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Mary Previte mtprevite@aol.com [weihsien_camp]
Wed, 26 Oct 2016 at 18:51
[weihsien_camp] Emily Bryant
I have received sad news of the death of Weihsien-er, Emily Bryant, in Texas, USA.
Was Emily part of the Tientsin contingent in Weihsien?
In the late 1990s, Emily joined me in visiting Weihsien liberator, Tad Nagaki, in Alliance, Nebraska. Emily told me that she was one of probably many girls in Weihsien who fell in love with Peter Orlich, (age 21), the youngest American on the liberation team and unmarried. Peter was the radio operator on the "Duck Mission." In the last few years, Emily developed a friendly, telephone relationship with Carol Orlich, widow of Peter Orlich. Carol lived in the Queens, New York.
Mary Taylor Previte
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