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Mary Previte mtprevite@aol.com [weihsien_camp]
Tue, 17 Oct 2017 at 01:26
[weihsien_camp] Eric Liddell movie review coming to USA
< The following information has been sent to me. I do not know what the numbers mean.
Mary Taylor Previte
> ON WINGS OF EAGLES TRAILER https://vimeo.com/237329271
> The website will go live very shortly with more uploads such as the below attachments https://onwingsofeaglesfilm.wo rdpress.com/
> The following theaters are booked Nov 3-9 to help generate reviews from local press as well as national press. It is limited but qualifies as a theatrical release..."in theaters now" on iTunes and various Home Entertainment platforms. It all starts at once.
> 1. Kansas City, Barrywoods 24
> 2. Atlanta, GA, Southlake Pavilion 24
> 3. Cleveland-Akron (Canton) Solon 16
> 4. Philadelphia, PA Cherry Hill 24
> 5. Denver, CO; Highlands Ranch 24
> 6. Houston, TX; Gulf Point 30
> 7. Dallas, TX; Mesquite 30
> 8. San Francisco, CA; Deer Valley Stadium 16
> 9. Pasadena, CA; Laemmle Pasadena7
> 10. Cinema Village, Manhattan
'Molly & Leslie Soltay' brasscranes@gmail.com [weihsien_camp]
Tue, 17 Oct 2017 at 01:11
Re: [weihsien_camp] Eric Liddell movie coming to North America*** finally
happy b'day,trust you got the card we sent?
About the movie: let's just say, as I heard from people who read the reviews, it is not Oscar material and has limited commercial potentials.
Maybe it is better if it is not shown in Canada.
Mary Previte mtprevite@aol.com [weihsien_camp]
Tue, 17 Oct 2017 at 00:56
Re: [weihsien_camp] Eric Liddell movie coming to North America*** finally
You take such wonderful travels, Angela.
Did you think this film expresses the true character of Eric Liddell? How realistic is the narrative?
Angela angelalousia@yahoo.ca [weihsien_camp]
Tue, 17 Oct 2017 at 00:49
Re: [weihsien_camp] Eric Liddell movie coming to North America*** finally
345 pm Mon oct 16HI Mary,
Certainly taking long enuff to be shown inn N America.
Wonder if it will be shown in Canada but wont be here as
heading to Bangkok beginning of Nov -few days then taking
Glynn/s tour Burma Nov 13- 10 days- have visited over
10 yrs ago before it was more open. Actually just returned
SAt from Kuala Lumpur via Sydney 1nite to Vanc- Malaysian
was full to Seoul so Judy & I diverted to Sydney - know its
crazy but other flights to HKG & Narita full. WE were in
Singapore as participants for WARR- World airline Road race
we opted to walk the 5Km - 7.30am - even then it was very hot.
Also off to Shanghai Oct 18 with Glynn who still works for
Air canada airport & so does Judy- he/s the one who does the tours
just for 4/5 days- several from Air Canada going too - have one to
either Shanghai or Peking with him last few years usually NOv.
ERic Liddell/s daughter said - remember its a movie as we did
see preview with somewhat battle scenes which dont think happened
but of course movie has to be more exciting.
Let me know what
you think of it.
cheers angela
Mary Previte mtprevite@aol.com [weihsien_camp]
Sat, 7 Oct 2017 at 01:34
[weihsien_camp] Eric Liddell movie coming to North America
The film about Eric Liddell, "On Wings of Eagles" ( name used in North America) will be screening soon on Nov. 3-9 in U.S.
Sony is doing the distribution and press release is coming out soon. I’m told the edition of the film in China and Hong Kong was named “The Last Race.”
This film was called "The Last Race" in Hong Kong and China.
I know very little about this film except that it is highly dramatized.
Chariots of Fire was also highly dramatized.
Mary Taylor Previte