower" in the background on the left is a field full of earth mounds ressembling a graveyard ... as it was in August 1945 !
The photographer was most probably on top of the Block-23's tower.
... representation of a field littered by earth mounds painted by Mrs. Talbot. Most certainly a graveyard and the same watchtower as in the photo (above) ... but the watchtower seems to be closer !
... yet another view of the same field - a graveyard !
The painter was sitting (or standing) near the boundary limits probably from a window on the first floor of the Hospital building. The lone "Watchtower" in the field ... (see Christian deSaint Hubert's map of Weihsien).
The watchtower seems to be much smaller in the photo (two pictures above) which demonstrates the artist's personal interpretation as for the size of the Japanese Watchtower !
... let us have a look at the B-29's aerial view of the Camp.
The Watchtower is quite visible at the extremity of the field and at the beginning of the moat dug by the Japs.
According to the drawing found in Norman's scrapbooks, The Weihsien Camp Cemetery is situated within the walls including a tower at the S.E. extremity. It is just that the tower is not "IN" the camp but "OUTSIDE" the camp wall. Our "cemetery" was quite small and the last row of graves seemed to have been added ...
The same drawing specifically mentions many trees in the cemetery and the B-29's photo confirms that.
Register of Graves
"plot-06, Mrs. F.C.F. BARTON, Age: 78, Died July 31st, 1943, Canadian, Death Certificate Issued by J.W.GRICE"
"plot-08, MR. ALGERON FRANCIS EVANS, Age: 57, Died January 18th, 1944, British, Death Certificate Issued by J.W.GRICE"
"plot-16, Mrs. F.C.F.BARTON, Age: 78, Died July 31st, 1943, Canadian, Death Certificate Issued by J.W.GRICE"
"plot-17, Mrs. Annie Windsor, Age: 81, Died July 25th, 1944, British, Death Certificate Issued by H.R.NEVE"
"plot-19, REV. WATSON McMILLAN HAYES, Age: 86, Died August 2nd, 1944, American, Death Certificate Issued by DR. ABELLA S.GAULT"
"plot-20A, EDWARD COWLAM, Infant, Died May 14th, 1944, British, Death Certificate Issued by E.C.CORKEY"
"plot-31, Mr Beheram Bomanji TALATY, Age: 67, Died June 12th, 1944, British, Death Certificate Issued by J.W.GRICE"
"plot-32, Mrs. Mabel Jessie YOUNG, Age: 61, Died January 26th, 1944, British, Death Certificate Issued by J.W.GRICE"
"plot-33, Mr. GARDINER Christopher ?? RUSSEL, Age: 65, Died March 9th, 1944, British, Death Certificate Issued by G.H.CHAN"
"plot-34, Rev. JOHN PARKER, Age: 83, Died June 4th, 1944, British, Death Certificate Issued by J.B.ROBINSON"
"plot-35, Mr. William Gordon PARKIN, Age: 55, Died August 29, 1944, British, Death Certificate Issued by J.W.GRICE"
"plot-36, Mr. Johannes Martinus Johannessen, Age: 69, Died October 15, 1944, Norwegian, Death Certificate Issued by J.B.ROBINSON"
"plot-37, Miss. Louisa Jessie McKenzie, Age: 55, Died October 27, 1944, British, Death Certificate Issued by E.C.CORKEY"
"plot-38, A.MARINELLIS, Age: 21, Died August 6th, 1945, Greek, Death Certificate Issued by J.W.GRICE
"plot-44, Father Petrus DE LEEUW, Age: 66, Died June 29th, 1943, Dutch, Death Certificate Issued by G. GEENS"
"plot-45, Mrs. DARIA MINA, Age: 51, Died October 14, 1944, Italian, Death Certificate Issued by E.VIO"
"plot-46, Father Nicholaas Antonius DAMES, Age: 32, Died August 12th, 1943, Dutch, Death Certificate Issued by G.H.CHAN"
"plot-47, Mr. F. BRIAN THOMPSON, Age: 16, Died August 16, 1944, British, Death Certificate Issued by J.W.GRICE"
