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De : postmaster@b.topica.com
de la part de Natasha Petersen
Envoyé : mardi 30 juillet 2013 16:24
À : weihsien@topica.com
Objet : Fwd: Please send to Weihsien topica network
> From: Mary Previte
> To: Natasha Petersen
> The family of Chefusian Jim Moore (James Walton Moore), Weihsien liberator, have notified me of the death of Jim's wife, Pat Moore, in Dallas, Texas.
Subject: Please send to Weihsien topica network
> Date: Mon, 29 Jul 2013 18:21:38 -0400> To: Natasha Petersen
> The family of Chefusian Jim Moore (James Walton Moore), Weihsien liberator, have notified me of the death of Jim's wife, Pat Moore, in Dallas, Texas.
> Mary Taylor Previte
De : postmaster@b.topica.com
de la part de Natasha Petersen
Envoyé : dimanche 21 juillet 2013 22:45
À : Weishen Weishen
Objet : FW: Please forward to Weihsien Topica
-------- Begin forwarded message --------
Subject: Please forward to Weihsien Topica
Date: 7/20/13 8:34:21 AMFrom: "Mary Previte"
To: "Natasha Petersen"
What priceless reading -- photo copies of essays from Peter Bazire's
Weihsien school notebook! I LOVE seeing the red correction marks by the
teacher. Boy, did this one bring back memories! Carrying coal dust and
lighting the fire in the pot bellied stove in our Lower School Dormitory
(LSD), second floor of the hospital.
Remember? We all had chores. Our sister, Kathleen Taylor, scrubbed
clothes. Our brother, Jamie, pumped long shifts at the water tower and
carried garbage. John made coal balls. Before and after school, I
mopped my square of floor in the dormitory, mended clothes, stoked
the fire, and carried coal dust.
Like every other Weihsien problem, coal dust had its dark side and its
bright side. You could take your pick. You could grump yourself
miserable about having only coal dust to burn or, when you were
breaking the ice in the water bucket in the morning to wash your face,
you could count your blessings that you had anything at all to fuel the
We younger girls made a game of carrying the coal buckets. In a long
human chain -- girl, bucket, girl, bucket. girl, bucket girl -- we
hauled the coal dust from the Japanese quarters of the camp back to our
dormitory in the hospital, chanting all the way, "Many hands make
light work." Then, in the biting cold, with frost-cracked fingers, we
shaped coal balls out of coal dust and clay -- two shovels of coal dust,
one shovel of clay and a few dashes of water. Grown-ups swapped coal
ball recipes. Winter sunshine made coal balls dry enough for burning.
Marjorie Harrison and I were partners. In the LSD, Marjorie and I held
the record for making the stove glow red-hot.
Last year I attended Marjorie's powerfully-moving funeral service. What
a tribute to her life!
Mary Taylor Previte
De : postmaster@b.topica.com
de la part de tapol_(Skynet)
Envoyé : samedi 20 juillet 2013 11:22
À : weihsien@topica.com
Cc : Mary Previte
Objet : new entry
Hello everybody, hope you are all well ?
Peter Bazire just sent me a little bit of data with photos about a winter’s day in Weihsien ...
Go to our “website”
Click on Peter Bazire’s chapter
Scroll down all the way in the left frame
... and ...
Click on the last pictogram .... “a Winter in Weihsien”
What do you remember about Winters in Weihsien?
Open your diaries and share a story .........
Best regards,
De : postmaster@b.topica.com
de la part de Natasha Petersen
Envoyé : jeudi 18 juillet 2013 20:42
À : Mary Previte
Objet : FW: More on the Tad Nagaki Story
-------- Begin forwarded message --------
Subject: More on the Tad Nagaki Story
Date: 7/18/13 1:46:08 PMFrom: "Mary Previte"
To: "Natasha Petersen"
Natasha, Please post this on Weihsien Topica.
