☛ ... the most recent messages are on top !
De : HagenChristopher
Envoyé : vendredi 28 février 2014 19:50
À : tapol_(Skynet)
Objet : Re: Hello Leopold Pander
Hey Leopold,
I don't know why I didn't think of this earlier, but if you have a logo or special URL I can add your website to mine, on the main page if you like.
Also - just for reference sake, where are you located in this world, haha… and what did or do you do for an occupation?
Also - is it possible for you to email me a picture of you for the story? I should be having about four Weihsien former internees in the story. Haven't heard back from several of them.
C.S. Hagen
De : HagenChristopher
Envoyé : vendredi 28 février 2014 16:19
À : tapol_(Skynet)
Objet : Re: Hello Leopold Pander
Hello Leopold,
Very interesting, thank you so much. I had to learn websites as well before I started mine, extremely difficult at first… had no idea what a URL was, haha.
I can understand to a small extent, the cocoon you mentioned. While I grew up in Tianjin during the 80s, comparatively a much calmer time than you, it was a lonely existence. We weren't allowed to have Chinese friends, (always watched), i was the oldest and the only graduate in 1991, and the next oldest was my brother, and we didn't get along very well. I hated Tianjin when I left. But I had gotten used to being "alone" without feeling lonely, I guess, and had my routines, etc… I think it's part of why I can spend such a long time writing without speaking one word today.
Could you possibly tell me the dream you used to have?
C.S. Hagen
On Feb 28, 2014, at 4:58 AM, "tapol_(Skynet)" 1.
How old were you when you went to Weihsien? What were you doing when you were "arrested?"
Born April 22, 1941, I wasn’t two years old yet when we arrived in camp. I don’t remember anything !
What was Tientsin like before you were sent to the camp? Any fond memories? Any terrible memories? Do you remember the smells? Did you have to wear an armband?
Memories of Tientsin? No! not really ... No colours ... all is black and grey ! Very misty ! No smell ! I remember crying and yelling a lot ! Already kicking against authority maybe !!!!!
What was your daily routine at the camp?
Absolutely no memories ! I guess that I played all day long and certainly not with my parents. They are completely non existent ! (in my memory)
Mom used to say (in her old days – about a year before she died), – and this is true: “They told us not to give too much love to our children because you never knew what could happen” . She never said who “THEY” was ... and I know (now) that the constant terror of the grown-ups at all times in those days was of a mass massacre by the Japs – any day ... any time .... They had the power and the machine guns !!!!!!! ...
some of those guys were real nasty but at that time, nobody – in camp -- knew that our “Commandant” was a civilized fellow !!!!
Were you ever in danger while at the camp? Did the JApanese threaten you or your friends.family?
No personal memories. My big sister, 3 years older than me can tell you much more about that !!
Did you ever think of escaping? (perhaps too young?)
Nope !
Did you know anyone who escaped?
Hummel and Tipton ! (it is all on the website)
How did the Japanese guards treat you? Did they call you or your friends/family names? IF so, do you remember what they were?
What was the food like? How many meals a day? Showers? What was your living accommodations like?
Honestly, I don’t remember but, unconsciously maybe, I am not like everybody else. I cannot leave an empty plate before me and certainly not in a restaurant. If I cannot finish ... I always ask for a doggy bag ... even in a “chic” restaurant ! It is impossible for me to throw away a piece of soap !
How has Weihsien affected you - from then to this day?
In the beginning ... up to ± 12 years old ... I had frequent nightmares. Always the same “film” !! Finally, I got used to the story and woke up before the end. Took me a long time to connect it to “Weihsien” ... because I never told anybody about it ... found it out by myself ! Later, during my normal “life” , ... we never spoke about Weihsien as if it had never existed ! Dad hated the Japs! ... always refused to do any business with them! My little sister, born in camp always wanted to know more about those two and a half years imprisonment. I know that she questioned my parents a lot, but she died before she could even begin writing her “book”. No notes ... no recordings !
What do I remember? Honestly !? ... the very last day, October 19, 1945 ... we were leaving the camp on the back of a lorry and my dad told me to have a good look because we would never see this place again ! Ever !!!!!! ... and then on the plane back to Tientsin ... a C47 ... quite a bumpy voyage ... I was sick ... the GIs laughed at me and one nice guy gave me a little stuffed puppy ... gosh ... I can’t forget that ! My parents left the toy puppy in Tientsin when we left for Shanghai !!!!
I can’t explain ! I could stand in the middle of nowhere ... stare at a tree top or anything else and not noticing the “time” passing by ... my mind would drift away ... I could sleep awake ! Who can explain that ? It still happens to me now !
Only very recently, when one of those French fellows was liberated after three years imprisonment by Al-Qaida in Africa, he answered to a question: “What do you remember of those past three years?” .... He answered: “Nothing” !!!!! He explained that he got himself into a sort of cocoon and isolated himself from the outer world ! Natural preservation? Instinct ? Now, that he was liberated, he could start living again.
