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'Ted' sipabit@bell.net [weihsien_camp]
Sun, 22 Nov 2015 at 13:04
Re: [weihsien_camp] RE book No Dogs & not Many Chinese
Hi Yulin I guess you sent this to me as part of a “group” email? My name is Ted Pearson and I was in Weihsien. I was only 6 when I went to camp but my memories are clear.
I went to the 2005 reunion but not the one of this year. Why are you interested? Sorry but le De Huang does not ring a bell.
From: mailto:weihsien_camp@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Saturday, November 21, 2015 2:29 PM
To: weihsien_camp@yahoogroups.com
Hi, I am Yulin Huang, I am the granddaughter of Le De Huang, I am from QingDao, living in Hawaii now, I have read about your email, where do you live? My number is :8086700063. Please keep in touch.
发自我的 iPadSent: Saturday, November 21, 2015 2:29 PM
To: weihsien_camp@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [weihsien_camp] RE book No Dogs & not Many Chinese
Hi, I am Yulin Huang, I am the granddaughter of Le De Huang, I am from QingDao, living in Hawaii now, I have read about your email, where do you live? My number is :8086700063. Please keep in touch.
在 2015年10月12日,下午9:42,Albert de Zutter alphadogal@yahoo.com [weihsien_camp]
> Our family of four were among the first group brought to the Weihsien camp in March 1943 when I was just short of 11 years old. We were all from Tsingtao, where we had been interned from the previous October. I read with interest the excerpts from the book "No Dogs," etc., and would like to offer a comments on a couple of statements made in the passages presented:
> "Camp inmates ate unleavened bread baked by Catholic priests, with millet porridge for breakfast, aubergine stew for lunch..."
> The camp had a couple of professional bakers from Tsingtao, including a Mr. Sanosian, who lived in our block, Block 2. The bakery produced bread (leavened) every day. My father would go to the bakery early in the morning to help knead the bread. The bread was one thing we camp inmates could count on most of the time. We never ate "unleavened bread made by Catholic priests." As a matter fact, the Swiss consul from Tsingtao would bring the unleavened bread (hosts) and sacramental wine for the Catholic Mass on his regular visits. There was no unleavened bread produced in the camp.
> As for the "millet porridge," it was gao liang, which was "millet" only if "millet" is used as a generic for grain. Gao liang translates as "tall grain." It was sorghum. We would have been delighted to receive what we knew as millet, the small yellow grain that we sometimes had for breakfast in our life before our imprisonment. Another thing we never received in the camp was rice (no fish-heads either).
> As I was not a part of the Chefoo school population -- which was pretty much segregated from the rest of us by their own choice -- I knew nothing of the death of the French teacher. My schooling was conducted by Mrs. Moore of the Peking American School and several American nuns from Tsingtao. My French teacher was a Belgian priest, Father Emmanuel Hanquet, who lived to the age of 92 and died in Belgium a few years ago.
Mary Previte mtprevite@aol.com [weihsien_camp]
Wed, 4 Nov 2015 at 16:43
[weihsien_camp] How did Long Cheng, Ph.D. become interested in Weihsien and Shantung Compound?
Excerpts from a letter from Long Cheng, Ph. D., on how he became interested in Weihsien and how he got copyrights to Gilkey's Shantung compound
Mary Previte
"It was my idea to translate Langdon Gilkey's book into Chinese. When two years ago I started the research on the camp, the book came into my attention. I thought it was the best and most reliable one for Chinese to get a overview of the camp. My friends at Xueyuan Publisher (a Beijing based publishing company focusing on academic books) supported my idea very much and helped to deal with the copyright. Since the publisher of Shantung Compound HarperCollins had been incorporated into Harper One, it took us a little while to locate the copyright holder and sign a contract with HarperCollins/HarperOne. Xueyuan Publisher is the only one that was warranted to publish the Chinese version of the book. " I also have an ambitious plan to introduce all books/memoirs about Weihsien Camp one by one in the coming years. The books like Courtyard of Happy way, A boy's war...are all on the list of considering. Many friends of mine, mostly university professors, show great interest on translating these books when they heard about the camp story from me. So I will probably organize a committee to do the series of translations in the future. And of course, if you or any other internees hold the copyright of any related books or know how to handle the copyright of any books, let me know.
" Censorship is not a problem, since the theme and content of the book accords with the 70th anniversary of WWII, and my friends at Xueyuan Publisher will handle it.
" I am now the associate professor of College of Chinese Language and Culture at Beijing Normal University (where Arthur W. Hummel, Weihsien internee and later US ambassador in PRC in 1980s, worked before he was caught -- called Fu Jen University at that time). I graduated from Peking University (the best of China and one of its predecessors was Yanching University, where Gilkey taught English before he was interned,) with a Ph D of History. From 2008 to 2010, I spent two years at University of South Carolina teaching Chinese history and culture. I used to work at Beijing Language and Culture University and now I transferred to Beijing Normal University.
"My academic interest is Sino-foreign cultural interact history. When I studied the history of foreigners in modern China, lots of them led me to the internment camps in Japanese occupied China and southeast Asia. This directed my focus to these camps.
Mary Previte mtprevite@aol.com [weihsien_camp]
Wed, 4 Nov 2015 at 16:38
[Attachment(s) from Mary Previte included below]
[weihsien_camp] Previte's PREFACE to Chinese translation of SHANTUNG COMPOUND [1 Attachment]
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