Mary Previte
Once in a lifetime experiences - - connected to Weihsien -- keep coming my way.
A few days ago, a stranger came to my door with a bagful of Japanese delicacies, roasted tea, assorted rice cakes, gifts he was told to bring me, he said, by Japanese-Americans relatives in Hawaii who wished to thank me for my article about Tad Nagaki. This visitor lives about fifteen minutes from my house in New Jersey.
Tad Nagaki, you will recall, died in April, the last of the American liberators on the team that parachuted from a B-24 bomber to liberate us from the Weihsien Concentration Camp in August, 1945.
To my astonishment this magazine article I wrote about Tad Nagaki, which appeared first in 2002 in an obscure military magazine aimed mostly for veterans who served in the China-Burma-India Theater of Operations during World World War II, was picked up almost immediately by JAVA , the Japanese American Veterans Association, and posted on their web site. The United States State Department found it somewhere, translated it into Chinese, and published it in a Chinese language magazine that it distributed to influential leaders throughout China. When Tad Nagaki's health was declining, his grandsons asked me -- if Tad would die -- could I fly to Nebraska to give a eulogy. What an honor beyond an honor! But driving on strange roads in America's heartlands is way beyond my ability these days. Instead, I wrote a eulogy for Tad -- in advance -- for a grandson to read at Tad's funeral when that day came
That eulogy and the letter I wrote to our Weihsien Topica network appeared again on the JAVA web site and was picked up by National Public Radio and a Military Intelligence Service magazine in Hawaii .
When we were children in China, who would have dreamed of a world connected by the Internet?
National Public Radio broadcast a brief tribute to Tad Nagaki as part of a series around our Memorial Day week in May, honoring veterans of World War II who have died this year.
Yesterday, I received a brief, hand-written note from a Patrick Hada in Hawaii. I have never met Mr. Hada. I was fascinated -- and I think you will be, too. Mr. Hada writes the truth.
Dear Ms. Previte
Just a word of appreciation for your article on Tad Nagaki. When I was a kid in the 50's we had a slight disdain for the AJA (Americans of Japanese Ancestry) on the mainland. "Kotonks" we called them. Over the years, I have learned that those who do extraordinary deeds are not limited to race, gender, age, sex ----(illegible), kotonks or whoever. They spring out of the extraordinary circumstances or, in your case, jump out of airplanes.
Thank you for your story.
Pat Hada.
The man who came to my door a few days ago explained for me the AJA prejudices: "AJA's from Hawaii viewed AJA's on the mainland as being very different. The Hawaii AJA's resented the mainland AJA's because the mainland AJA's spoke standard English while the Hawaii AJA's spoke Hawaiian Pidgin English (as I do). "
Mary Taylor Previte
De : Peter Bazire
Envoyé : mercredi 17 juillet 2013 18:54
À : tapol@skynet.be
Objet : Essay on camp life in winter, written 10 months after the war ended
Dear Leopold,
It is a long time since I last wrote to you. I hope you are keeping well.
I was looking at my English exercise book which I was using in the summer of 1946 when I was aged 15, and attending a Grammar School in London. In it is an essay we had to write for homework, on "A typical winter's day in the war".
I think all the others in the class in 1946 were in the UK then. As you can see from the attachments, I wrote about life in Weihsien. Looking back, there is more background information I could have included, but the essay would then have been much too long! I also attach a typed copy of the essay with the occasional 'sic' where there was a spelling mistake.
There has been very little coming in recently about Weihsien. If you think my essay should be on the Weihsien website, please do put it there.
It may bring back some memories. What about 'weihsien-topica'?
With age I don't lead such an active life. In fact the main weekly activities are orchestra (violin) and band (trumpet) rehearsals, and some church meetings.
My warm regards to you,
+URL In January 1946 I became a pupil at a Grammar School in London.doc
De : Gregg Hirata
Envoyé : mercredi 10 juillet 2013 19:43
À : Mary Previte