☛ ... the most recent messages are on top !
Mary Previte mtprevite@aol.com [weihsien_camp]
Sun, 31 May 2015 at 17:55
[weihsien_camp] Weihsien hero spotlighted in Philadelphia Inquirer articler today
Begin forwarded message:>
To: Mary Previte
> http://www.philly.com/philly/news/20150531_Haddonfield_woman_finds_the_last_of_her_seven_daring_heroes.html
> Sent from my iPad>
> http://www.philly.com/philly/news/20150531_Haddonfield_woman_finds_the_last_of_her_seven_daring_heroes.html

Mary Previte mtprevite@aol.com [weihsien_camp]
Sun, 31 May 2015 at 03:30
[weihsien_camp] What expenses will Weifang cover for August reunion? [1 Attachment]
> The WPSFFC would cover part of the cost in Weifang for Weihsieners to attending reunion, as:
> -for each former internee(or each couple) to the reunion: one double room, two meal coupons;
> -for each former internee(or each couple) + family(one) to the reunion: two double rooms and 4 meal coupons.
> -for family(one) representing each former internee(or each couple) to the reunion: one double room, two meal coupons;
> Suggested reunion schedule could be p.m. August 16th to a.m. August 19th.
> Free bus pick-ups from and to Qingdao and Weifang airports, Weifang railway station.
> Regards
> Sui Shude
> E-mail: suishude@126.com
> E-mail: suishude@gmail.com
> No.6396 East Dongfeng St.,
> Weifang, Shandong, P.R.China 261061
> Mobile: +86-13905369362
> Tel/Fax: +86-536-8233692

Mary Previte mtprevite@aol.com [weihsien_camp]
Fri, 29 May 2015 at 20:50
[weihsien_camp] Fwd: Weihsien-ers are asking for details.
Begin forwarded message:
> From: 隋
> Subject: Re:Weihsien-ers are asking for details.
> Date: May 29, 2015 1:23:25 PM EDT
> To: "Mary Previte"
>Dear Mary Previte,
> E-mail: suishude@126.com
> E-mail: suishude@gmail.com
> Foreign Affairs & Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of Weifang
> 6/F of Sunshine Tower, No.6396 East Dongfeng St.,
> Weifang, Shandong, P.R.China 261061
> Mobile: +86-13905369362
> Tel/Fax: +86-536-8233692
> From: 隋
> Subject: Re:Weihsien-ers are asking for details.
> Date: May 29, 2015 1:23:25 PM EDT
> To: "Mary Previte"
Dear Mary Previte,
> Finding Eddie Wang is the greatest news for Weihsieners for recent years. Does that means the 7-people Duck Mission team consisted of two interpreters, Mr. Eddie Wang, English interpreter, and Nagaki of Japanese speaker. I am reading the article "Tad Nagaki by Mary Previte" issued years ago, very touching story.
> Regarding the 70th reunion, Weihsieners could apply visas of tourist ones as the invitation might be sent very late.
> Weifang People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries has planned to cover part of the cost of each former-Weihsien-internee and family regarding their stay in Weifang for the reunion, and weihsieners are welcome to the camp visit and the reunion.
> Regards
> --
> Sui Shude
> E-mail: suishude@126.com> E-mail: suishude@gmail.com
> Foreign Affairs & Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of Weifang
> 6/F of Sunshine Tower, No.6396 East Dongfeng St.,
> Weifang, Shandong, P.R.China 261061
> Mobile: +86-13905369362
> Tel/Fax: +86-536-8233692
'Tapol' leopoldpander@yahoo.com [weihsien_camp]
Tue, 26 May 2015 at 09:17
Re: [weihsien_camp] FM: Sui Shude
Dear Mr Sui Shude,
Many thanks for your message.
I note that the 70 year anniversary reunion in Weifang for the WeiHsien concentration camp will be on 16-17-18 August. Must we wait for the official invitation letter before finalizing our scheduled voyage to China? I presume that most of us plan to be present at the official gathering but have also intended to go elsewhere in China too. Before and/or after the reunion. We would like to go to Tientsin and others certainly to Chefoo, Tsingtao and etc. !
