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Dwight W Whipple thewhipples@comcast.net [weihsien_camp]
Tue, 27 Dec 2016 at 18:22
Re: [weihsien_camp] merry Christmas
I echo the Holiday sentiments. Merry Christmas to all! Our last Christmas in China was in Tsingtao, the internment camp before Weihsien, and we children participated in a Christmas play.
-Dwight W Whipple
'Fern Nordmo' raks732@gmail.com [weihsien_camp]
Tue, 27 Dec 2016 at 17:18
Re: [weihsien_camp] merry Christmas
May you all have a Blessed New Year in 2017
Audrey Nordmo Horton
Mary Previte mtprevite@aol.com [weihsien_camp]
Sun, 25 Dec 2016 at 22:08
Re: [weihsien_camp] merry christmas
God BLESS us every one.
Mary Previte
'Sancton' sancton@nbnet.nb.ca [weihsien_camp]
Sun, 25 Dec 2016 at 17:07
Re: [weihsien_camp] Christmas 2016
We too send our good wishes for this festive season and for health and happiness in 2017.
One of our family books this Christmas is “For the Glory”, the latest on Eric Liddell.
We are so grateful to you, Leopold, for all your work on the beloved Weihsien site all these years.
It has been a wonderful source of interest and information for our family, and repository of otherwise forgotten memories. Also it is a research tool for many others.
All the best.
Christine Talbot Sancton
'A. Knuppe' annemoen@tele2.nl [weihsien_camp]
Sun, 25 Dec 2016 at 15:51
[weihsien_camp] Christmas 2016
Thank you Leopold for your kind wishes! To all the former camp inmates, a Merry Christmas and all the best
for the New Year!
In September a book was published, written by my niece, about my father’s life, Frans de Jongh, who left for China
after the 1st world war in 1919 as a bachelor and made his carreer as a business man with the Holland China Trading
company. After his second leave, he brought my mother to China and the whole family remained there until 1946.
Our years of internment in Weihsien are also mentioned and I often think of the 2 Christmas’s we spent in camp.
Alas, the book is written in Dutch and concerns not only the family history but also the political and economical
situation at that time. On the site there are some pictures and especially the blogs are interesting. If you are
interested you can find it on http://hierinhetoostenalleswel.nl/
Its quite a volume, containing more that 400 pages!
Enjoy your Christmas holidays!
Anne de Jongh
Mary Previte mtprevite@aol.com [weihsien_camp]
Sun, 25 Dec 2016 at 14:24
Re: [weihsien_camp] merry christmas
Godless you every one.
Mary Taylor Previte
'Brian Kerry' briankerry59@yahoo.com [weihsien_camp]
Sun, 25 Dec 2016 at 10:15
RE: [weihsien_camp] merry christmas
Thank you, Leopold. And a very Happy Christmas and Healthy New Year to you and all our Weihsien friends.
tapol@skynet.be [weihsien_camp]
Sun, 25 Dec 2016 at 08:51
[weihsien_camp] merry christmas
… to all our Weihsien friends …
Bien amicalement,
Mary Previte mtprevite@aol.com [weihsien_camp]
Tue, 13 Dec 2016 at 13:41
[Attachment(s) from Mary Previte included below]
[weihsien_camp] Fwd: American heros WWII [24 Attachments]
Remùember the Doolittle Raid on Tokyo !