☛ ... the most recent messages are on top !
tapol@skynet.be [weihsien_camp]
Tue, 14 Apr at 08:51
[weihsien_camp] FW: [stanley_camp] Service Voices- content for 13.04.2020 - on 101.5FM, on digital or live on the internet
… à lire en diagonale …
L’échelle des valeurs a complètement changé entre maintenant et ce qu’on a vécu il y a 75 ans dans les camps de concentration !
à plus
From: stanley_camp@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Monday, April 13, 2020 11:08 PM
To: stanley_camp@yahoogroups.com
I know what you mean by the misuse of words that should never be used flippantly. Hero is another such word. Hero football players or hero cricketers drive me batty. I saw an article on the internet saying how this particular woman's grandchildren were heroes because they accepted home isolation during the Covid-19 pandemic and weren't complaining. I could've jumped down the internet cable and grabbed her by the ears.... and I'm not an angry type of person.
Sent: Monday, April 13, 2020 11:08 PM
To: stanley_camp@yahoogroups.com
Subject: RE: [stanley_camp] Service Voices- content for 13.04..2020 - on 101.5FM, on digital or live on the internet
I know what you mean by the misuse of words that should never be used flippantly. Hero is another such word. Hero football players or hero cricketers drive me batty. I saw an article on the internet saying how this particular woman's grandchildren were heroes because they accepted home isolation during the Covid-19 pandemic and weren't complaining. I could've jumped down the internet cable and grabbed her by the ears.... and I'm not an angry type of person.
Hopefully we learn more from this forced home isolation and massive death toll than just making sure we wash our hands often. Hopefully it enforces a renewed sense of the important things in life, as your parents instilled in you and your siblings.
Kind regards,
Helen Meyer
Radio Adelaide
From: stanley_camp@yahoogroups.com [mailto:stanley_camp@yahoogroups.com]
Sent: Monday, 13 April 2020 11:42 PM
To: stanley_camp@yahoogroups.com
Subject: RE: [stanley_camp] Service Voices- content for 13.04..2020 - on 101.5FM, on digital or live on the internet
There was a magazine here in New Hampshire (USA) that had an article about the confinement due to the C19 virus - they used the word "internment" which angered me and I'm sure would have done the same for my mother who was interned at Stanley and my father who was in the HKVDC (captured Christmas Day '41, and then a POW for the remainder of the war)...they both survived, changed forever...but with a real sense of the important "things" in life - they instilled that in me and my siblings. I pray we NEVER know what our parents, uncles, aunts etc.. experienced. What is going on now is nothing compared to their experiences.
God Bless Them!
Dick Baynes (son of Frances and Eric Baynes).
-------- Original message --------
From: "'Helen M' helenm@adam.com.au [stanley_camp]"
Date: 10/04/2020 03:52 (GMT+00:00)
To: Helen Meyer
We thought you may like to know what we'll be broadcasting next from Radio Adelaide
Can't get 101.5FM? Listen to the live broadcast on your computer on 13.04.2020 at 6pm S.A. time : http://radioadelaide.org.au/program/service-voices/ just click the orange button near the top of the page where it says 'LISTEN LIVE ON AIR'. Click on 'listen back' if you miss the live broadcast.
Executive Producer: Service Voices - service to country, service to community
On air each Monday from 6 - 7pm Radio Adelaide on digital radio; live online and on 101.5FM
Also broadcasts Australia-wide via the CBAA CRN every week
3 Cinema Place ADELAIDE, SA 5001
+61 (0)8 7132 5000
0415 192 980
From: "'Helen M' helenm@adam.com.au [stanley_camp]"
Date: 10/04/2020 03:52 (GMT+00:00)
To: Helen Meyer
Subject: [stanley_camp] Service Voices- content for 13.04.2020 - on 101.5FM, on digital or live on the internet
We thought you may like to know what we'll be broadcasting next from Radio Adelaide
On Service Voices - Monday 13.04.2020 from 6 to 7pm Adelaide Time (or listen again any time after 7pm)
Remembering the cost paid by civilians, particularly women and children, in wartime
We may think ourselves hard done by with the need for social isolation during the current Covid-19 pandemic.
