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De : Natasha Petersen
À : weihsien
Cc : Previte, Mary
Objet : Fw: Tad Nagaki's birthday
----- Original Message -----
From: Mary Previte
To: Natasha Petersen
Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2013 8:26 PM
Subject: Tad Nagaki's birthday
Please forward to Weihsien Topica
Here's a salute to Leopold Pander for his unending generosity and thoughtfulness for sending THE CHILDREN OF WEIHSIEN as a birthdays gift to Tad Nagaki.
Leopold is the creator of the Weihsien web site
weihsien-paintings.org and the genius who has also created the astonishing, two-volume masterpiece, THE CHILDREN OF WEIHSIEN. This collection of memories, drawings, photographs, posters, and maps is not only a fascinating historical record, but also an artistic triumph. These memories will make you weep.
Tad is going to love this book and so will his two grandsons and his grandchildren. Tad is the last living American from the team that parachuted from a B-24 bomber, August 17, 1945, to liberate the Weihsien Civilian Assembly Center. Who can forget that day?
Tad Nagaki, born in 1920, will celebrate his birthday next week on January 25. His health has greatly improved since moving from his farmhouse where he lived alone in Alliance, Nebraska, to making his home with one of his grandson's family near Denver. His wife and sons died several years ago. I talked with Tad today.
If you'd like to send a birthday greeting, Tad Nagaki's new address is 1014 E. 17th Avenue, Broomfield, CO 80020, USA
Tad remembers that we children followed him around in Weihsien. No wonder. Before the war, he had been a star athlete in high school, especially in baseball, football, and track. So in Weihsien, he joined right in on the American softball team that played the British before the sun went down.
Here's a tidbit about Tad Nagaki from Peter Bazire's Weihsien diary:
"Thursday 23rd, 1945
In the evening there was a softball England v. America. After the first innings, 3 Ams. came, J. Moore (R. F.), P. Orlick (S.S.) & Tad Nagaki (C.). Tad is in my mind the best catcher in camp. I was told he couldn't peg fast 'cause he strained a muscle but he was as quick as anything, getting some which meant a quick spring. He was very springy although he oilseed in boots. He did some good hard hits. P. Orlick made a very good S.S.. He had a hardball pert, a flick of the wrist. He made about the most hits -- a very well placed bunt down 1st. He also squirmed base."
Bless my soul! Does this flood you with memories? Peter, you could have become a journalist!
Mary Taylor Previte