As for the photos in high definition for your museum I will try and send them to you with the “cloud” technique. Just give me time to scan my directories and I will send you a URL to read them. Some pictures may need “permissions” from their authors but I will give you the names of the persons to ask for ...
Best regards,
suishude@126.com [weihsien_camp]
Mon, 25 May 2015 at 19:50
[weihsien_camp] FM: Sui Shude
Dear Leopold Pander, I've sent an eamil to you. The reunion for the 70th anniversary will be on time on Aug 16-18, Weihsieners are welcome to the occasion.
Mary Previte mtprevite@aol.com [weihsien_camp]
Wed, 20 May 2015 at 14:57
[weihsien_camp] Mary Taylor Previte connects with Weihsien liberator "Eddie" Wang
Begin forwarded message:[please click on the "PDF" pictogram below]
Mary Previte mtprevite@aol.com [weihsien_camp]
Mon, 11 May 2015 at 11:56
Re: [weihsien_camp] Re: yahoogroups?
Excellent, Thank you, Leopold.
Mary Previte
Sun, 10 May 2015 at 21:11
Re: yahoogroups?
How will members of the group know there is a new entry?
On May 10, 2015, at 11:49 AM, "Tapol"
> Hello, ☺
> -----Original Message-----
From: Mary Previte
> Sent: Sunday, May 10, 2015 4:44 PM
> To: Leopold Pander
Hello, ☺
> Easiest is to click on the "Log-Book" and then click on the latest entry !
> or
> Open chapter "The Magnificent Seven" and in the left column, scroll to the bottom.
> Printer friendly version available : click on the Adobe Acrobat symbol at the bottom right of the page.
> Enjoy ...
> Best regards,
> Leopold
>> -----Original Message-----
From: Mary Previte
> Sent: Sunday, May 10, 2015 4:44 PM
> To: Leopold Pander
Subject: yahoogroups?
> Were you successful in sending this story to Weihsien-paintings@yahoogroups?
> Mary
Mary Previte mtprevite@aol.com [weihsien_camp]
Tue, 5 May 2015 at 20:40
Re: [weihsien_camp] Dear Wehsien internees
Dear Mr. Sui:
The list of names and addresses that I sent to you includes names of children and grand children of people who were in Weihsien.
Mary Previte
On May 5, 2015, at 12:42 PM, suishude@126.com [weihsien_camp] wrote:
>Invitation letter will be send in day from the Weifang People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries for Wehsien internees to come to the reunion activity of the 70th anniversary of the liberation of the Wehsien Camp.
Invitation letter will be send in day from the Weifang People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries for Wehsien internees to come to the reunion activity of the 70th anniversary of the liberation of the Wehsien Camp.
> Sui Shude
>Mary Previte mtprevite@aol.com [weihsien_camp]
Tue, 5 May 2015 at 20:30
[weihsien_camp] List of Weihsien-ers or their families
Begin forwarded message:> From: 隋
Subject: Re:List of Weihsien-ers or their families
> Date: May 5, 2015 11:53:56 AM EDT> To: "Mary Previte"
Dear Mary Previte,
> Thank you for the namelist, it will be a good help for sending invitations.
> Right now we are considering the cost and making policy for receiving attendees, of how many of each internee's family can be taken as free of charge within the city of Weifang.
> The invtation letter is being prepared, and it will be sent soon.
> One important thing is, we are working very hard to make the Ledaoyuan building a "Wehsien Camp Memorial" and will take two floors furnished as a specialized musem.
> So far the building is nearly emptied of the 2nd, 3rd and 4th floor. Now I go to the building almost everyday, it's a lovely building once it is emptied. The government has taken the whole building as a "historic relic" and will protect it in a all round way. So the furnishing and opening as a memorial will not harm or destroy any part of it, even the wall paint of the corridors. But just repare the leak and clean it for a memorial/museum.
> But we need more historical subjects to "FILL" and to make it a museum, so, books, pictures, small things, furnatures....anything concerning the memorial, will be collected and stored in the museum, for exhibition and telling historical stories of Wehsien camp to the world and the younger generations. Exhibition rooms, internee's living rooms(like Eric Liddle) will be refurnished, video and film rooms(at least 2 or 3 of them), statues, arts, 3D films....., the work is hard, what we need for open a memorial?