Tilt ! Same for me !! ... I remember what happened AFTER camp .... but before that: nothing!
The word “Weihsien” only came back 14 years ago ... when I stopped my “professional life”. I purchased a computer and got to learn how the Internet worked. Took me quite a time to find out that WeiHsien was not written the same way as Weishien (French spelling) ... the “H” is not at the same place. I found the Topica chat list that was just beginning and lurked quite a long time ... and then I participated a bit !
Then, fortuitely, I found Father Hanquet (90 years old) or, rather, he found me. He told me stories about Weihsien and I started a website ... I had all to learn ... about Weihsien and also about building a website !!!!
De : L PR
Envoyé : vendredi 28 février 2014 15:11
À : A. Knuppe
Cc : Janette & home
Objet : Re: information Tientsin internees
Dear Anne,
Yes, Anne, ... all is fine out here in Belgium also. Nicky has a long list of what I still have to do in the garden, but as it is raining today, I am behind my computer ... my favourite pastime !
Christopher’s blog seems to be very interesting and we will help him the best we can. Janette promised to participate !
I already answered his questionnaire and forwarded a copy to you too!
Janette is gone skiing in Switzerland or, to be more exact, she is going to help to keep the children -- they will be 12 in all in a rented chalet. I guess that she will write to you all about that when she comes back in about ten days.
About Tientsin, I sent (to Christopher) the copy of a letter from the bank with a short résumé of the situation during the war in Tientsin. I still have to recopy an excerpt from a book about how dad’s number two at the bank took out of the safe, all the clients’ gold bars – in stoemelings – behind the backs of the Japs. How they hid the gold in the flush tanks of the toilets and how they returned all the gold ingots to their owners ... Chinese fashion.... no paper, no signature ... only their promise to come back to the Belgian Bank after the war !!
I still have to look in dad’s papers if there is anything more about Tientsin ... but I still have to read them !
... all the best to you,
De : A. Knuppe
Envoyé : jeudi 27 février 2014 16:29
À : tapol@skynet.be
Objet : Fw: information Tientsin internees
Dear Leopold,
Is all well with you, your wife and your sister’s family? Here in Dordrecht everything is going fine.
May I send you my correspondence with Chr. Hagen? He is certainly writing a very detailed account of Tientsin throughout the years. He has bombarded me with lots of questions, and I want to ask you
to reply to those concerning Weihsien, specially nrs 7 and 8. There are so many references to the food, showers, livingconditions in your weihsien books, but I find it difficult to guide him to the specific
The other questions about life in Tientsin I shall answer as far as I can remember. Forgive me for shoving this on to you and if you don’’t want to, too bad for him, because I dont feel like
repeating all these stories again!! If you just show him where to find all this information, that would be fine.
Thanks in advance.
warm greetings,
Anne Knüppe- de Jongh
From: HagenChristopher
Sent: Sunday, February 23, 2014 4:35 PM
To: A. Knuppe
Subject: Re: information Tientsin internees
Ah, so glad to wake up and see this email!! I too am a Tientsiner, although a different time than you.
Here is a quick email to let you know about myself and the first batch of questions.
I am a former photographer/journalist, now author of fiction, and, although I never thought I would say this, a happy blogger. Blogging for me offers the same excitement journalism did when I was working in North Carolina. I have spent a total of 18 years in Tientsin, grew up there in the 1980s, and have been going back and forth ever since. When I'm here, I want to be there. When I am there, I miss the quiet of Fargo, North Dakota, where I am presently residing. I married a Chinese girl, have two kids, who will (or should be) coming over later this year. My fingers are crossed on that one because INS is not very efficient.
I am doing a series of stories of "Tientsin at War" - the before, during and after phases, but instead of writing a general description, I am focusing on key, little known figures that I am finding through my research to write about. I have written two parts so far, here they are:
Part III will be about Nazis in Tientsin, revolving mostly around Consul General Weidemann. Part IV will most likely be on the White Russian and Jews, stateless refugees.
One of my last parts will be on the Weihsien Internment Camp, a place where my childhood hero and Olympic champion Eric Liddell was sent to and later died. My friend, Angela Cox Elliott referred me to you for information on the camp? Although there is a lot of basic information about the camp, the area, how Tientsiners and others were sent there, there is very little personal information from the people who were imprisoned.
Some questions:
How old were you when you went to Weihsien? What were you doing when you were "arrested?"
What was Tientsin like before you were sent to the camp? Any fond memories? Any terrible memories? Do you remember the smells? Did you have to wear an armband?
What was your daily routine at the camp?
Were you ever in danger while at the camp? Did the JApanese threaten you or your friends.family?
Did you ever think of escaping? (perhaps too young?)
Did you know anyone who escaped?