How did WW1 and WW2 Allied civilians who were imprisoned not for months, but for years cope?
How did they cope with the loss of almost everything? Barbara Laidlaw was born in one such prison on the south side of Hong Kong.
From January 1942 to August 1945, around 3,000 civilian Internees suffered overcrowding, deprivation and more under the strict discipline of the Japanese at Stanley Civilian Internment Camp in Hong Kong. Seven internees were among the over thirty civilians executed after the Japanese discovered several hidden radios in the camp.
Visit the Virtual War Memorial
Can't get 101.5FM? Listen to the live broadcast on your computer on 13.04.2020 at 6pm S.A. time : http://radioadelaide.org.au/program/service-voices/ just click the orange button near the top of the page where it says 'LISTEN LIVE ON AIR'. Click on 'listen back' if you miss the live broadcast.
to listen to the individual Podcasts of our interviews, just click HERE after 7pm on the day of broadcast.
Service Voices is also broadcast Australia-wide every week by the Community Broadcasting Association of Australia's Community Radio Network.
Helen Meyer
Executive Producer: Service Voices - service to country, service to communityOn air each Monday from 6 - 7pm Radio Adelaide on digital radio; live online and on 101.5FM
Also broadcasts Australia-wide via the CBAA CRN every week
3 Cinema Place ADELAIDE, SA 5001
+61 (0)8 7132 5000
0415 192 980
L PR tapol@skynet.be [weihsien_camp]
Cc:'Ron Bridge','Pamela Masters',cbindac@gmail.com
Thu, 9 Apr at 11:15
[weihsien_camp] diary
Dear Weihsien Friends,
… Christine, Gay and Peter Talbot have recently given me permission to add their mother’s Weihsien Diary on the Weihsien-Paintings’ website:
and to inform you hence, this message.
All the data is classified by ― year, month, date ― and in my view … very interesting to read. It is a personal vision of the camp life as it was with its joys and hardships but I will let you make your own opinion.
With all this Covid19-misery ― worldwide ― and as we have to stay “indoors” I trust that you will all have ample time to read it (from the first day of camp to our evacuation in October 1945) !
Enjoy … and write to: weihsien_camp@yahoogroups.com
Bien amicalement,
miekemelief miekemelief@kpnmail.nl [weihsien_camp]
To:weihsien_camp@yahoogroups.com Sun, 5 Apr at 19:31
RE: [weihsien_camp] new book
Dear Leopold,
I have seen a preview of the book.Really outstanding quality. I preordered it through Book Depository, free shipping. Amazon.co.uk will sell it too, as soon as it is available.
I got in touch with Nick, because I was allowed to publish one of his photo's in my memory album (the photo of The All Saints Church in Tianjin).
I can recommend this book to the Weihsien group.
Best regards,
Mieke Melief
L PR tapol@skynet.be [weihsien_camp]
Sun, 5 Apr at 16:26
[weihsien_camp] new book
Hi !
… new (photo) book about Tientsin and other Chinese cities that may be of interest to those who lived there before and after WWII.
Go To:
Stay Home and take care …
In Belgium, we are not living the best of times and I read that it is not any better in the US or the rest of the world !
Bien amicalement,
Mark Butcher butcherm218@yahoo.com [weihsien_camp]
To:Roy Campbell roy.campbell79@gmail.com [weihsien_camp]
Thu, 2 Apr at 21:55
Re: [weihsien_camp] The new world.
