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Leopold ...
De : Bob McKnight
Envoyé : mardi 18 décembre 2012 20:12
Objet : Christmas Greetings & Happy Holidays
To all my Friends, Colleagues and Acquaintances, Past Present and Future:
A Very Happy Holiday Season. All the Best for 2013!!!
Bob McKnight & Family
De : Dwight W. Whipple
Envoyé : lundi 17 décembre 2012 16:55
À : weihsien@topica.com
Cc : Previte, Mary
Objet : Re: Please forward to Weihsien Topica network
I tried to find that information some years ago and was told by the office of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (USA) that there is no record of it. I'm wondering if it was the old southern Presbyterian Church--the PCUS--before its reunion with the northern branch in 1983.
~Dwight W Whipple
De : Natasha Petersen
Envoyé : lundi 17 décembre 2012 14:41
À : weihsien
Cc : Previte, Mary
Objet : Fw: Please forward to Weihsien Topica network
----- Original Message -----
From: Mary Previte
To: Natasha Petersen
Sent: Saturday, December 15, 2012 10:01 AM
To: Natasha Petersen
Sent: Saturday, December 15, 2012 10:01 AM
Subject: Please forward to Weihsien Topica network
I believe I have been dropped again. Please forward the following message to Weihsien Topica
With the enthusiastic support of the People's Government of Weifang, a production company in Qingdao - Phoenix Produtions -- is now actively working on producing a movie about Weihsien. They have been researching sources since September.
Right now they have asked for my help in connecting them with the Presbyterian Church in the USA to get information about the church edifice that was in the Weihsien compound. Who can provide photographs and information of the inside or outside of the church?
Represetatives will be in the USA this week.
Mary Taylor Previte
De : Natasha Petersen
Envoyé : mercredi 12 décembre 2012 21:45
À : Previte, Mary
Objet : Fw: Please send this message if I've been dropped from Weihsien Topica
----- Original Message -----
From: admin
To: Natasha Petersen ; Natasha Petersen
Sent: Wednesday, December 12, 2012 12:58 PM
Tad Nagaki,
Tad is the last living member of the American team that liberated Weihsien, August 17, 1945.
To: Natasha Petersen ; Natasha Petersen
Sent: Wednesday, December 12, 2012 12:58 PM
Subject: Please send this message if I've been dropped from Weihsien Topica
For those who would like to send a Christmas card to Tad Nagaki, here is his current address:
Tad Nagaki,
1014 E. 17th Avenue
Broomfield, CO
USA 80020
Tad is the last living member of the American team that liberated Weihsien, August 17, 1945.
After a series of medical problems that had him in and out of the hospital earlier this year, Tad has moved from his farmhouse in Alliance, Nebraska, to live with one of his grandsons near Denver, Colorado.
Born in 1920, Tad will celebrate his 93rd birthday on January 25. Save the address, if you'd like to send birthday greetings.
Mary Taylor Previte