☛ ... the most recent messages are on top !
From: Leopold Pander
Sent: Thursday, October 31, 2013 11:01 AM
To: weihsien@topica.com
Cc: pamelawernermurder@gmail.com ; Janette & home
Subject: Pamela Werner Mystery
Hello all,
I just added a new link on the Weihsien-Paintings’ website ... click on the books’ chapter and then on the pictogram “Midnight in Peking” ... scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on the new pictogram :
TN_PamelaWernerMurderPeking... I added it at the bottom right of the page!
You can also click on the “LogBookPictogram” on the Home-Page.
... enjoy !
Best regards,
De : Greg Leck
Envoyé : jeudi 31 octobre 2013 01:03
À : pander.nl@skynet.be
Objet : Link to Pamela Werner (father in Weihsien) website
Hello Leopold,
Hope you are well!
I have been in correspondence with a few people who are trying to gather information about Pamela Werner. She was the 16 year old daughter of ETC Werner, former British Consul, who was interned in Weihsien. She was murdered in Peking in 1939 and the murder was never solved.
Paul French, an author, claims to have solved this murder in his book, _Midnight in Peking_. Others have looked at the evidence and feel French has gotten the facts wrong.
Since there is a Weihsien connection, others might find the story of interest. Eric Pollitzer, noted China scholar, and Graeme Sheppard, a London policeman, are gathering information about the case. They have asked me to contact you on their behalf to ask that you post a link to their website on your Weihsein site.
The URL is:
Greg Leck
De : Peter Bazire
Envoyé : mercredi 30 octobre 2013 21:32
À : tapol@skynet.be
Objet : FW: A request of you
Dear Leopold,
Here is Mr Sheppard's second email in which he asks that the link in the previous email be placed on the Weihsien Website. I have no idea if it is appropriate to do so. What do you think should be done? If you think it is acceptable to do so, would you kindly put the link on the website. (I have no idea how to do so!) If you think not, then I'll let Mr Sheppard know that you (I won't name you) do not wish the link to appear on "our" website.
Sorry to trouble you with this, but I'm not clear about whether it matters or not.
Thank you for your huge work over the years in setting up and maintaining the Website.
Someone made a memory stick for me of my mother's Temple Hill and Weihsien paintings, a few photos, Red Cross letter, extracts from my Weihsien writings, etc so that I can give Power Point talks to people. I call it "My Early Teenage Years in Japanese Prison Camps in North China, 1942 th 1945". People are most interested!
My best wishes again to you and many thanks,
-----Original Message-----
From: graeme sheppard [mailto:gds.gds65@gmail.com]
Sent: 26 October 2013 09:16
To: psbazire@yahoo.co.uk
Dear Mr Bazire,
Sent: 26 October 2013 09:16
To: psbazire@yahoo.co.uk
Subject: A request of you
Dear Mr Bazire,
A week or two ago I emailed you with the link to the Pamela Werner website (via the site's own email address).
I hope it reached you. And I hope it may have interested you.
The site is entirely non-commercial and has been constructed with the intention purely of doing some justice to the men alive in China at the time and have had their names connected somehow with the murder.
Would you be so kind as to place the link on the Weihsien paintings website? I believe that the website followers may be interested as the men featured, Wentworth Prentice and ETC Werner, were both interned at the camp.
I can re-send you the link if necessary.
With my thanks and kind regards,
Graeme Sheppard
De : Peter Bazire
Envoyé : mercredi 30 octobre 2013 21:14
À : tapol@skynet.be
Objet : FW: Pamela Werner murder website
Dear Leopold,
I trust you are keeping well. Although there is almost no 'topica' correspondence nowadays, I'm sure there are still people looking up the Weihsien Website. I certainly do so. I have read a lot of the "Children of Weihsien", a fascinating read.
Earlier in the summer a Mr Graeme Sheppard emailed me about an investigation he and others were conducting into the Pamela Werner murder. He found my name because he had looked up Wentworth Prentice, and saw his name, listed in the 2nd violins, in my article on the Weihsien Symphony Orchestra. I have not replied yet to Mr Sheppard's email forwarded here.
You see he asks, in an email earlier this month, for my thoughts on the Pamela Werner story. I have no thoughts. I think I read about her in Topica correspondence a few years ago, but I have not read the book, and didn't even register in my mind Wentworth Prentice's name in the orchestra.
Mr Sheppard has emailed again more recently, asking for the link to be put on the Weihsien Website. I'll send this email to you now, and then in a few minutes the second email.
Best wishes,
-----Original Message-----
From: Werner Compilers [mailto:pamelawernermurder@gmail.com]
Sent: 12 October 2013 16:59
To: psbazire@yahoo.co.uk
Dear Mr Bazire,
Sent: 12 October 2013 16:59
To: psbazire@yahoo.co.uk
Subject: Pamela Werner murder website
Dear Mr Bazire,
As promised, here is the link to the website exploring the murder of Pamela Werner in 1937.
Many thanks for your kind permission in including the Weihsien camp symphony material.
I would be greatly interested in your thoughts.
Please feel free to pass on the link to anyone who
you feel may be interested.
The Pamela Werner murder, Peking 1937; history confused with fiction.
The brutal, unsolved murder of a young British woman has recently regained a good deal of notice through the recent publication of the book, Midnight in Peking, which claims to have finally solved the crime. The book has won international awards for history, and been reviewed by many eminent writers and academics.
This link takes you to a specially constructed website that, unlike the book, actually displays and examines the evidence in the case, evidence that may lead the viewer to a very different conclusion, and ask - Where do the publishing boundaries lie between history and fiction? - How do we value the reputations of the dead?
G Sheppard (UK) - one of the website compilers.
De : tapol_(Skynet)
Envoyé : vendredi 25 octobre 2013 10:59
À : weihsien@topica.com
Cc : Janette & home
Objet : new document,
Hello everybody,
I just added a new (interesting) document in a new chapter on our Weihsien-Paintings’ website.
This chapter is mostly connected to Yangchow-C ... but there are many similitudes with Weihsien.
Translators welcome .... let me know ! Our English speaking friends may not all read French as well as we do - but my knowledge of English is not good enough to do the translation!
Best regards,