☛ ... the most recent messages are on top !
Albert de Zutter albertarthur@sbcglobal.net [weihsien_camp]
To: 'Molly & Leslie Soltay' brasscranes@gmail.com [weihsien_camp]
Fri, 31 Jul at 22:10
Re: [weihsien_camp] Weifang Museum
Just a short reply to Molly's story about peanut butter. Our family of four -- mother, father and two boys -- also ground peanuts to make peanut butter. I remember peanut butter fondly, as a welcome addition to our skimpy diet.
I was in the camp from age 10 to 13.
My older brother John, however, had the same reaction as Molly's mother. He never touched peanut butter again after the camp.
Best regards
Albert de Zutter
'Molly & Leslie Soltay' brasscranes@gmail.com [weihsien_camp]
To: Leopold
Cc: 乐道院·潍县集中营博物馆
Fri, 31 Jul at 17:51
Re: [weihsien_camp] Weifang Museum
Hello Leopold,
Yes we are alive and well, I see you are still going strong on all the great work required on our Good Old Home " Weihsien", Long may you keep it up.
I did not reply as I was a baby born in camp, and the only memory are those my parents/godparents and ex POW friends told me. If you think anyone would be interested in the mutterings/tales of the things that happened to my mother and myself during that time, it is more of the camp life from a different perspective, third hand.
Oh, one thing I do have from the camp days is the mincer ( heavy iron thing) which my father used to grind peanuts for peanut butter for those who managed to get peanuts, I believe the payment was a small amount of the peanut butter. He was very proud of his little enterprise. To the end of her life, my mother could not look at peanut butter
These are the kind of antidotes I have, interested?
All the best and keep safe.
Molly Soltay
ps. I still owe you a packing list/ instructions for the camp which my husband has carefully put away.
Dwight Whipple thewhipples@comcast.net [weihsien_camp]
To: weihsien_camp@yahoogroups.com
Fri, 31 Jul at 00:02
Re: [weihsien_camp] Weifang Museum
I echo Alison’s sentiments. There is so much on the website to draw from.
Greg Leck’s book is a reminder of how many that were affected by the war. Perhaps all those inscribed names on the two hundred pages at the end of his masterful research would call attention to the significance of the Asian theater.
—Dwight Whipple
Sent from my iPhone
Alison Holmes aholmes@prescott.edu [weihsien_camp]
To: weihsien_camp@yahoogroups.com
Thu, 30 Jul at 22:26
Re: [weihsien_camp] Weifang Museum
Yes, Leopold, we are OK!
We don’t have Mary Previte as cheer leader any more and many of us are not on top of short (or long) video making, so we rely on the wonderful work you have done with the web site, knowing that we have contributed our memories there. I presume that they will be available to the museum. Weifang will always be alive in our hearts, especially on the 17th of August, when we rushed, bare footed, out of the gates to greet our liberators that glorious day.
Thank you for all your faithful, important and efficient work in documenting it all!
Wishing you the very best,
Alison Martin Holmes

To: weihsien_camp@yahoogroups.com
Thu, 30 Jul at 19:24
Re: [weihsien_camp] Weifang Museum
I for one want to respond to you and to encourage the renovation of the museum.
Thanks for your faithful work all these years and for the remarkable web site. You might like to see my web site 
and for my blog on facebook titles "Persistence of Light."
Here is a recent painting of mine. It is of Antelope Canyon, Arizona. With the hiker looking up and the eagle soaring, I call it "hope."
All the best,
tapol@skynet.be [weihsien_camp]
To: weihsien_camp@yahoogroups.com
Cc: '乐道院·潍县集中营博物馆'
Thu, 30 Jul at 11:26
[weihsien_camp] Weifang Museum
Dear Ex-Weihsieners,
My last message has been practically unanswered.
Are you all OK?
I had planned to make a short video with my sister ― living in the Brussels region ― but on account of the Covid-19, I guess that I will have to make a short “video” on my own !
Is anybody else planning to make a video too … for the opening of the renovated Weihsien museum in Weifang ? … and sending it to Mr. Neal Wu who is now responsible for the Museum in our Shadyside Hospital.
You all have Mr. Wu’s e-mail address: 乐道院·潍县集中营博物馆 - 
If ever you have difficulties in sending your videos to him (in China) you can send them to me and I will transfer …
Take care & keep safe

