☛ ... the most recent messages are on top !
De : A. Knuppe
Objet : Fw: Sister Eustella
There has been quite some discussion lately concerning Sister Eustella’s stay in our camp. I know that the list mentions that she left in August 1943, but this is an error. I am positive that she and 5 jor 6 other sisters remained. She and Father Ghyselinck (Belgian) had a big role in organizing the Roman Catholic community in Weihsien and the fact that there is a picture of the nuns in the lorry leaving camp in Sept 45 confirms this. Her niece also wrote that her aunt had remained in camp until the liberation. I also checked with my sister Wies and she agrees with me!
Envoyé : mercredi 20 novembre 2013 21:18
À : tapol_(Skynet)
Objet : RE: Sister Eustella -- Weihsien
I know the listing says she was onboard but I know that information is NOT correct. I have the info from her motherhouse and actual newspaper clippings from her return which was in 1949. She was in the camp until the end. And at that time she returned to Tsingtao. Sr Servatia's book confirms what I am saying as they were together on that day when the 7 rescuers jumped into the field.
From: tapol@skynet.be
To: hunsakermountain@msn.com
From: tapol_(Skynet)
Sent: Wednesday, November 20, 2013 4:52 PM
To: Estelle Cliff Horne ; Marti Suddarth
Cc: Mary Previte
I sent this message to topica a little while ago. It didn’t get thru ... I don’t know why !
Ron Bridge’s listings are really very precious !
From: tapol_(Skynet)
Sent: Friday, November 15, 2013 10:37 AM
To: weihsien@topica.com
and yes ! I forgot to add:
From: tapol_(Skynet)
Sent: Friday, November 15, 2013 10:30 AM
To: weihsien@topica.com

Father Hanquet wrote:
To: hunsakermountain@msn.com
Subject: Fw: Sister Eustella -- Weihsien
Date: Wed, 20 Nov 2013 16:53:51 +0100From: tapol_(Skynet)
Sent: Wednesday, November 20, 2013 4:52 PM
To: Estelle Cliff Horne ; Marti Suddarth
Cc: Mary Previte
Subject: Fw: Sister Eustella -- Weihsien
I sent this message to topica a little while ago. It didn’t get thru ... I don’t know why !
Ron Bridge’s listings are really very precious !
... all the best,
From: tapol_(Skynet)
Sent: Friday, November 15, 2013 10:37 AM
To: weihsien@topica.com
Subject: Fw: Sister Eustella -- Weihsien
and yes ! I forgot to add:
... if you have a look at Ron Bidge’s listings (very precious for us) ... and that you make a search on “(Sister) Eustella” you can find out that: “Yes” ... she was on board of the Gripsholm en route for New York!
From: tapol_(Skynet)
Sent: Friday, November 15, 2013 10:30 AM
To: weihsien@topica.com
Subject: Re: Sister Eustella -- Weihsien

Father Hanquet wrote:
... that after the “Gripholm” departure and the massive departure of the priests & nuns for Peking ... stayed in camp:
- 2 american Franciscans,
- 6 priests of the SAM (Société Auxiliaire des Missions)
- 1 Belgian Benedictin
- 1 Belgian Jesuite
- ... and 6 American nuns ... Who were they?
If you have a look at Ron Bridge’s listings and make a search for the RC nuns, you find them in the listing printed here above.
Take out the names “F” in the “sex” column .... = 6 names left. Six sisters that stayed with us till the end! (I guess so !!!!)
No “Eustella”
What do you think of it?
all the best,
De : Estelle Horne
Envoyé : mercredi 20 novembre 2013 13:21
À : weihsien@topica.com
Objet : Re: Sister Eustella -- Weihsien
Dear Marti
If you go to the website Weihsien Paintings, and then click on the words Camp List in blue on the left, you will see that Sr Eustella did not go to America, but left the Weihsien camp, back to monasteries in or near Beijing, by special arrangement between the Roman Catholic Archbishop and Tokyo.
At first I was mystified, because if she had left Weihsien on the date listed,16th of August 1943, I would not have met her, because we arrived in Weihsien from Chefoo on 8th or 9th of September! Her name is on page 8, Bush Eustella. Then when others started saying that some of the priests and nuns stayed on for three more months, I sent my memories.
