☛ ... the most recent messages are on top !
De : G.K. Stratford
Envoyé : vendredi 27 décembre 2013 20:19
À : L PR
Objet : Re: A very happy Christmas
First of all ,best wishes to all for 2014.
We have just had five days without power, lots of ice and wonderful ice sculptured trees, trees down everywhere, now burst pipes. Despite eveything it was a good Christmas, and we await the arrival of eleven children and grandchildren to morrow.
An Australian friend sent me an article from a Melbourne paper about Elizabeth Edwards. Just google her name. you will find the article interesting .
I think she was known as Polly in camp, but now she answers to Elizabeth.
nos meilleurs voeux,
Gay -----
De : L PR
Envoyé : mercredi 25 décembre 2013 14:44
À : Sancton
Cc : Janette & home
Objet : Re: A very happy Christmas

Dear Christine & Gay,
It’s Christmas today ... many thanks for your message ...
A marvelous Christmas to you too and a Happy New Year ... c’est bientôt !
Yes ! we saw the ice storm on TV in Belgium. If they mention it ... it must be an exceptional phenomenon ! Trees down and smashed cars and houses. No electricity ! ... are you OK?
I just finished a photomontage with Nicky’s Santons and Janette’s cat in the background. I hope that I got the Chinese “gong xi fa kai” correct? and that the characters are not upside-down?
Out here, we are just out of a storm and it is a warm day without rain – ... We will be at Janette’s house to celebrate with the kids & families ... ambiance, Champagne et bonne bouffe !
Bien amicalement,
Nicky and Leopold
De : Sancton
Envoyé : mercredi 25 décembre 2013 13:09
À : Jeannette Ley
Objet : A very happy Christmas
Dear Friends:
all best wishes to you and your families for this Christmas season.
And many many thanks to you, Leopold for all your work with our Weihsien site.
We are suffering from an ice storm. So far we are fine.
Love and blessing s for the new year. I feel there is some more hope in the world with Pope Francis.
Love Christine
De : Sui Shude
Envoyé : lundi 23 décembre 2013 15:05
À : suishude
Objet : From Shude - Greetings
Wishing you and your family
A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
I am thinking of you in this holiday season.
I am doing well in my office and home, all is fine.
Please keep contact.
Sui Shude, Weifang, China
--------------------------------E-mail: suishude@sina.com
Cell: ++86-13905369362
De : L PR
Envoyé : samedi 21 décembre 2013 09:44
À : Mary Previte
Objet : Re: Mary L:. Scott's autobiography, Kept in Safeguard
Dear Mary,
No problem ...
Yes ! I have the final approval letter from the publisher.
You mention “copying all these pages”. I hope that you are not going to do that! Photocopies are fine for all I need to do with them.
Have a nice time at your ‘family reunion’
Today is the shortest day of the year ... Seems like I got up in the middle of the night this morning ... It was still pitch dark at 8 a.m. ... low grey clouds, wind and rain ... Arghhh ... wonder how Santa is going to manage with his reindeers in 4 days time !
... all the best !
From: Mary Previte
Sent: Friday, December 20, 2013 7:14 PM
To: L PR
Subject: Re: Mary L:. Scott's autobiography, Kept in Safeguard
Have you had the final approval from the Nazarene Publishing House?
I'm in the midst of pre-Christmas preparations, so I may put off for a few days copying all these pages. We're leaving on Mondfay for a family reunion.
Happy Christmas.
De : Erin K. Rasmussen
Envoyé : vendredi 20 décembre 2013 16:20
À : tapol_(Skynet)
Cc : Mary Previte
Objet : RE: Fwd: Mary L:. Scott's autobiography, Kept in Safeguard
Dear Mr. Pander,
Thank you for your request. Please find the attached permission letter. The permission we granted has a time limit of one year, after that year please contact me again and we will extend the posting time.
Please don’t hesitate to contact me should you have any questions or if I can help you with anything more in the future.
Have a blessed Christmas and New Year!
Erin Rasmussen
De : L PR
Envoyé : vendredi 20 décembre 2013 13:56
À : Mary Previte
Objet : Re: Mary L:. Scott's autobiography, Kept in Safeguard
Dear Mary,
Thanks for your message.
That would be great to send me all that by “snail-mail” 😀
I shall be watching my letter box in the days to come.
... and – of course – a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and your family ...
From: Mary Previte
Sent: Friday, December 20, 2013 1:25 PM
To: tapol_ (Skynet)
Subject: Re: Mary L:. Scott's autobiography, Kept in Safeguard
I think the best way for you to get these chapters is for me to copy and mail the pages and photocopy of the cover to you. That's a lot of pages.
On Dec 20, 2013, at 3:34 AM, tapol_(Skynet)
Dear Mr. Rasmussen,
Many thanks for your permission to add a new story to our Weihsien-Paintings’ website.
You can reach me at: tapol@skynet.be
A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all ...
Best regards,
Leopold Pander.