> I, with my group, have been working hard for months, sorting form books, magazines and anything we have, to dig what we need, while still feel that we need much more to make the memorial a place of a good museum.
> Designing companies are invited for making solutions of the exhibition, and we need more stuff, information and things from that 3 years to enrich the memorial. So all internees and friends are encouraged to help.
> I am keeping in touch with Mr. Wang from Guiyang of Sichuan. On our latest contact, he said he will come to the event, if you could come as he wants the most to see you. I said you will come to see the museum.
> Again, thank you for the list, it is a great help. I hope all people on the list could come to the reunion.
> Regards and keep contact
> --
> Sui Shude
>> 在 2015-04-24 00:34:40,"Mary Previte"
suishude@126.com [weihsien_camp]
Tue, 5 May 2015 at 18:49
[weihsien_camp] From: Sui Shude - Weifang
Dear Wehsien Internees:
Welcome to contact for attending the reunion activity of the 70th anniversary of the liberation of the Wehsien Camp! Invitation letter will be sent from the Weifang People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, for Wehsien internees come to Weifang for the reunion activity which will be held on August 16 to 18, 2015.
Sui Shude
suishude@126.com [weihsien_camp]
Tue, 5 May 2015 at 18:42
[weihsien_camp] Dear Wehsien internees
Invitation letter will be send in day from the Weifang People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries for Wehsien internees to come to the reunion activity of the 70th anniversary of the liberation of the Wehsien Camp.
Sui Shude
Mary Previte mtprevite@aol.com [weihsien_camp]
Mon, 4 May 2015 at 22:12
Re: [weihsien_camp] Whata red letter day! Here's Weihsien liberator #7 !
Peter, this is wonderful! I'll see that Mr. Wang gets it.
Thank you so very much.
'Peter Bazire' psbazire@yahoo.co.uk [weihsien_camp]
Mon, 4 May 2015 at 18:52
RE: [weihsien_camp] Whata red letter day! Here's Weihsien liberator #7 !
Thank you Mary. Wonderful news about Mr Edward Wang. Here is a paragraph from my Weihsien diary, written on Friday, August 17th, 1945 when I was 14:
“The Americans went to the Administration building in Moon Gate, and talked with the big-shots of the camp. E. Wang talked to us through the window. He was in Peking 7 years ago but escaped from school and went to high school and then joined up. It was the first time he had jumped from an aeroplane. He is called “Shorty” because of his height (about 5’).”
Peter (Bazire)
Mary Previte mtprevite@aol.com [weihsien_camp]
Mon, 4 May 2015 at 18:05
Re: [weihsien_camp] Wang Hao's email
I'll send several additional photos sent to my by Mr. Wang and his grandson Wang Qian .. Here in the USA, Wang Qian uses the name Daniel Wang. He's a photographer.
While Mr. Wang still has his duffel bag from his adventure in Weihsien, he has very little else -- all lost in the political unrest in China following World War II.
I hope to send another notice with more detail about how all this wonderful, new Wang Cheng Han/Weihsien drama unfolded.
'Tapol' leopoldpander@yahoo.com [weihsien_camp]
Mon, 4 May 2015 at 17:30
Re: [weihsien_camp] Wang Hao's email
I still have an old address in my mail box. We can try it ... who knows !(?)
I invited Mr Shude to our chat-group on Yahooo, but got no answer so far !
Dear Mr Shude, If you get this message, send a blank e-mail to:
... and “confirm” when you get the answer from yahoo ....
Finding Mr Wang is fantastic ....
Just like, sixteen years ago when, for the first time, I hammered “weishien” in the Google search engine and finally found out that I misspelled the word: W-e-i-h-s-i-e-n ! And then, the website .... what an adventure ! and so many friends ... all over the world ! This ‘Internet’ invention is amazing !
And now that we have found our seventh liberator it would be interesting to add data about Mr Wang to our Weihsien-paintings’ website in the chapter named: The Magnificent Seven ! ... if Mr. Wang is willing to share with us ... his photos and /or documents of 70 years ago ?
