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Audrey Horton raks732@gmail.com [weihsien_camp]
Tue, 14 May 2019 at 20:26
[weihsien_camp] Jack Graham [1 Attachment]
[Attachment(s) from Audrey Horton included below]
A question--for those who might have been in the know if such
existed---Did Jack have a radio in Weihsien?
Mary Previte mtprevite@aol.com [weihsien_camp]
Sun, 28 Apr 2019 at 20:57
Re: [weihsien_camp] Xmas
Keep these wonderful details coming! Thank you, thank you, thank you, Dwight Whipple! Each of us has a unique view of the Japanese and of Weihsien. We want to hear it all.!
My, oh, my! Eldon Whipple, an astrophysicist, chief of the physics department of NASA in Washington, D.C.!
Weihsien and Chefoo were full of extraordinary talent.
Just off the top of my head, Elizabeth Edwards, my best friend in the Lower School Dormitory in Weihsien, has become a brilliant sculptor and a scholar of original Greek. Elizabeth has translated and published The Gospel for Hearers, a complete and wonderfully-readable translation of the four Gospels.
In the last several years I have collaborated with Pamela Masters, who has written several books about Weihsien, among them, The Mushroom Years.
My brother, John Taylor, a surgeon, pioneered kidney transplants in his area of Southern Ohio, USA. John and his wife, Beth, a nurse, have volunteered in surgery for many, many months on several continents. Bless my soul! John let me suit up one night many years ago and watch while he transplanted a kidney. The operating team burst into applause when the urine tinkled out into a bucket!
I was horrified very recently when Joyce Stranks Cotterill, died unexpectedly. As far as I know,
Joyce had been working on a book. — using her former husband, Meredith Helsby’s Weihsien diary — perhaps one of the only complete Weihsien diaries.
Let’s hear about it. Weihsien-ers who have uniquely touched our world. My, oh, my! I bothered and nagged my dear, dear friend, Peter Bazire, both when I visited him in Bath, England, and when we chatted on the telephone. Peter and my big brother, Jamie, worked on Boy Scout badges together in Weihsien. I did pull some information from Peter. But I fear that much information died with Peter.. Our children are clueless how important this information is.
Please! Don’t be bashful!
We all want to hear about it.
ALL about it!
Mary Taylor Previte
Dwight Whipple thewhipples@comcast.net [weihsien_camp]
Sun, 28 Apr 2019 at 18:16
Re: [weihsien_camp] Xmas
Mary and others~
Thanks for the memories! I, also, remember the Japanese guards in Weihsien—rather fondly. My cousin, Tom Walton, and I used to play with them. One time we snuck up behind a couple sitting on a bench and we knocked their hats off and ran as fast as could. They laughed as they ran after us. No repercussions. Another time my little sister, Julie, and a friend, Astrid, who were both about three years old—walked out the main gate and down the road a ways before a guard spotted them. He hurried after them and brought them back holding each of their hands and smiling as he returned them to their parents. In Tsingtao when we were under house arrest in December of 1941 a guard was stationed at our gate [walled compound]. We kids made friends with him and one time he took the bayonet off his rifle and emptied the shells and handed us the gun and said “shoot me!” We did and he fell down laughing and then coaxed us to go up the house and get him some hot tea. It was cold in north China, remember? We spoke Chinese and English; he spoke Japanese and a little Chinese and English. Body language and gestures with the norm for communication.
On another note, you all should know that my brother, Elden Whipple, died just a couple of weeks ago. He and my sister, Lorna, were Chefoo students but home [Tsingtao] for the Christmas/winter break on December 1, 1943—so unlike many other Chefoo students/families we were all together as a family for the war. Elden was an astrophysicist and when he retired a number of years ago he was chief of the physics division of NASA in Washington, D.C. He told me once that Mary Taylor was the smartest student in his class at Chefoo!
So many memories. They are still fresh in my mind even though I was only seven years old when our family was repatriated in September of 1943. The Teia Maru and the Gripsholm added to the memories, especially the landing in New York when the whole boatload, it seemed, was out on the deck when we passed the Statue of Liberty and singing God Bless America..
~Dwight W Whipple
thewhipples@comcast.net2643 Mayes Road SE
Olympia, WA 98503
[360] 456-4300 residence
[360] 280-3299 dww mobile
Mary Previte mtprevite@aol.com [weihsien_camp]
Sat, 27 Apr 2019 at 20:13
Re: [weihsien_camp] Xmas
Indeed, we lived a miracle. Our parents and out teachers, and every grown up in Weihsien must surely have known about the Japanese Rape of Nanking. Before we were in Chefoo, as the Japanese marched into Kaifeng, Honan, to take it over, my father, James Hudson Taylor, 2, crammed 1,000 women and children into our missionary compound in Kaifeng to protect them from the Japanese. The Japanese had hit mother over the head with a stick because she did not get off her bicycle fast enough and bow to the Japanese. Grown ups in Weihsien knew what the Japanese had done and what they were capable of.
Our Chefoo School teachers protected us. I knew nothing about the Rape of Nanking until years after the war. As many times as I have visited China since the war, I have not been able to convince myself to visit the Museum now dedicated to the Rape of Nanking. Not once. Not ever!
