☛ ... the most recent messages are on top !
De : L PR
Envoyé : vendredi 31 janvier 2014 17:22
À : Mary Previte
Objet : Kept in Safeguard,
Dear Mary,
I think that I have got the final layout for the excerpts of Mary Scott’s book ...
Could you check (I added two pages) and if all seems to be OK for you, could you send a message to Mr. Rasmussen.
I hope that he will not object to all the additional pictures in the pages. Anyway, they are from the Wehisien Paintings’ website and all those pictures are “ours” !!!
... all the best,
De : sipabit
Envoyé : samedi 25 janvier 2014 22:52
À : pander41@skynet.be
Objet : Fw: More Weihsien memories
From: Mary Previte
Sent: Saturday, January 25, 2014 12:44 PM
To: Estelle Cliff Horne ; AUDREY NORDMO HORTON ; Allison Martin Holmes ; hakon Torjesen ; John & Beth Taylor ; Beryl Welch Goodland ; David Allen ; John Hoyte ; Maida Harris Campbell ; Kathleen Nordmo Rictor ; Neil Yorkston ; Peter Bazire ; David Birch ; Teddy Pearson ; maryhbroughton@swissmail.org ; Stephen Metcalf ; Marian Bevan Lauchlan ; Jimmie Harrison ; Elizabeth Hoyte Goldsmith ; Douglas Sadler ; Angela
Subject: More Weihsien memories
From Mary Taylor Previte:
My sister Kathleen scrubbed sheets in the laundry. My brother Jamie pumped water. We 11- and 12-year-old girls in the Chefoo Lower School Dormitory (LSD) didn’t have year-round jobs, but in the winter, to get fuel for the pot-belly stove that stood in the middle of our room, we had to carry our buckets to the Japanese quarters and lug back buckets of coal dust to our dormitory in the second floor of the hospital. Remember the coal dust? Remember making coal balls?
Like every other Weihsien problem, coal dust had its dark side and its light side. You could take your pick. You could grump yourself miserable about having only coal dust to burn, or when you were breaking the ice on the water bucket in the morning to wash your face, you could count your blessings that you had anything at all to fuel your stove.
We younger girls made a game of carrying the coal buckets. In a long human chain – girl, bucket, girl, bucket, girl, bucket, girl -- we hauled the coal dust from the Japanese quarters back to our dormitory, chanting all the way, “Many hands make light work.” Then in the biting cold, we shaped those coal balls out of coal dust and clay -- two shovels of coal dust, one shovel of clay, and a few splashes of water. Grown ups swapped coal ball recipes. Winter sunshine made the coal balls dry enough for burning.
I guess I’m reminiscing today because yesterday I spoke at a luncheon meeting of senior citizens, telling them all about our wartime experiences. One speech about Weihsien usually gets me another on my schedule. When World War II vets are in the audience any mention of the B-24 “Liberator” bombers lights up their faces.
I agree with Maida. Even with such primitive surroundings for our education in Weihsien, our schooling there jumped us ahead of students our age when we started high school in Michigan in 1946. (Yes, we didn’t return to the USA until a year after the war ended.) I graduated from high school when I was 16 and college when I was 20. My thanks go to our Chefoo teachers who expected excellence despite that world of obstacles. They refused to give up -- – on anything.
Mary Taylor Previte
De : postmaster@b.topica.com
de la part de tapol_(Skynet)
Envoyé : samedi 25 janvier 2014 17:44
À : weihsien@topica.com
Objet : Re: Please forward to Weihsien Topica.
-----Original Message-----
From: tapol_(Skynet)
Sent: Saturday, January 25, 2014 5:43 PM
To: weihsien@topica.com
Subject: Fw: Please forward to Weihsien Topica.
-----Original Message-----
From: Mary Previte
Sent: Saturday, January 25, 2014 5:36 PM
To: Leopold Pander
Subject: Please forward to Weihsien Topica.
Natasha says her computer is out of order.
message from Mary ...
I sure do remember the Weihsien latrines. Cleaning them was one of my
mothers jobs Of course she was a teacher, but I do not believe she taught
in Weihsien. She was assigned to the menial jobs and helped look after my
I turned 15 in June 1945 and that was when you got a camp job. Believe it or
not I was very keen to have a job. Mine was washing dishes!
Now my parents and sisters are gone it is fun to get your reminiscing.