Those who went on the Gripsholm for America are marked "Evac"(uated) on 15th September 1943, rather than "Trans"(ferred) to another camp or place of internment. In other words the monasteries were under the Japanese, or rather, as I see in Captives of Empire they were put in charge of German or other bishops etc., from countries "friendly" to the Japanese.
Here in Greg Leck's lists, I see that her given name was Gertrude. In the website list she is said to be a teacher at St Joseph's school, while in the book above, it says she was with the Sisters of St Frances. So there is quite a bit of info in one way or another.
I hope some of this has been useful, Marti
Estelle Cliff Horne
De : Marti Suddarth
Envoyé : vendredi 15 novembre 2013 02:08
À : weihsien@topica.com
Objet : Re: Sister Eustella -- Weihsien
Estelle ... do you know if Sister Eustella was in the group that was sent to the U.S. on the Gripsholm? My grandfather's sister was in that group, and I'm always looking for someone who might have known her while she was in the camp.
Her name was Martha Morrison Kramer.
Marti Kramer Suddarth
Envoyé : lundi 11 novembre 2013 19:49
À : tapol_(Skynet)
Objet : RE: Sister Eustella
Thank you very much for sending this to me.
What a treasure! Do we know who took the photo? Or when it was taken? Are you the person who created the website? It is awesome. It will take me a long time to see all of it I am sure. I see on the list of names of the internees that my aunt was listed as transferred out in 1943 with many other Catholic nuns and fathers, but this is not the case. She was definitely in Weihsien until the end.
Kelly Hunsaker
From: tapol@skynet.be
To: annemoen@tele2.nl; hunsakermountain@msn.com
To: annemoen@tele2.nl; hunsakermountain@msn.com
Subject: Re: Sister Eustella
Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2013 10:26:43 +010011_15_08a0009
Hi !
This is a copy of the original file ... too big for “topica”
Best regards,
De : A. Knuppe
Envoyé : lundi 11 novembre 2013 15:14
À : tapol_(Skynet)
Objet : Re: photo
Hello Leopold,
So glad you were able to find the picture that I discovered in my “I remenber” book. It would have taken me quite some time to find
it in the Weihsien- paintings or somewhere else. Is all well with you and your sister Janette?
Kind regards,
De : Estelle Horne
Envoyé : lundi 11 novembre 2013 15:13
À : weihsien@topica.com
Objet : Re: FW: Sister Eustella -- Weihsien
Hello Kelly
I remember Sr Eustella simply because she was the only nun who played games with the kids. I remember her in her black robes and white wimple, her round smiling face, rolling up her sleeves and playing baseball. I can see her swinging that baseball bat with glee, picking up her skirts, and running to first base.
That's all. Just a cameo I saw in passing. I also remember how sad everyone was when she left after all the other Catholic priests and nuns.
Folks, I wrote this as soon as I saw the question, and then I thought I should just check on the camp list to make sure I had the right name, and there I saw that she had left Weihsien on 16th August 1943, so I must be mistaken! Thank you Annie for confirming that Sr Eustella and a few other nuns and priests left three months later.
We the Chefoo party arrived 8th or 9th September, having left Chefoo on 7th September, the birthday of my aunt Marjory Broomall, the headmistress of the Girls School. Did we spend one or two nights on the ship to Qingdao?
I remember you, Annie, with your two blond "pigtails", standing in the your little "garden" churning your washing machine for all your little siblings. Happy memories in spite of the circumstances.
Estelle (Cliff) Horne
Sent: Monday, November 11, 2013 12:28 AM
To: A. Knuppe
Subject: RE: Sister Eustella
Oh Anne!
Thank you for responding! It is so exciting to hear from people
who knew her. I know that she was the senior nun in the compound. She
was among the first few to arrive at Weihsien and did stay until the end of
Sep 1945 -- along with 7 other nuns and 11 priests. I have received some
things from her motherhouse just this week, but there is nothing from
Weihsien. She was the dean of St Joseph's Girls' School in Tsingtao from
1931 until she was interned in 1941 -- first at her own school, then at a
hotel and then at Weihsien. She remained in Tsingtao until 1949. Her
life stayed interesting even after her return to the United States.
Is the photo you are describing on the Weihsien-paintings.org website?