How did the Japanese guards treat you? Did they call you or your friends/family names? IF so, do you remember what they were?
What was the food like? How many meals a day? Showers? What was your living accommodations like?
How has Weihsien affected you - from then to this day?
OK, I am sure there will be more questions, but these will do for a start. I appreciate your help so much, there are no words to say… Such an intriguing and terrible time in history, and I am honored to make your acquaintance. :)
C.S. Hagen
De : HagenChristopher
Envoyé : mardi 25 février 2014 17:58
À : tapol_(Skynet)
Objet : Re: Hello Leopold Pander
Thank you so much for the prompt reply. And yes, feel free to link my website with yours. I will most definitely attribute in the story your website and where pictures came from. Your website is fascinating! I will, with your permission, also add a small blurb at the bottom of the story and include your URL so that people can go there to read more.
I have done a lot of reading (and research) into this era of Tientsin, have just ordered a book about Jews in Tientsin, which has from what I've heard a lot of pictures inside it. I think it is newly released as well. My fourth part in the series is about the Jews in Tientsin, and although they enjoyed a mostly peaceful time while in Tientsin, it was also not without it's perils, for instance the Czarist Pastukhin, of the Far Eastern Military Union, tried to initiate a pogrom in Tientsin with Japanese help. Interesting stuff, found some consulate documents about that situation.
I would love to hear more about you or your sister's experience in Tientsin, also to include in the final story of this series. Is this acceptable? I have some questions I will add to this email if you or your sister are wiling to answer.
Thanks for the referrals for information as well, I will look those up. I don't speak French, but I will use my semi-trusty Google Translate.
Some questions:
How old were you when you went to Weihsien? What were you doing when you were "arrested?"
What was Tientsin like before you were sent to the camp? Any fond memories? Any terrible memories? Do you remember the smells? Did you have to wear an armband?
What was your daily routine at the camp?
Were you ever in danger while at the camp? Did the JApanese threaten you or your friends.family?
Did you ever think of escaping? (perhaps too young?)
Did you know anyone who escaped?
How did the Japanese guards treat you? Did they call you or your friends/family names? IF so, do you remember what they were?
What was the food like? How many meals a day? Showers? What was your living accommodations like?
How has Weihsien affected you - from then to this day?
C.S. Hagen
On Feb 25, 2014, at 4:44 AM, "tapol_(Skynet)" Dear Christopher,
All this is very interesting, very interesting indeed !
I phoned my sister, Janette – 3 years older than I am and she remembers Tientsin and Weihsien much more accurately than me !
I have no objection for you to use the “Weihsien-Paintings” pictures & documents as long as you mention it. (www.weihsien-paintings.org) The main philosophy is:
the website is free access to all and NON commercial. All documents have been graciously given to me providing I don’t make a business out of them ... and this magnificent adventure has been going on for now, more than 13 years.
Your blog, as I understand, follows the same philosophy. I think that we have a lot of material for you, ... mostly concerning the Banque Belge pour l’Etranger E.O. Most documents are confidential but that was 70 years ago ! I presume that as a “journalist” you know what to use and what not to use ! Most documents are in French. OK?
Furthermore, my mother was Ukrainian – white Russian and fled the Bolshevik revolution. My sister can tell you more about that.
Interesting link on my website:
Another interesting book, is: The Tarasov Saga:
have you read it ?
I remember having read a book about the Jews in China and more particularly in Shanghai but I don’t remember the title. I’d like to learn more about that chapter ...
Christopher, may I have your permission to add your blog to the Weihsien-Paintings’ website? Tientsin is not Weihsien – of course – but many of us, in camp, came from Tientsin.
Attachment: A confidential report from the Banque Belge in Tientsin to the Générale de Belgique in Brussels, dated 1946 ... just after the war and almost 70 years old !
I have another text about this “gold” incident at the bank ... I still have to find it !!!!!
Well, I think that I shall stop here for the moment ...
bien amicalement
From: HagenChristopher
Sent: Sunday, February 23, 2014 6:56 PM
To: pander.nl@skynet.be
Subject: Hello Leopold Pander
Hello Mr. Pander,
My name is Chris Hagen.
I grew up in Tientsin (Tianjin) 1986-1991, and later from 1997 - 2010.
I am a former photographer/journalist, now author of fiction, and, although I never thought I would say this, a happy blogger. Blogging for me offers the same excitement journalism did when I was working in North Carolina. I have spent a total of 18 years in Tientsin, grew up there in the 1980s, and have been going back and forth ever since. When I'm here, I want to be there. When I am there, I miss the quiet of Fargo, North Dakota, where I am presently residing. I married a Chinese girl, have two kids, who will (or should be) coming over later this year. My fingers are crossed on that one because INS is not very efficient.