Best regards,
Mary Previte mtprevite@aol.com [weihsien_camp]
Mon, 4 May 2015 at 14:22
Re: [weihsien_camp] Wang Hao's email
wanghao <13508969816@126.com> is the e-mail address that I have,
Mary Taylor Previte
rank@mailbox.co.uk [weihsien_camp]
Mon, 4 May 2015 at 12:26
[weihsien_camp] Wang Hao's email
Could someone please give me email of Wang Hao, head of Weifang foreign affairs, the one I have is 13508969816@126.com but I'm not sure if it's still valid. Or any other email address for the official(s) organising the August commemorations. I have Sui Shude suishude@126.com. I wrote to them both a couple of weeks ago but haven't heard from them...
Thank you,
Terri Stewart tksweaver@verizon.net [weihsien_camp]
Mon, 4 May 2015 at 03:10
Re: [weihsien_camp] Whata red letter day! Here's Weihsien liberator #7 !
Wow! Thank you so much for sharing this amazing story, Mary! I will gladly print this out and add it to the information I have on my great-Aunt's account of Weihsien. I am so surprised this wonderful man is still alive and is his memory is intact to recount this story, and that his grandson cared enough about this generation to look you up. Leopold, bless you and all the others to make this web site the treasure that it is.
Terri Stewart
(great-niece of Ruth H. Kunkel)
Mccabe35@comcast.net [weihsien_camp]
Sun, 3 May 2015 at 22:58
[Attachment(s) from Mccabe35@comcast.net included below]
Re: [weihsien_camp] Whata red letter day! Here's Weihsien liberator #7 !
What a wonderful accounting of our history......I loved every word of it! Thank you for sharing.
A descendant of a former Weihsien prisoner.......
Fr. Linus McSheffrey.
Ann McCabe
Sent from XFINITY Connect Mobile App
Mary Previte mtprevite@aol.com [weihsien_camp]
Sun, 3 May 2015 at 22:36
[Attachment(s) from Mary Previte included below]
[weihsien_camp] Whata red letter day! Here's Weihsien liberator #7 ! [1 Attachment]
What a day!
In 1997, I searched successfully and found all of the six Americans who liberated Weihsien. But seven men were on the Duck Mission that parachuted into the gao-liang fields outside the camp.
Where was Wang Chen-Han. I have searched unsuccessfully for about 18 years to find Mr. Wang. In Weihsien, we called him "Eddie." Finding a man named Wang in China is like trying to find a man named Smith or Jones in the U.S.A. or U. K. Wang Cheng-Han was 20 years old, the youngest member of the rescue team, the Chinese translator on the team.
For more than an hour I talked by telephone with our "Eddie" Wang today at his home in Sichuan province. He is now 90 years old, in good health, with an amazingly-sharp memory, and still an amazingly-good mastery of English.
His is an amazing story. I vowed I would not cry. But I still have goose bumps
Bless my soul! Here are details of what fascinated and delighted me: A teenager Betty Lambert and another teenaged girl taught him to dance in Weihsien. A Greek girl gave him a piece of silk parachute embroidered with the rescue scene and autographed by the seven liberators. He knew nothing about religion, so someone had to stop him when he was smoking in the church. The team ate their meals at first from the kitchens but later from food dropped by airplanes. They ate their meals in the quarters that had been Japanese Headquarters. Sometimes he got diarrhea and had to be treated by team medic, Raymond Hanchulak.
When I asked Mr. Wang (I COULD'NT call him "Eddie.") what he loved most about his experiences there, he said, "Everything was so new to me. I loved it all," -- that he was only 20 years old so many, many children and everyone talking English. He loved He loved to play sports with the children.
There was nothing he didn't like, he told me.
BUT the parachute drop was a nightmare! He had been trained to do parachuting in a Chinese camp, a simulation on the ground only, never a real jump from an airplane during his training. He said he once questioned his training instructor that his life could be endangered doing real parachuting if he was trained only in simulation. The instructor told him, "You'll be fine. You are not a big guy," So he always worried about a real jump. Fortunately, the parachutes they used on that mission would be automatically deployed. And it did save his life. When he jumped from the B-24, the sudden strong flow of air made him dizzy, almost unconscious. But the parachute deployed in about 15 seconds, and he was awakened by the powerful pulling force. This was his first jump from a plana. He landed safely.