When historians tell us that between 1937 and 1945, 55 million people perished, I know we lived a miracle. No continent was left untouched; no ocean or sea unaffected.
In 2005, when a group of us Chefusians visited Chefoo (Yantai), before traveling on to Weifang for our 60th anniversary/reunion,I sat at breakfast in our hotel listening to Chefoo and Weihsien stories from boys who were older than I. I was dumbfounded when, I think it was Stephen Metcalf said that one of the first demands the Japanese made after attacking Pearl Harbor and then making all of us their prisoners was to take our teenage girls as “comfort women.” I plowed in with questions. Was this true? Where had he heard this? I had never heard this before — and if this was true, perhaps my big sister Kathleen would have been on of these “comfort women” —sex slaves. Unthinkable!
He said that he had heard this at a Chefoo gathering in the U.K. when one of our Chefoo teachers told this account. PA Bruce, he said, had argued against such an atrocity. How did PA Bruce, our head master, succeed in stopping this unspeakable effort? I have no idea, but I can guess. Our teacher must have prayed. And prayed! And prayed. They always prayed and quoted from the Bible. God would always remember His own. “God is still on the throne.” Did PA Bruce let the Japanese know what an international uproar such an outrage would create? Our big sisters were spared.
Estelle! I think Miss Pyle was the teacher in charge of leading our Chefoo School’s Lower School Dormitory girls in memorizing from the Bible in the afternoons after school. I was in that group in Weihsien.
I remember the Japanese guard outside the hospital showing us a picture of his children. I don’t think I was ever afraid of the Japanese. I was terrified of their dogs. We called them Alsatians.
Mary Taylor Previte
Sent from my iPad
L PR tapol@skynet.be [weihsien_camp]
To:Xiang Zhang
Cc:weihsien_camp@yahoogroups.com,LI Xiang
Tue, 16 Apr 2019 at 09:13
[weihsien_camp] RE: About the Chinese name of WeiHsien
Dear Xiang Zhang,
Thank you very much for your message and for correcting my Chinese translation for “WeiHsien”. (I was not 100% sure that I had got it right)!
I was born in Tientsin (Tianjin) but I neither speak read nor write in Chinese and for the Weihsien-Paintings’ website, I simply asked Google-Translate to do the job for me.
Until now – more than six months later – nobody ever corrected me!
I was hoping for somebody to correct me and now it is done. Again: thank you… could you check?
Best regards,
From: Xiang Zhang
Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2019 4:27 AM
To: tapol
Dear sir,
From Tianjin China
Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2019 4:27 AM
To: tapol
Subject: About the Chinese name of WeiHsien
Dear sir,
I came across your website:
I'm glad to see a lot of historical information in the website. However, The Chinese name of WeiHsien is not 魏賢, should be 潍縣.
Hank Xiang Zhang
From Tianjin China
Mary Previte mtprevite@aol.com [weihsien_camp]
To:weihsien_camp@yahoogroups.com,Kathleen Nordmo Rictor,stanley Thompson,Elizabeth Hoyte Goldsmith,Alison Martin Holmes
Tue, 9 Apr 2019 at 20:26
[weihsien_camp] By Scholar from Weihsien: The Gospel for Hearers
Want an AMAZING, passionate translation of the four gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John? Translating from the original Greek, Elizabeth Edwards has captured the excitement that the original hearers must have felt when they heard the stories of Jesus. No one in Jesus’s day READ the stories. No! They heard them. These are now captured in The Gospel for Hearers.
Elizabeth, now a Greek Scholar, was my best friend in Weihsien. We lived in the Lower School Dormitory in the camp hospital. If you’re reading the Easter story now, as I am, you will be moved by The Gospel for Hearers. Yes, they are written for hearers.
Published first in Australia by Dianggellia Press, this hardback book is now available from Amazon. Good idea, too. Give it to someone special as a gift.
By the way, Elizabeth has also earned her reputation as a brilliant, BRILLIANT sculpture artist. So much talent in Weihsien!
Mary Taylor Previte
Sent from my iPad
L PR tapol@skynet.be [weihsien_camp]
Mon, 8 Apr 2019 at 09:13
RE: [weihsien_camp] new URL
Dear Mary,
… glad you like it …
In fact, yes … I scanned the whole book, corrected all the scanning mistakes, put in the “italics”, + mountains of pictures from our website, added page numbers and most of all, let go my imagination for the best possible layout. Janette helped me all the way. All that is part of the website’s renovation … and it is far from being finished yet! Keeps me busy 😊.
All the best,
Mary Previte mtprevite@aol.com [weihsien_camp]
Sun, 7 Apr 2019 at 19:00
Re: [weihsien_camp] new URL
Leopold, you’re a genius! Beautifully done! This is a gift to all of us.
Have you had to re-print all of Mushroom Years?
What is Pamela’s current contact information? I‘ve been unable to connect with her.
Sent from my iPad
L PR tapol@skynet.be [weihsien_camp]
Sun, 7 Apr 2019 at 09:06
[weihsien_camp] new URL
Good Morning (from Belgium),
… a new URL :
In the « Books » chapter :
and :
enjoy …
Best regards,