I am doing a series of stories of "Tientsin at War" - the before, during and after phases, but instead of writing a general description, I am focusing on key, little known figures that I am finding through my research to write about. I have written two parts so far, here they are:
Part III will be about Nazis in Tientsin, revolving mostly around Consul General Weidemann and one Gestapo agent I found through OSS documents. Part IV will most likely be on the White Russian and Jews, stateless refugees… there will be other parts, focusing one on communists, one on nationalist, perhaps one on the warlord years --- and then at the end, the best one, the Weihsien story.
I found your website through Angela Cox Elliott, she was born in camp & is a cousin to Ted Pearson, and she directed me to you. I have received permission to use some quotes from people's stories found through your website, Mary Previte, and am interviewing Anne Knuppe and Ron Bridge. I also would like to know, with proper attribution of course, if I could use several photographs from your website.
Although I was not your generation of Tientsiners, there is something magnetic about all this research I am doing. Such interesting and terrible years. Also, if you know anything about Tientsin and are willing to write to me about that, I would be most appreciative.
I can be reached at cshagen@gmail.com. If you need any more information, please don't hesitate to ask.
Thank you!!
C.S. Hagen
<1946-0203-Succursale de Tientsin a Travers La Guerre.doc>
From: Angela
Sent: Monday, February 24, 2014 8:39 PM
To: tapol_(Skynet)
Subject: Re: Hello & to you too
1120 am Monday Feb 23Hi Leoppld,
C/est formidable..... of course I now the Banque Belge ... it still looks the same from outside . You probably
recall more of shanghai than Tientsin... My Husband & myself visited Shangai 2 years ago & its such a show piece
now - the old Cathay Hotel I think - the main one on the bund is the Fairmont htl & beautiful inside - all art deco.
so many expensive car show rooms too . We walked around French Concession & as I had been there before
took Tom to see the Circe Francais - they built up now the Htl Okura I believe... very ritzy & fancy.
In Tientsin we knew Mr Lampo - forgive me but thats how it sounded but am not spelling it correctly.
Think he lived in one of the apartments upstairs & later met Mr/Mrs Housman who arrived from Hongkong
to take over from him. . You might remember Ronald Bridge approx your age in Camp -....perhaps a couple
of years older... his Uncle Harold & aunt Hilda also lived in a flat in the bank bldg - there must have been at least
2 flats or more upstairs. WE did visit the Housmans after they moved in their flat upstairs of the bank ... it cud have
been the same one that the Bridge couple were in - after they left - cant remember as I was perhaps 10 or 11 yrs old -
was 12 yrs old when I left.- Wonder if you remember Leonard Mostaert ??? He/s about your age & went to
St Louis School with my late brother Kenneth Cox . &nbs p; Leonard/s mother is Russian & father Belgium - Leonard
lives in Australia but we met up with him & in his mother in Peitaho later & of course in Tientsin.
My late father worked for the Credit Foncier - Belgium company that owned I Ping bldg where I lived
after camp & later we moved to the Belfran Bldg also belonging to the Credit Foncier. next to the
French or International bridge until moving to part of the Credit Foncier bldg for 2 years before we left -
you could see St Louis church from the back window.. Brussels wouldnt give in to the Chinese & my Dad
was the last Manager there when Mr Brassin left ... finally the company & its properties were given up ..
My Uncle Paul Splingaerd was educated in Brussels & returned with a Belgian wife Helene. We didnt
see that much of them in Tientsin but they lived in the bungalow next to us for the summer in Peitaho.
Uncle Paul was with the Belgian tramways until they left for the US.. Approx 2 years ago I visited
his daughter - cousin Renee who lives in Switzerland & Guigui Demesse visited for a day coming
from another town in Switzerland where she was staying with a friend. Perhaps you/ve heard of the
Demesse family . Thru my cousin Anne/s book - another Belgian lady came into contact & I put
her in touch with Guigui as they knew each other in Tientsin.. the lady/s name is Jean Marie Tercalavres
or used to be Jean Marie Hasaerrs - maiden name - also Belgian...
There are many photos in the website of the Belgian bank in Tientsin ... www.flickr.com/tianjian but
you have to play around with it as sometimes you dont find the old photos....
Isnt the internet wonderful - there is so much information & so nice that you organized the
Weihsien paintings website ... people are still interested -
PS am retired as well having worked for Air Canada on the ground Reservations for over 40 years
so have the opportunity to travel cheaply but Stand by .... Usually visit Tientsin almost every year
From: tapol_(Skynet)
To: Angela
Cc: Janette & home
Sent: Monday, February 24, 2014 3:29:27 AM
Subject: Re: Hello
Hello, Angela, ...
Que le monde est petit ... !
My little sister was also born in camp ! July 7th 1944 ... She died in 2000.
Dad is Belgian and mom is Ukrainian.