I worked at Kitchen 2. It was the summer of 1945 and 2 or 3 of us had a
bowl of water on a table outside - I don't think there was any soap in it
and we had a kind of dish mop and people lined up to have their dishes
washed in greasy water. I was so proud of having a job I guess like a 15
year old getting a job at MacDonalds today. I know I was getting very
interested in boys like my classmates were and we always knew when the boys
we liked were on pumping duty. We liked the Weihsien boys rather than the
Chefoo ones and the Chefoo boys liked the Weihsien girls. I remember we
would walk around the camp hoping to see the boy you liked. I actually had
a Weihsien boyfriend who went to England after camp and we wrote to each
other for a while. His parents were Tientsin business people. The ball
games were a big part of our lives and we had a girls team and we played
against the younger boys. We hung out at all the ball games and for myself
I think I was in an adolescent dream world rather than being aware of the
danger around us. When I read Anna Franks book I could relate to her. I
think I was happier then than when I was trying to adjust to a Toronto high
school after the war. I realized that apart from science, we were way ahead
in other subjects. 3 of us Chefoo girls went to High school in Toronto
together which was good in one way but not so good for assimilating, and I
made that adjustment in nurses training rather than high school. On our
liberation day, I was babysitting Angela Cox. She was about 2 and we were
in the same 57 block and she had been born in camp. She was very cute and
smart and I just loved her and all that liberation day I carried her
everywhere including being at the gate to meet our heroes. I was so
thrilled to meet her at the 60th celebrations in Weihsien. She wondered
why I was babysitting while we were being liberated but I know I loved doing
it and her mother was probably wondering and worrying what happened to
Now of course one memory leads to another and I am thinking of the night
that we got the news of VE Day and Bobby Grandon (one of my sisters
boyfriends) rang the Bell in Block 23 in the middle of the night to
celebrate and we were all called out in the dark for roll call. Mrs Graham
our neighbour in block 57 said we were all being taken out to be shot and it
was pretty scary when all the search lights were on and the guards were
pushing us around as they were trying to count us The story was that instead
of anyone missing, they counted extras Apparently the bell being run was a
signal to the garrison in town that the guards needed help to deal with us
Sorry to run on, and maybe my facts may not all be correct but it is how I
remember them. Always enjoy hearing from you and it is interesting the
different perspective of a 13 and 15 year old
Maida Harris Campbell
Chefoo School
De : postmaster@b.topica.com
de la part de tapol_(Skynet)
Envoyé : vendredi 24 janvier 2014 11:57
À : weihsien@topica.com
Objet : Re: Natasha, please post this on the Weihsien topica network
Dear Mary,
... I was too young to have “a responsible job” in Weihsien. My folks told me that I played all day long and the trouble is: that I don’t even remember that !
Many thanks for your photocopies of Mary Scott’s book and the publisher’s permission to add them on the website. I am still waiting for the pages 92 & 93 ... must be stuck somewhere between the US post and the Belgian Post offices ! Anyway, the excerpts are now “readable” (except for pages 92 & 93) ... but that will be fixed quite soon. I hope ...
Best regards,
De : postmaster@b.topica.com
de la part de Natasha Petersen
Envoyé : jeudi 23 janvier 2014 19:13
À : weihsien@topica.com
Objet : FW: Natasha, please post this on the Weihsien topica network
-------- Begin forwarded message --------
Subject: Natasha, please post this on the Weihsien topica network
Date: 1/23/14 12:38:38 PMFrom: "Mary Previte"
To: "Natasha Petersen"
Mary Scott ranks high among my Weihsien heroes , because she taught us 11- and 12-year old girls in Chefoo School's lower school dormitory ("L.S.D.") how to throw and bat a softball. British schools like Chefoo School played British games like cricket and tenni quoit. We knew nothing about softball. She taught us on the small South Field not far from the Japanese quarters and the guard tower near the hospital.
Mary, a Nazarene missionary, writes in her autobiography, "I was the only girl in a family of seven brothers. I'm sure my mother was disappointed when her baby girl turned out to be a tomboy. But how could I help it?"
Mary Scot was the only woman allowed to play summer softball when the Tientsin Tigers, the Peking Panthers, and the Priests Padres played on the tiny ball field near the camp's front gate -- but only as a substitute when men were too exhausted -- or too emaciated -- to play.
Mary volunteered for more than softball. Remember the Weihsien toilets? (Ugh!)