Wang Cheng-Han began to learn English in Shude High School, one of the top in China. He was a sophomore student in Sichuan University when he joined the military service in December 1944 and trained in Luzhou. He didn’t like the training there because they were not trained for how to fight, only non-combat drilling. He says it bothered him because he wanted to fight the Japanese army. There was a war out there!
Later, he was recruited into the telecommunication group in Chongqing, where he learned Morse code. After that, he was recruited in the interpreter training class administrated by Foreign Affairs Bureau (FAB), and completed a 25-day translation training before he was assigned, in May 1945, to the interpreter pool in Kunming. The American Office of Strategic Services (OSS ) went to recruit interpreters from that pool. There, he was employed and assigned to Special Intelligence (SI) group and to Major Stanley Staiger’s team. Major Staiger headed the Weihsien "Duck Mission" rescue team.
The Weihsien rescue mission was organized in Kunming, the headquarters of OSS. On the early morning of August 17, 1945, he was informed that the team was about to carry on a rescue mission at Weihsien, Shandong province. Only then, he was informed of the details about flying to Weihsien.
Previously, Mr. Wang had trained in using small arms , light machine gun, Bazooka (a small rocket launcher) and TNT at Kaiyuan where he had learned parachuting.
So at the age of 20, "Eddie" Wang parachuted from the B-24 over Weihsien. He remembers carrying a pistol, a carbine, and a dagger.
Team members landed in a field of gaoliang not far from the camp.
He says he was closest in friendship with Peter Orlich, the American radio operator on the team. Peter Orlich was 21 years old.
Mr. Wang says his job in Weihsien was to translate for members in the team. Team members took over and stayed in what had been the small Japanese headquarters building, not far from the entrance to the camp. There was a toilet downstairs that allowed only two people to use it at the same time.
What an astonishing, long-lost chapter of the Weihsien story!

Wang Cheng Han, college graduation photograph.
Believe it or not, Mr. Wang's grandson, Daniel Wang found me via the Internet. Daniel tells me that when Daniel graduated from college, his grandfather told him a lot of family history including the liberation of Weihsien. Recently Daniel, who is now living in the U.S.A., searched the
Internet by putting together the words "Weihsien" and "Stanley Staiger." (Major Staiger headed this rescue team). That brought him to Leopold Pander's amazing Weihsien web site -- and to me.
Weifang officials have invited Wang Cheng Han to attend the August 70th anniversary reunion.
Mary Taylor Previte

Wang Cheng Han, college graduation photograph.
'Tapol' leopoldpander@yahoo.com [weihsien_camp]
Fri, 1 May 2015 at 10:12
[weihsien_camp] Fw: Subject: Children interned in Weihsien: year of birth
From: Mary Previte
Sent: Friday, May 01, 2015 3:14 AM
To: Leopold Pander
Subject: Subject: Children interned in Weihsien: year of birth
Please send to our Weihsien group
>> I think you'll be fascinated, as I am, by another of Ron Bridge's astonishing collections of data about the Japanese civilian internment camps in Asia. Those of you born in 1934, like my brother John, comprise the largest age-group of children interned in Weihsien. By the way, slightly more girls were interned than boys.
Ron has collected probably the most complete data in the world from all Japanese camps in Asia during World War II.
See below.
Mary Taylor Previte
Herewith date of birth taken from the basic statistics:
>>> Weihsien inmates: Children
>>> Girls Boys
>>> 1926 8 11
>>> 1927 12 13
>>> 1928 14 18
>>> 1929 14 11
>>> 1930 16 10
>>> 1931 12 20
>>> 1932 17 16
>>> 1933 17 11
>>> 1934 22 16
>>> 1935 8 8
>>> 1936 14 10
>>> 1937 7 7
>>> 1938 13 13
>>> 1939 4 9
>>> 1940 10 8
>>> 1941 8 7
>>> 1942 3 13
>>> 1943 9 4
>>> 1944 6 3
>>> 1945 2
>>> 0
>>> Total: 424 children interned
>>> Ron Bridge