After camp, we went back to Tientsin and Dad, back to his Bank, the Banque Belge pour l’Etranger E.O. ... He was the Number one. We all lived at the Bank ! I wonder what it looks like now, and what it has become. Shortly after that, dad was affected to the bank in Shanghai and we all went to Shanghai. There, we lived in the Picardie Building. I went to the American kinder garden and then to the French College. In 1948, we left China for Europe via the USA because of the political situation I guess. In 1949, it was Hong Kong and in 1952 we were all definitively back in Europe.
At the age of 11, I had already sailed the seas for one and a half times the circumference of the Earth and that’s maybe the reason why I became a sailor in the Belgian Merchant Marine. I had to quit after 6 years, (health problems) ... got married and earned my living as responsible of a wholesale shop in electrical stuff. I am now retired – discovered the Internet – and got myself to build the Weihsien-Paintings website. Takes me a lot of time, but it is a pleasure !!
My little sister, Mary Lou lived and worked in Vancouver for a little less than a year. My big sister, Janette is happily married to a doctor and is now a proud babushka.
Hope to read you soon,
bien amicalement,
From: Angela
Sent: Monday, February 24, 2014 10:21 AM
To: Leopold Pander
Subject: Re: Hello
0115 am Mon feb 23 Vancouver BcHi Leopold,
You must be wondering why I sent the test??
I am Angela Cox now Elliott & cousin of Ted Pearson/s
& born in Weihsien. I/ve had your e mail for som e years but wasnt sure if it was still correct.
sure Ted must have sent you the article written up in the China Daily as he/s been quoted
in it . If not I can sent it to you , It just happened recently.
I lived in Tientsin till 1956 & recently found an american fellow who is much younger & lived
there in the eighties later returning & opened a tavern & now has a Chinese wife there who is awaiting
her papers.to join him in the US. He/s very interested in old Tientsin & somewhat of a journalist & has written some
articles on Tientsin & later will about Weihsien as so many from tientsin were interned there but alas I cant help
him as have no recollection at all born in 1943. I referred him to Mary Previte who advised to check
Topica which I dont think will help but he managed to elicit the help of Anne Knuppe & Ronald Bridge .
I now Ronald who is around same age as Ted . Ted had mentioned he emails you & I noticed
your e mail address in my book so thought I/d test it as after many years people often change.
You may hear from a Chris Hagen who is seeking information - so hope you dont mind.
I am related to Ted on my father/s side but my Late Mother is Philomene Splingaerd - her Father
is half Belgium ... Our cousin Anne Splingaerd Megowan wrote the book ** Paul Splingaerd - the
Belgium Mandarin ** you can google to see. Paul was our great grand father who came to
china with the Scheut Mission priests & married a chinese lady ... their son Alphonse is my
maternal Grandfather. Hence I have a small link to Belgium & visited the Scheut mission
house in Brussels with my mother many years ago . Now I live in Canada since 1956 - the same
year after leaving tientsin. At least its not so cold as Montreal .... Terrible winters there.
Where did you live in China?? suppose you must have left after camp ....
angela .
From: Leopold Pander
To: Angela
Sent: Monday, February 24, 2014 1:02:52 AM
the test is OK !
To: Angela
Sent: Monday, February 24, 2014 1:02:52 AM
Subject: Re: testing testing
the test is OK !
bien amicalement
De : L PR
Envoyé : lundi 24 février 2014 10:20
À : Brian Butcher
Cc : Janette & home
Objet : Re: Fwd: Article in China daily - I found it on line and PDF it for you
Dear Mark,
Yes, I received this article via Mary Previte with permission to recopy it on the Weihsien-Paintings’ website.
So I did ... Go to the Log-Book on the main page and click on the latest entry. I even made a printer friendly version out of it !
Hope all is well for you, in China ...
Best regards,
From: Brian Butcher
Sent: Monday, February 24, 2014 8:49 AM
To: Leopold & Nicky
Subject: Fwd: Article in China daily - I found it on line and PDF it for you
Hello Leopold,
Have not heard from anyone for months. I trust you are well.
Have you heard about the information in this article?
Brian Butcher
Begin forwarded message:
From: "butcher.mark@sinocanada.ca"
To: "Brian Butcher"
Hi I found this article on China daily - paper edition and then went on line - about Weihsien - thought you might be interested - there are events planned there for next year to mark 70 years end of war - might be interesting
Subject: Article in China daily - I found it on line and PDF it for you
Date: 23 February, 2014 9:42:30 PM PSTTo: "Brian Butcher"
Hi I found this article on China daily - paper edition and then went on line - about Weihsien - thought you might be interested - there are events planned there for next year to mark 70 years end of war - might be interesting
Mark Butcher
Sino-Canada High School
Fen Hu Economic Development Zone
Wujiang, Suzhou
Jiangsu, China 215211
Mobile 1559963708
Fax +86 512 6326-2253
From: Mary Previte
Sent: Sunday, February 23, 2014 5:50 PM
To: tapol@skynet.be
Subject: Fwd: information Tientsin internees
I posted on Weihsien/topica a request for Tientsin prisoners to get in touch with Chris Hagen who is writing a book. One chapter will be about Weihsien.