From: Mary Previte
Sent: Friday, December 20, 2013 2:31 AM
To: Leopold Pander
Subject: Fwd: Mary L:. Scott's autobiography, Kept in Safeguard
Begin forwarded message:
From: "Erin K. Rasmussen"
Date: December 19, 2013 3:16:35 PM EST
To: Mary Previte
Dear Mary,
Erin K. Rasmussen | Rights & Permissions Coordinator
E: ekr@nph.com or permissions@nph.com | F: 816-531-0923 | P: 816-412-8359
Beacon Hill Press of Kansas City | www.BeaconHillBooks.com
2923 Troost Ave. | Kansas City, MO 64109
This email message, including any files transmitted with it, originates from Beacon Hill Press of Kansas City. It contains information that may be confidential or privileged and protected by federal and state law. It is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s). It is prohibited for anyone else to review, use, disclose, copy or distribute the contents of this message and any files attached. If you received this message in error, notify the originator by return email and delete the content.
Subject: RE: Mary L:. Scott's autobiography, Kept in Safeguard
Date: December 19, 2013 3:16:35 PM EST
To: Mary Previte
Dear Mary,
I am working on a permission letter to send to Mr. Pander. Do you have his email address where I could send it to him? I looked at the website, however I can only find a general address.
This permission will be good for one year from the date of the letter, then you will need to request an extension.
Once I receive your reply I can send the letter to him. Let me know if you have any questions.
Erin Rasmussen
Erin K. Rasmussen | Rights & Permissions CoordinatorE: ekr@nph.com or permissions@nph.com | F: 816-531-0923 | P: 816-412-8359
Beacon Hill Press of Kansas City | www.BeaconHillBooks.com
2923 Troost Ave. | Kansas City, MO 64109
This email message, including any files transmitted with it, originates from Beacon Hill Press of Kansas City. It contains information that may be confidential or privileged and protected by federal and state law. It is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s). It is prohibited for anyone else to review, use, disclose, copy or distribute the contents of this message and any files attached. If you received this message in error, notify the originator by return email and delete the content.
From: Mary Previte [mailto:mtprevite@aol.com]
Sent: Friday, November 22, 2013 12:24 PM
To: Erin K. Rasmussen
Cc: permission@nph.com
Subject: Mary L:. Scott's autobiography, Kept in Safeguard
To: Erin Rasmussen
Re: Permission: portions of Kept in Safeguard for www.weihsien-paintings.org
I write to request your permission for the Weihsien Concentration Camp web site (www.weihsien-paintings.org) to post portions of Nazarene missionary, Mary L. Scott’s autobiography, Kept in Safeguard, copyright date, 1977.
These portions would include pages 54 to 94 (Chapter 4: Behind an Eight-Foot Wall; Chapter 5: Deliverance from the Skies , and as few paragraphs of Chapter 3: Peking Interlude) telling Mary L. Scott’s account and testimony of her internment in the Japanese-held Weihsien Concentration Camp in China during World War II.
Mary Scott was one of my heroes in that camp. She coached us young girls how to play softball. For almost three years, I was a child prisoner of the Japanese -- almost two years in Weihsien. Separated from our parents by warring armies, I and my three Taylor siblings did not see our missionary parents for 5 ½ years. Among 1,500 Allied prisoners, our school for the children of missionaries and our teachers had been interned in Weihsien
The Weihsien web site is the only web site that focuses exclusively on the Weihsien concentration Camp. Using resources from around the world, it creates an historical record that includes memories, documents, military records, newspaper and magazine stories, diaries, books, paintings, drawings, photographs, recordings from U.S. National Archives, maps -- all contributed – free – from or about Weihsien internees or their relatives.
It includes articles from sites as important as Associated Press, the Newark Star Ledger, the London Daily Mirror.
Access to the web site is free to people from all around the world. Contributors volunteer their contributions. No one is paid. Its value?
It has become a gold mine for former Weihsien internees, scholars, researchers, family members who are searching for family history.
One adoptee found her birth mother through this site.
Creator of the Weihsien web site is Leopold Pander, himself a former internee in Weihsien. Mr. Pander may be reached at:
Leopold Pander
Sentier du Berger: 15,
BE-1325-Corroy-Le Grand
Because I know the importance of creating and preserving this historical record, I have been an enthusiastic contributor to the site. I am the great grand daughter of Hudson Taylor, the pioneer, faith missionary who, in the 1800’s, was the first to open the gospel of Jesus Christ to every province in China. In 2005, I helped spearhead a reunion at the site of the Weihsien concentration camp to celebrate the 60th anniversary of our liberation.
Mary Scott’s account of Weihsien presents the story from the viewpoint of a missionary who trusted God – no matter what. Vividly among her recollections, she describes scrubbing the latrines as a service to God. What a compelling Christian testimony.
When I told Leopold Pander about Mary Scott’s fascinating account of Weihsien, he asked if I could help get permission to add Mary Scott’s remarkable story onto the Weihsien web site.
I see this as an opportunity to shine a new spotlight on this testimony – on one of your publications that has been out of print for decades.
I hope you do, too.
Mary Taylor Previte