☛ ... the most recent messages are on top !
De : Bev & Ray Moore
Envoyé : vendredi 15 février 2013 04:51
À : Moore Bev & Ray
Objet : Change of email address
First of all I want to say a big 'sorry!' if you were one of the people who received a recent email from me which was obviously spam. This is the second time that my hotmail account has been hacked - this time by a Nigerian gentleman. Even though I had cleaned him and all his junk off my computer within the hour, it was too late to stop him sending some spam emails in that time. A friend told me later that she was afraid that she had passed him on to me in an email which she sent at the time.
As a result of this I have decided to use a new account with hushmail.com, which, I am told, is a more secure provider. I will still keep my hotmail account so will receive any emails sent there, but I would like you to use this address from now on. Please change your address book and contact list ASAP.
Thank you for so generously accepting my apology :-)
Bev and Ray MooreTraralgon Vic Australia
0351742994 in Australia
+61351742994 from overseas
De : tapol_(Skynet)
Envoyé : mardi 5 février 2013 08:18
À : Mark Huffaker
Cc : Mary Previte
Objet : Re: Weihsien Internment Camp
For your school project, you can explore:
or send a message to our “Topica” chat list:
As you can see in the cc, ... I forwarded your message to “Topica”. Ex-prisoners live now all over the planet so – I guess – the best way for your “interview” is to use the “Topica” chat list. Fell free to ask all the questions you may think of. By the way, ... tell us more about you? Where exactly do you live in North Africa? etc. ...
Best regards,
De : Mark Huffaker
Envoyé : lundi 4 février 2013 16:47
À : ajhdance@bluebottle.com
Cc : pkclark@pmbx.net
Objet : Weihsien Internment Camp
Dear former Weihsien internees,
I am an eighth grade American student living in north Africa looking for an internee to interview for a school project. Would any of you be willing to answer some questions for me? If so, please reply at this adress. Thank you.
Anita Huffaker
De : L PR
Envoyé : samedi 2 février 2013 15:46
À : Mary Previte
Objet : Re: The Children of Weihsien
Dear Mary,
I am maybe a little late to respond to your message! (seasonal microbe !!!!)
Yes, it is quite correct that hearing aids whistle when you try to hold a
telephone receiver next to it! They also whistle when you take them off and
forget to shut them down. The funny thing, is that I do not hear the whistle
sound. My wife has to tell me so! ...
Tad should be soon (or already has) getting the "Book-2" of the "Children of
Weihsien". Wait a few more days and let me know ... I'd be very much obliged
Hope all's OK for you and that you have not suffered from the seasonal
microbe ...
--- all the best,
-----Message d'origine-----
From: Mary Previte
Sent: Saturday, January 26, 2013 2:46 AM
To: Leopold Pander
Sent: Saturday, January 26, 2013 2:46 AM
To: Leopold Pander
Subject: The Children of Weihsien
Tad Nagaki has received The Children of Weihsien. Alas, I know very
little other than that. Because Tad's hearing aid whistles when he tries
to talk on the telephone, I was not able to talk to him when I phoned
today. So disappointing! However, his grandson, with whom Tad now
lives, confirmed that Tad had received the book.
Perhaps I'll phone Amy, Tad's grand daughter-in-law, and talk with her.
She and I have no problem chatting.
My brother phoned me tonight to thank me for the two volumes of The
Children of Weihsien. John was curious about how you had collected all that
the information. Unfortunately, John has never hooked into the Weihsien
Topica network, nor do I think he has accessed your Weihsien web site.
John said his wife dug right into the books, too.
What gifts you have given us, Leopold, both with your web site and with
these two amazing volumes!
Thank you so very much.
Mary Previte