-----Original Message-----From: np57
To: Mary Previte
Sent: Sun, Feb 23, 2014 9:31 am
Subject: FW: information Tientsin internees
-------- Begin forwarded message --------
Subject: information Tientsin internees
Date: 2/23/14 8:03:44 AMFrom: "A. Knuppe"
To: c.s.hagen@icloud.com, weihsien@topica.com
Dear Chris,
Can I be of help for your research among the Tientsin internees. Our family lived in Tientsin, my father Frans de Jongh was a business man,
manager of the Holland China Trading Co. and we lived in the French Concession. When we were interned I was 12 1/2 years old and the
family, with 5 childeren left for Weihsien, where my youngest brother Paul was born, 3 months later. Of course, I am an elderly woman now,
but thank God, my memory is good and I have a clear mind and I am most willing to be of help.
Kind regards,
Anne Knüppe (née de Jongh)
now living in Dordrecht, the Netherlands.
De : hena@chinadaily.com.cn
Envoyé : lundi 24 février 2014 07:10
À : Leopold Pander
Objet : Re: Re: CHINA DAILY story about Weihsien today
Dear Leopold Pander
Many thanks for using my story on the weihsien-Paintings' website. It's very hornored to me.
I will keep on paying attention on the weihsien history.
wish you all the best
Thanks again
He Na
发件人: "Leopold Pander"
发送时间: 2014年2月21日 星期五
收件人: "Mary Previte", "He Na CHINA DAILY" , "Teddy Pearson"
抄送: "Janette & home"
Hi !
发送时间: 2014年2月21日 星期五
收件人: "Mary Previte"
抄送: "Janette & home"
主题: Re: CHINA DAILY story about Weihsien today
Hi !
HeNa’s story is now accessible on our Weihsien-Paintings’ website :
Have a look at:
and click on “China Daily” ... give it a little bit of time for downloading.
Best regards,
De : HagenChristopher
Envoyé : dimanche 23 février 2014 18:56
À : pander.nl@skynet.be
Objet : Hello Leopold Pander
Hello Mr. Pander,
My name is Chris Hagen. I grew up in Tientsin (Tianjin) 1986-1991, and later from 1997 - 2010.
I am a former photographer/journalist, now author of fiction, and, although I never thought I would say this, a happy blogger. Blogging for me offers the same excitement journalism did when I was working in North Carolina. I have spent a total of 18 years in Tientsin, grew up there in the 1980s, and have been going back and forth ever since. When I'm here, I want to be there. When I am there, I miss the quiet of Fargo, North Dakota, where I am presently residing. I married a Chinese girl, have two kids, who will (or should be) coming over later this year. My fingers are crossed on that one because INS is not very efficient.
I am doing a series of stories of "Tientsin at War" - the before, during and after phases, but instead of writing a general description, I am focusing on key, little known figures that I am finding through my research to write about. I have written two parts so far, here they are:
Part III will be about Nazis in Tientsin, revolving mostly around Consul General Weidemann and one Gestapo agent I found through OSS documents. Part IV will most likely be on the White Russian and Jews, stateless refugees… there will be other parts, focusing one on communists, one on nationalist, perhaps one on the warlord years --- and then at the end, the best one, the Weihsien story.
I found your website through Angela Cox Elliott, she was born in camp & is a cousin to Ted Pearson, and she directed me to you. I have received permission to use some quotes from people's stories found through your website, Mary Previte, and am interviewing Anne Knuppe and Ron Bridge. I also would like to know, with proper attribution of course, if I could use several photographs from your website.
Although I was not your generation of Tientsiners, there is something magnetic about all this research I am doing. Such interesting and terrible years. Also, if you know anything about Tientsin and are willing to write to me about that, I would be most appreciative.
I can be reached at cshagen@gmail.com. If you need any more information, please don't hesitate to ask. Thank you!!
C.S. Hagen
De : L PR
Envoyé : samedi 22 février 2014 11:08
À : Mary Previte
Objet : ChinaDaily-Back to the Future
Hi !
I changed the A6 to A4 But, ... if you print it -- it is very small so I made a printer friendly version on 4 pages (in the same file).
Hope it is OK ??
Let me know ....
As Topica seems to be “out of service” for the moment ... I hope that the other “Weihsien-folks” will notice and appreciate the “add”
... all the best,
De : Teddy
Envoyé : vendredi 21 février 2014 17:50
À : L PR
Objet : Re: From He Na, China Daily, The story is published
I told her about the site and she said it was amazing. What kind of reporter doesn’t google her subject? 😀
Of course she was thinking Weifang.