Wow you have a lot of history-my parents and brother were in the camp My mother was pregnant with in in the camp and after the camp was liberated I was born in England -
The only thing that was nearly like this was SARS - I was in a country hospital in China for 3 weeks at the time - they did not know what it was then (late2002) - they thought I had hepititus and quaranteed me. It was quite an expereince - But we will get through this lots of social distancing in our town of Salmon Arm in British Columbia
Mark Butcher
Salmon Arm, BC
Roy Campbell roy.campbell79@gmail.com [weihsien_camp]
Thu, 2 Apr at 21:42
Re: [weihsien_camp] The new world.
I was 15 in Weihsien when we were liberated and I have never been able to explain to others what it was like and this may be the worst thing that has happened to me since.My mother was a university student in Toronto at the time of the Spanish flu and they were sent out to homes to help families.
My uncle was in the First World War and when he came home he boarded with a lady who had two children whose husband died with the flu. He married her and they had 3 more children. I can't believe ( I'm 90 this year) that my mother told me about things that are now 100 years ago!
I have lived in Prince Edward Island for over 60 years. We have had 21 cases and nobody in hospital yet and it is half empty as all elective surgery is cancelled.Everything nonessential is closed and it is a different world
Maida Harris Campbell
tapol@skynet.be [weihsien_camp]
Cc:'Ron Bridge','Pamela Masters'
Thu, 2 Apr at 11:13
RE: [weihsien_camp] The new world.
Hi !
… out here, in Belgium, it was voluntary confinement at first and then it became an obligation for everyone. The streets are deserted, the express highways are silent (almost) and the skies are blue once more. The city pollution has disappeared. All those still working by obligation deserve our heartfelt thanks. One of Janette’s kids got caught by the microbe and is now in hospital. Getting better, though. He should be out in a few days’ time. We owe a tribute to all the doctors and nurses caring for us … almost around the clock !
A nightmare !
To all of you … do take care !
'Molly & Leslie Soltay' brasscranes@gmail.com [weihsien_camp]
Thu, 2 Apr at 06:16
Re: [weihsien_camp] The new world.
We should be hardened to confinement, after all we learnt that at an early age, and if you had stayed on in China you would have been stuck at home dodging bullets or grenades when the red army came. Not to mention, for those of us who left to live in Hong Kong! Riots, days stuck indoors,windows shut while the tear gas flew by. We went through all that! This should be just like the old days and we will come out of this healthy and happy, the skies will be blue and the air fresh.
Toronto where I am, has been quiet, most people are staying home and not going out, shop on line or let the younger generation shop for us. Week three and counting, we hear it could be at least June before things start going back to something like normal.
Stay, healthy, enjoy the quiet and keep us all in the LOOP
We can do this.
Terri Stewart tksweaver@verizon.net [weihsien_camp]
Wed, 1 Apr at 23:29
Re: [weihsien_camp] The new world.
I live in Florida and our governor announced a couple of hours ago that he is shutting down the state for everything/everyone but essential services.
Thankfully the office I work for (medical) will remain open but our hours have just been cut, but it keeps the jobs and the insurance flowing...can't argue that too much. Be safe everyone.
Terri Stewart
Dwight W Whipple thewhipples@comcast.net [weihsien_camp]
Cc:Ron Bridge,Pamela Masters
Wed, 1 Apr at 19:17
Re: [weihsien_camp] The new world.
The same for us in Western Washington State.
Hunkered down, walking our rural neighborhood and staying safe.
-Dwight W Whipple
'Sancton' sancton@nbnet.nb.ca [weihsien_camp]
Cc:'Ron Bridge','Pamela Masters'
Wed, 1 Apr at 18:41
[weihsien_camp] The new world.
Dear Weihsien family:
I wonder how you are all doing in this global war against the Covid-19 virus? And hope that you and your families are safe.
We live in New Brunswick, the eastern part of Canada which is not a very densely populated part of the country. We do know that the numbers will increase in the next weeks.
Most of us are practising social isolation. A younger neighbour has been doing our shopping for us which is very kind of her.
We are getting to know the dogs in our neighbourhood whom we meet on our daily walks around the blocks.
Blessings to all and keep safe and healthy.
Christine Talbot Sancton