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njkitto@me.com [weihsien_camp]
Wed, 8 Jun 2016 at 15:47
Re: [weihsien_camp] Photographs Of Weihsien Internment Camp
You are most welcome,
Mary Previte mtprevite@aol.com [weihsien_camp]
Mon, 6 Jun 2016 at 14:37
Re: [weihsien_camp] Photographs Of Weihsien Internment Camp
Thank you. thank you, thank you, Nicholas. What a treasure you’ve shared with us!
Mary Taylor Previte
'tapol_(Skynet)' tapol@skynet.be [weihsien_camp]
Mon, 6 Jun 2016 at 08:38
[weihsien_camp] Fw: Photographs Of Weihsien Internment Camp
Dear Weihsien friends, ...
I received this very kind message from Nick, living in Hong Kong. There are quite a few very professional photos and many of our old camp, ... Weihsien. He agrees to share them with you all ☺.
I hope that you enjoy them as much as I did ...
... all the best,
From: Nicholas Kitto
Sent: Thursday, June 2, 2016 4:45 PM
To: tapol@skynet.be
Nicholas Kitto LRPSSent: Thursday, June 2, 2016 4:45 PM
To: tapol@skynet.be
Subject: Photographs Of Weihsien Internment Camp
At the suggestion some time ago of Ron Bridge, I have visited your website in the past while researching my family history - two of my great-great uncles (William and Lionel Howell) were interned at Weihsien with their wives. Indeed, William Howell sadly died there on Christmas Day in 1944.
But the purpose of this email is to provide you, and those who visit Weihsien Paintings, with current photographs of all but two of the surviving buildings in the former camp. These may be found in a special collection that I have established for this purpose on my website here - LINK
By way of general background, I have spent the last eight years or so visiting the former Treaty Ports and other leased territories in China to photograph as many of the surviving buildings as I have been able to locate. I now have a collection of some four thousand such photo’s and, for those interested in seeing some of these, a representative sample of my collection may be viewed on my website in the various galleries located here - LINK. It took me quite some time to get to Weihsien but I finally made it there a few weeks ago in late April.
I hope these photo’s are of interest.
With kind regards
Clearwater Bay
Hong Kong
tel. +852 94692584
Photographing Heritage
'tapol_(Skynet)' tapol@skynet.be [weihsien_camp]
Fw: [weihsien_camp] Fw: Museum returns Weihsien parachute silk

From: Mary Previte
Sent: Friday, June 3, 2016 3:45 AM
To: Leopold Pander
Subject: Museum returns Weihsien parachute silk
Leopold, Please seethat the Weihsien net gets this,
Thank you,
The Smithsonian’s Museum of American History in Washington, D.C., has returned to me a piece of parachute silk embroidered with the liberation day date and the scene of our seven heroes parachuting from the B-24 overhead. Next to each parachute, in the order in which they dropped, each liberator has pencilled his autograph.
Since 2004, when The Museum of American History opened its exhibit, The Price of Freedom, America’s Wars, the museum has displayed this piece of art from Weihsien with a collection of Weihsien photographs and treasures.
Where did it come from? In 1997, when I successfully tracked down the American liberators, Carol Orlich, widow of liberator, T/5 Peter Orlich, gave me this treasure which she told me had been folded for years in a dresser drawer, almost forgotten, in their bedroom. Carol, who died this year, and I were never able to find out what lady embroidered this piece of parachute silk and gave it to Peter as a gift when he was departing from Weihsien for his next assignment in Tsingtao. Carol told me she thought that teenager Betty Lambert might have been the one who gave it to Peter. You may recall that Peter, the radio operator on the team, was the youngest American, single, and the object of love from young and old in Weihsien. In those few weeks, Betty became Peter’s girl.
A bit of history: “Eddie” Wang Cheng Han, the Chinese interpreter, was younger.
Before this treasure went to the museum, I showed it often to audiences and to small groups to whom I was telling the story of Weihsien. Sworn in as a member of the New Jersey General Assembly in January, 1998, I had been invited a few sessions later to show this parachute silk and tell my story on the platform in the hallowed General Assembly chambers. (This is New Jersey’s House of Commons.) The chamber was packed that day — standing room only -- when this General Assembly surprised me to tears by bringing to the platform Weihsien liberator, Ensign Jimmy Moore, flown in from Dallas, Texas. On the platform of the Assembly chamber, a surprise reunion after 57 years! I was still holding this piece of parachute silk when I was hugging Jimmy Moore. The New Jersey TV Network cameraman wept, he said, so he could hardly focus his lens. Jimmy Moore, son of Baptist missionaries to China, had attended and graduated from the Chefoo School. You’ll recall that the whole Chefoo School, students and teachers, were interned in Weihsien. Jimmy was one of us.
The parachute tells its own story. The lady had finished embroidering the scene: the date — August 17, 1945 — the B-24, the roof of the church, the liberators and their parachutes. But the emboidery stops abruptly after finishing the signatures of Ray Hanchulak and halfway through Lt. James J. Hannon. I can only guess. Did she give this to Peter — unfinished — when Peter Orlich was hurriedly leaving Weihsien?
I feel happy the embroidery of the signatures is unfinished. The un-embroidered signatures are so clear in the hand writing of each liberator.
Some of you have visited this extraordinary, now-permanent, exhibit, The Price of Freedom. So you will wonder, as I did, why this piece of parachute silk has been removed and returned to me.
“Routine object rotation” doesn’t say enough, so let me add the letter from the Museum of American History that makes me feel better.
Dear Ms. Previte,
Thank you so much for letting me know you have received the parachute silk in good condition. The parachute silk was removed from exhibit for preservation reasons. Textiles and particularly silk are susceptible to light—even the very limited lighting used for exhibition--and therefore these items have limited display times. NMAH regularly rotates light-sensitive items on and off exhibition in order to preserve them for the future. NMAH was very pleased to exhibit this interesting artifact but it was time to rotate it off exhibit for its own good.
Thank you again for letting me know of its safe return.
All the best,
Margaret Grandine