Kelly Hunsaker
De : A. Knuppe
Envoyé : dimanche 10 novembre 2013 16:28
À : weihsien@topica.com
Objet : Sister Eustella
Dear Kelly,
Of course I remember Sister Eustella, I have a vivid memory of her. I believe she was the Sister Superior of the 7 or 8 nuns who remained in Weihsien after the departure of
the Catholic priests and nuns, who were with us for the first 3 months. Her voice had something special and after 70 years I can still recall it. She gave us catechism lessons
and was in charge of the children for the 1st Holy Communion. She was a great organizer, with lots of energy and she was very active in our community of internees.
She liked discipline and was quite a severe person - I know that some children were afraid of her!!
It was amazing how speckless these sisters looked in their black habits with the large white starched collars and white headcrown under their veils. How they managed to
keep this up, is a mystery. As a child I also noticed that they wore shoes with a slight heel- and they walked most elegantly. Of the other sisters I remember Sister Donatilla
(who was a real beauty), sister Bede and sister Blanda.
How wonderful that her great niece is showing an interest in her aunt, whom I knew as a teenager during my stay in Weihsien. I hope you’ll receive more information
about her.
With best wishes,
Anne Knüppe (née de Jongh)
from Dordrecht, the Netherlands.
P.S. There is an old foto taken by one of our liberators, showing a truck filled with internees, ready to leave Weihsien in Oct. 1945. You can clearly see several sisters with
their veils and white collars sitting in that truck, and one of them must have been Sister Eustella!

De : Werner Compilers
Envoyé : vendredi 8 novembre 2013 16:36
À : tapol_(Skynet)
Objet : Re: Pamela Werner Mystery
Dear Leopold,
Yes, by merely reading the book you will indeed consider Prentice to be the bad guy.
But the book claims to be non-fiction, which it certainly is not.
The book is based upon the word of ETC Werner, as related in the man's letters to the foreign office. It takes Werner for his word.
The trouble is Werner was deluded. He made people he didn't like into his suspects and paid the poor of Peking to tell him what he wanted to hear. You've only got to read a few pages of the letters (on the website) to realise just how untenable his claims are.
Further, and far more disturbing, research reveals the book Midnight in Peking inexplicably changes dates, facts, 'creates' police arrests and interviews that didn't happen, and provides quotes from books that don't contain them.
There's a lot to study in the website, but by reading through it you will come to see what has happened in Midnight in Peking's creation.
Best wishes,
De : Natasha Petersen
Envoyé : jeudi 7 novembre 2013 14:41
À : weihsien@topica.com
Objet : FW: Sister Eustella -- Weihsien
-------- Begin forwarded message --------
Subject: Sister Eustella -- Weihsien
Date: 11/7/13 7:52:29 AMFrom: "Mary Previte"
To: "Natasha Petersen"
Natasha please post this on Weihsien Topica:
From Kelly Hunsaker , 610 N. Park Drive, Woodland, Colorado 80836 USA
Telephone: 7129-241-6369
e-mail: hunsakermountain@msn.com
My great aunt was a prisoner in Weihjsien. She was Sister Eustella Does anyone remember her? Would you please contact me with anything you remember?
Thank you,
Kelly Hunsaker
De : Werner Compilers
Envoyé : mercredi 6 novembre 2013 14:23
À : Leopold Pander
Objet : Re: Pamela Werner Mystery
Dear Leopold,
Thank you very much from the website compilers.
May I ask a favour still further? Perhaps you could add a line or two on your discussion pages introducing the link?
Although the murder and the evidence appertaining to it are extraneous to the camp, both Prentice and Werner were very much Weihsien inmates.
The website's intention is to do them both justice by presenting the actual evidence in the case. Needles to say, the poor dentist, Prentice, appears to be entirely innocent of the awful crimes both Werner and Midnight in Peking accuse him of.
With kind regards
Graeme Sheppard
On 31 October 2013 10:01, Leopold Pander Hello all,
I just added a new link on the Weihsien-Paintings’ website ... click on the books’ chapter and then on the pictogram “Midnight in Peking” ... scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on the new pictogram :
I added it at the bottom right of the page!
You can also click on the “LogBookPictogram” on the Home-Page.
... enjoy !
Best regards,