De : L PR
Envoyé : vendredi 21 février 2014 17:39
À : Teddy
Objet : Re: From He Na, China Daily, The story is published
Hi Ted,
Thanks for your attachment. I changed the *.doc into a *.pdf and added it to the newspaper page on the website. You can now print the whole in a “readable” format !
It is a pity that the journalist did not inform her readers about the Weihsien-Paintings’ website address
( http://www.weihsien-paintings.org ).
The eventual reader who will want a complementary information about Weihsien will have to search the Internet by himself !!
Bien amicalement ...
De : Teddy
Envoyé : vendredi 21 février 2014 15:26
À : christopher Pearson
Objet : Fw: From He Na, China Daily, The story is published
more of the story in the attachment.
From: hena@chinadaily.com.cn
Sent: Thursday, February 20, 2014 10:39 PM
To: Teddy
Subject: Re: Re: From He Na, China Daily, The story is published
Dear Mr Pearson
I am so glad you like my story and it's your memory and vivid description that made the story reads interesting and meaningful. I will send a hard copy to you soon.
I need to thank you again for the kindness help and those pictures. and let's keep in touch and be keeping healthy.
He Na
发件人: Teddy
发送时间: 2014年2月20日 星期四
收件人: hena@chinadaily.com.cn
发送时间: 2014年2月20日 星期四
收件人: hena@chinadaily.com.cn
主题: Re: From He Na, China Daily, The story is published
Hi Ms He, This is very interesting. It is refreshing to see that you quoted me accurately. However, the non-pdf version, (photos) cannot be read. Zooming in just destroys legibility. If you could send the “Page 1” part of the story it would be good. My address is 1545 ave Docteur Penfield, apt 209, Montreal, Canada, H3G 1C7 Some day you may want to tell the story of our failed attempts to get justice from the Japanese government. Also my personal encounters with Japanese businessmen when I was sent to live in Hong Kong in 1973 to 1975. They all denied being in the war except for 1 person. Ted Pearson. ps. How did you get my name?
De : Teddy
Envoyé : jeudi 20 février 2014 21:21
À : pander41@skynet.be
Objet : Fw: From He Na, China Daily, The story is published
From: hena@chinadaily.com.cn
Sent: Thursday, February 20, 2014 1:23 AM
To: tedp
Dear Mr Pearson
Sent: Thursday, February 20, 2014 1:23 AM
To: tedp
Subject: From He Na, China Daily, The story is published
Dear Mr Pearson
The story has been published on today's China Daily on Page one and six. It's sound good, i think. anyway, thank you so much for all the kindness help you have done for me that gave me the chance to retell that part of history. attached is the pdf version of the story, pls read and i am glad to know your comments.http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/2014-02/20/content_17293388.htm and if you want a hard copy, pls tell me the mail add.
Thanks again and wish all your help
best He Na
De : E4politzer@aol.com
Envoyé : vendredi 14 février 2014 16:44
À : tapol@skynet.be
Objet : Re: Midnight in Peking, by Paul French
Dear M. Pander,
Thanks for your note. My article - with illustrations - was too large for your system, so I removed Illustration No. 6, and am sending it separately. Sorry for the trouble.
Best regards,
Eric Politzer
In a message dated 2/14/2014 3:58:29 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, tapol@skynet.be writes:Dear Mr. Politzer,
Your “critique” will certainly interest me and I would be glad to read it.
Best regards,
Leopold Pander
From: E4politzer@aol.com
Sent: Friday, February 14, 2014 3:43 AM
To: tapol@skynet.be
Dear Mr. Pander,
Sent: Friday, February 14, 2014 3:43 AM
To: tapol@skynet.be
Subject: Midnight in Peking, by Paul French
Dear Mr. Pander,
I have written a brief critique of Midnight in Peking, which focuses on the geography of Peking as represented in the book. If you have time to look at it, I would be glad to send you a copy.
Eric Politzer
(Brooklyn, New York)
From: Evelyn Iritani
Sent: Monday, August 19, 2013 7:02 PM
To: Leopold Pander
Cc: Janette & home ; Greg Leck ; Mary Previte
Subject: Re: Follow-up to Linked-in refamily or others who might quest
Dear Leopold,
Thank you so much for getting back so quickly. I have already had the good fortune to connect with Greg Leck and have read his authoritative book on the Allied captives during WWII. I have not connected with the Yahoo group and will reach out there.
Do you by any chance have contacts for the Menzi family or anyone connected to Helen Burton or Howard Galt? I would be very interested in reaching them, to see whether they might have additional information.
Again, I really appreciate your help. You have already contributed so much to my understanding of these events, by pulling together the website.
On Mon, Aug 19, 2013 at 9:07 AM, Leopold Pander Dear Evelyn,
Yes ! ... I am the person who started the weihsien-paintings’ website (twelve years ago) with less than a dozen paintings reproductions my dad had kept in a shoe-box and long time forgotten. This website idea wasn’t such a bad idea and I got help from all over the world with original data about the WeiHsien concentration camp. All I got about the Gripsholm comes from Donald Menzi, a very kind gentleman. I ignored that he had passed away ! We are all getting old aren’t we?