"plot-51, REV. Alan W. SIMMS LEE, Age: 57, Died December 1st, 1944, British, Death Certificate Issued by J.W.GRICE"
"plot-52, Miss. V.A.MOORE, Age: 67, Died May 16, 1945, American, Death Certificate Issued by J.W.GRICE"
"plot-59, ERIC H.LIDDELL, Age: 43, Died February 21st, 1945, British, Death Certificate Issued by J.W.GRICE"
"plot-60, GEORGE BROOMFIELD, Age: 51, Died December 23rd, 1944, British, Death Certificate Issued by J.W.GRICE"
"plot-61, WILLIAM M.HOWELL, Age: 68, Died December 25, 1944, British, Death Certificate Issued by J.B.ROBINSON"
"plot-62, HORACE JACKSON, Age: 66, Died January 5, 1945, British, Death Certificate Issued by C.BRYSON"
"plot-63, JAMES TURNER, Age: 69, Died January 16, 1945, British, Death Certificate Issued by J.W.GRICE"
... From Ron Bridge's listings:
SURNAME | Initial | Status | Nationality | DoB | Sex | Profession | Blk/Rm | Died | Left Camp |
Barton | Freda Caroline Frances | Mrs | Canadian | <1867> | F | Housewife | 31.07.43 | ||
Broomfield | George | British | 07.04.93 | M | Lighthouse Keeper | 51/1 | 13.12.44 | ||
Chilton | British | 00.03.45 | Child | 10.04.45 | |||||
Cowlam | Edward | British | 1943 | M | Infant | 14.05.44 | |||
Dames | Nicholaas Antonius | Fr | Dutch | 1911 | M | Catholic Priest | 12.08.43 | ||
Evans | Algernon Francis | British | 18.09.86 | M | Chinese Court Official | 18.01.44 | |||
Hary | Mary Sr Reginald | Sr | American | 1895 | F | Teacher | 10.12.43 | ||
Hayes | Watson McMIllan | Dr | American | <1858> | M | Presbyterian Missionary | 10/6 | 02.08.44 | |
Howell | William May | British | 01.05.76 | M | Merchant-Liddell Bros & Co | 9/5 | 25.12.44 | ||
Jackson | Horace 'Jumbo' | British | 23.01.78 | M | Office Employee | 10/3 | 05.01.45 | ||
Johannessen | Johannes Martinuus | Norwegian | <1875> | M | Unemployed | 10/13 | 15.10.44 | ||
Lawless | Louise Clarisse | Mrs | British | 15.12.92 | F | Housewife | 14/10 | 08.08.45 | |
Leeuw De | Petrus | Fr | Dutch | 1877 | M | RC Priest | 29.06.43 | ||
Liddell | Eric Henry | Rev | British | 16.01.02 | M | London Missionary Society | 23/8 | 21.02.45 | |
Marinellis | Aliosha | Greek | <1924> | M | Student | 24/M | 06.08.45 | ||
McKenzie | Louisa Jessie | Miss | New Zealand | 10.10.89 | F | Salvation Army Officer | 23/4 | 27.10.44 | |
Mina | Daria | Mrs | Italian | 1893 | F | 14.10.44 | |||
Moore | V A | Miss | American | <1877> | F | Unemployed | 15/4 | 16.05.45 | |
Parker | John | Rev | British | 21.08.60 | M | Missionary Tecaher Ret'd | 04.06.44 | ||
Parkin | William George | SouthAfrican | 03.09.89 | M | Office Manager | 41/3 | 29.08.44 | ||
Rawson | Lewis Howell | British | 26.01.84 | M | Hotel Mgr- Iltus Hydro Hotel | 10/2 | 24.08.45 | ||
Russell | Gardiner Christopher Frederick | British | 06.06.78 | M | GCF Russell & Co | 09.03.44 | |||
Simms-Lee | Alan Walter | Rev | British | 14.09.87 | M | Vicar All Saints Tientsin(CofE) | 58/1 | 01.12.44 | |
Talati | Beheram Barnanaji | British | 07.07.77 | M | Office Director | 12.06.44 | |||
Thompson | Francis Brian | British | 27.06.28 | M | Student | 61/30 | 16.08.44 | ||
Turner | James Turner | British | 26.06.75 | M | Eng-Eastern Eng Works | 33/1 | 16.01.45 | ||
Windsor | Annie | Mrs | British | 09.03.63 | F | Missionary | 25.07.44 | ||
Young | Mabel Jessie | Mrs | New Zealand | 02.05.82 | F | Housewife | 26.01.44 | ||
Stoffer | F C | American | M | Died 1943 | |||||
Watson | John Bruce | British | 22.02.01 | M | Civil Eng-Kailan Mining Admin | 55/1 | Died00.02.50 | ||
Watson | Phyllis May neƩ Goetzee | Mrs | British | 23.08.11 | F | Housewife | 55/1 | Died30.06.00 |