In her autobiography, Kept in Safeguard , published by the Nazarene Publishing House (Kansas City) , Mary writes vividly about the Protestant and Roman Catholic missionaries who volunteered to clean the toilets.
"Another serious problem was sanitary facilities. At first there were only six cubicles, equipped with oriental flush toilets that didn't flush, available for about 800 women. Excrement overflowed the bowls until it required a strong stomach to use them at all. Missionaries tackled the clean up until our 'camp engineers' came up with a solution. Large barrels of water were placed at one end of the latrine, into which used water was poured. Each user of the latrine was required to "flush" the toilet with a half bucket of water. Ladies were stationed at the latrine to inspect each toilet after use to see that it had been properly flushed.. All went well as long as there was water in the barrels, but sometimes the water ran out!
"Later the latrine which we called the 'cowshed' was assigned to the ladies. Each of the six stalls consisted of two narrow cement platforms on the sides on which to stand, a cemented hole for solids and a slanted front which carried the urine to a trough. In the morning, a Chinese 'night soil' man came in to scoop out the solids (it was valuable to him as a fertilizer). The assigned latrine cleaners of the camp went in to finish the cleanup. Sometimes the odors were so pungent that our noses literally burned when we came near, especially in the summer."
Mary goes on to say that when she was as child. her godly father had taught his family that a Christian can do any chore in a way to bring glory to God. She remembers one Wednesday morning in Weihsien when this teaching became a reality.
"I was on 'latrine duty' and in the midst of that very unpleasant task, I I looked up and said, 'Now, Lord, help me to clean these latrines in as way that will glorify You.'
"And I felt that the Lord Himself came down that Wednesday morning. He took hold of the bails of those two big, five-gallon gasoline cans that had been made into water pails. He helped me carry them to the latrine. He took hold of that little, stubby brush, and together we dug into the corners and crevices trying to get every place as clean as we could. He got down on His knees when I got down on my knees; and with a little old cloth, no disinfectant or soap, just plain cold water, we got every place as sanitary as we could. When i finished, I looked back and said, 'Lord, does it please you?' I couldn't see a place where I could have done a better job….
"That was one of the sweetest and one of the most real experiences of my Christian life."
Even this nasty job had its rewards, Mary says. " As one of the 'dirty workers,' latrine cleaners were allowed to take a shower every day even during those times when others were limited to one shower a week."
Every able bodied person had a job in Weihsien.
What was yours?
Mary Taylor Previte
De : L PR
Envoyé : mardi 7 janvier 2014 08:51
À : Mary Previte
Objet : Re: Weihsien rescue from the sky drawing
Dear Mary,
Thanks ... I got your envelope this morning. I shall try and do something
"printable" in a *.pdf-format. It can be read by all computers and I can
even add pictures & photos. I have all I need on the website !
You are now witnessing polar temperatures of minus 40 degrees Celsius ! Are
you OK? Brrrr ....
... all the best,
-----Original Message-----
From: Mary Previte
Sent: Tuesday, January 07, 2014 3:41 AM
To: tapol_ (Skynet)
You're the best, Leopold. Thank you very much. Let mde know when the
photocopies arrive.
Sent: Tuesday, January 07, 2014 3:41 AM
To: tapol_ (Skynet)
Subject: Re: Weihsien rescue from the sky drawing
You're the best, Leopold. Thank you very much. Let mde know when the
photocopies arrive.
On Jan 2, 2014, at 10:31 AM, tapol_(Skynet)
> Dear Mary,
> The Weihsien Liberation crowd is quite a big file, so I copy/pasted it in
> my dropbox:
> https://www.dropbox.com/sh/8sr4iu4c0ny1k20/JBvXdjMYao
> You can send this message to the OSS Magazine ... they will know what to
> do.
> ---
> I shall let you know when I get your photocopies and how I manage with
> them ...
> ... all the best,
> Leopold
> -----Original Message-----
From: Mary Previte
> Sent: Thursday, January 02, 2014 4:03 PM
> To: Leopold Pander
> Sent: Thursday, January 02, 2014 4:03 PM
> To: Leopold Pander
Subject: Weihsien rescue from the sky drawing
> The photo copied pages from MaryScott's books should arrive any day in
> your mailbox.
> Where on your website can I find the drawing of Weihsien liberation --
> the B-24 and parachutes dropping from the plane?
> The OSS Magazine wants to print it in their magazine. I've already
> forwarded to them a photo of Tad Nagaki getting the Soldier's medal in
> 1945.
> Thank you,
> Mary