Who can help you for more info?
- Greg Leck who helped me a lot for my website gregleck@epix.net
Greg Leck
101 Bunny Trail Drive
Bangor, PA 18013
He wrote an excellent book “Captives of Empire” http://www.captives-of-empire.com/
- Another interesting source for you is the chat group of the ex-prisoners of Stanley, Hong Kong. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/stanley_camp . The s/s Gripsholm is often mentioned and I wouldn’t be surprised if somebody there could help you. They are very active and there are – I think – a few very well informed historians in the group.
- Of course, I am thinking of the IWM in London but I guess that you have already solicited information from there. ... And the US archives in Washington USA . Greg Leck can help you for that.
As for myself, I am just a retired fellow with plenty time before him. Since I don’t work anymore (professionally) I got to appreciate the mysteries of computers. What I know of Weihsien? – I was 4 years old at the time – is: “nothing” !!!! I am completely amnesic ! I don’t know if it is a normal reaction for a child but I am glad to have learned a little more – quite recently -- about those difficult days of WWII. My site is more than 3200 pages thick now!
Hope I helped you a bit ?
Best regards,
From: Evelyn Iritani
Sent: Monday, August
19, 2013 5:06 PM
To: tapol@skynet.be
Subject: Follow-up to Linked-in refamily or others who might quest
Dear Leopold,
I am writing to see if you are the person responsible for the Weihsien website.
I am a writer in Los Angeles and I am currently doing research on the WWII civilian exchanges on the MS Gripsholm in June 1942 and September 1943. I had located the very interesting materials posted by Donald Menzi on the Wilders and Helen Burton and I also read the sad news of his death.
I know that he and others were working on books and had gathered materials that they were planning on posting or donating to an archive in New York. I was wondering if anyone had located additional materials discussing the Gripsholm voyages of the Wilders and Ms. Burton as well as any others from Weihsien. I did also see Howard Galt's interesting report.
Would you have a contact for Mr. Menzi's family or others who might be continuing this work? Or if you have any other suggestions of people or resources I might follow up with.
Thank you for considering this request.
-- Evelyn Iritani
De : L PR
Envoyé : samedi 8 février 2014 09:42
À : Mary Previte
Objet : Re: Meredith Helsby's book
Dear Mary,
Since I got the book on the website, ... no (...)
The Topica chat list doesn’t seem to be working ... your last message didn’t get thru. Natasha must be having serious problems with her computer ! Hope she will be able to fix it.
... all the best,
From: Mary Previte
Sent: Saturday, February 08, 2014 12:27 AM
To: L PR
Excellent! Is the author still living?
Sent: Saturday, February 08, 2014 12:27 AM
To: L PR
Subject: Re: Meredith Helsby's book
Excellent! Is the author still living?
To my amazemernt, my youngest brother told me this week he was a classmate of Sandra Helsby in Taiwan, where her parents were missionaries after the war.
De : L PR
Envoyé : vendredi 7 février 2014 09:20
À : Mary Previte
Objet : Re: Meredith Helsby's book
Dear Mary,
Do nothing !
The book is already entirely on the Weihsien-Paintings’ website with the permission of the author.
... all the best,
From: Mary Previte
Sent: Friday, February 07, 2014 12:33 AM
To: Leopold Pander
Meredith Helsby's book, He Goes Before Them, has arrived.
Sent: Friday, February 07, 2014 12:33 AM
To: Leopold Pander
Subject: Meredith Helsby's book
Meredith Helsby's book, He Goes Before Them, has arrived.
But I find that it was published by OMS International, not the Nazarene Publishing House, so I'll have to track down that group. Copyright date: 1993 -- much more recent than Mary Scott's book. I'll read the book first to see how much is about Weihsien. It looks as though most of the book relates to Weihsien.
De : L PR
Envoyé : mardi 4 février 2014 09:03
À : Mary Previte
Objet : Re: CIMG1682 page 93
Dear Mary,
Thanks for writing to Mr Rasmussen for me !
As for Topica ... no ... I haven’t received any messages recently !
... all the best,
From: Mary Previte
Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2014 2:16 AM
To: tapol_ (Skynet)
Subject: Re: CIMG1682 page 93
Brilliant! What an addition the photographs and other illustrations make!
I've sent another blast to the Chefoo group about your newly-illustrated Weihsien chapters of Mary Scott's book.
Did Natasha Peterson post on Topica my item about the Chinese researchers about Weihsien?
On Jan 30, 2014, at 4:42 AM, tapol_(Skynet) Dear Mary,
Hello 🙂
A bit more complicated – for me – but I think that I got it right this time ...
Could you check?
... all the best,