If ever you have difficulties in sending your videos to him (in China) you can send them to me and I will transfer …
Take care & keep safe
From: 乐道院·潍县集中营博物馆
Sent: Wednesday, July 29, 2020 3:18 AM
To: tapol@skynet.be
Subject: Re: from THE MUSEUM
Dear Mr. Leopold Pander,
We are pleased to inform you that the opening date of the new museum has been set. If there is no accident, the opening date will be August 15, 2020.
As mentioned before, shooting short video, please tell others.
Thank you for your help and wish you and your family healthy and safety.
Neal Wu
tapol@skynet.be [weihsien_camp]
To: '乐道院·潍县集中营博物馆',
Tue, 28 Jul at 11:51
[weihsien_camp] FW: from THE MUSEUM
Dear Neal Wu,
Thanks for your message,
… as for the street names all invented by the people living there during our imprisonment by the Japs, I reckon that they are all names of places from their home towns in Europe and elsewhere. All the nice places they wanted to remember to make life more suitable in those days. Sunset Boulevard was the very “chic” place to be in Hollywood. Place de la Concorde, one of the most beautiful squares in Paris where the guillotine once stood. Peitaiho Beach was where many of us ― mostly Westerners ― spent our summer holidays in the fresh sea breeze of what is now called Beidaihe, 北戴河区 . Park Avenue was the good place to possess when you played Monopoly! … etc. etc.
By comparison, you can notice that numerous places and cities in Europe can be found in the USA … How many places named: Waterloo? On the Internet, I found no less than twelve (in the World):
There are hundreds of other examples …
By bcc … I will also forward your message to the Yahoo group (as Yahoo is not accessible in China). Somebody may have another suggestion …
Best regards,
Take Care & Keep safe …

Sent: Tuesday, July 28, 2020 8:04 AM
To: tapol@skynet.be
Subject: Re: from THE MUSEUM
Dear Mr. Leopold Pander,
I'd like to ask you something.
Do you know what the English names and areas of the red circles in the picture are used for?
Why are these names?
Is there any special meaning?
Best wishes.
Neal Wu
tapol@skynet.be [weihsien_camp]
To: '乐道院·潍县集中营博物馆',
Cc: 'Ron Bridge', 'Pamela Masters', Carinne Cunningham
Wed, 22 Jul at 11:03
[weihsien_camp] RE: from THE MUSEUM
Dear Mr. Neal Wu,
Thanks for your message and help to investigate the “liberation” photo mentioned in the previous messages.
With this regrettable Corona-affair, I reckon that the whole planet is in the same situation and that we all must stay confined and be very careful for many more months to come. Furthermore, we ― Weihsieners ― are all over 75 years old now and very vulnerable to this new virus.
Many of us are no longer of this world..
The memory of Weihsien 1943-1945 must now slowly drift to the next generation. WWII must not be forgotten.
Our congratulations for the renovation of the Weifang-Weihsien museum in our old Hospital.
As to your request for short videos to enlighten the August 17, 2020 celebrations, the best I can do is to forward your message to our Weihsien ex-prisoners from the Yahoo-chat list and hope that they will be able to create short videos and send them directly to you at your personal e-mail address: ldybgs@163.com
As for me, I will try to arrange something with my sister and her granddaughter who is much more “computer savvy” than I am for making videos !
Take care and keep safe …
Best regards,
From: 乐道院·潍县集中营博物馆
Sent: Wednesday, July 22, 2020 7:52 AM
To: tapol@skynet.be
Dear Mr. Leopold Pander,
Sent: Wednesday, July 22, 2020 7:52 AM
To: tapol@skynet.be
Subject: from THE MUSEUM
Dear Mr. Leopold Pander,
We are trying to investigate the photos you gave us.
There is one thing I want to discuss with you.
The renovation work of Weihsien concentration camp museum is about to be completed, and the opening time may be determined in the near future. At that time, we will have a ceremony to open the museum. Novel coronavirus pneumonia is a serious disease. China's immigration control is very strict. So it is difficult to enter the country. We are very sad about this.
So, we want to make a promotional film about the new museum. In addition to the scenes of Weihsien concentration camp, we also hope to include scenes of survivors or survivors' families. So, can you help us to contact the survivors and have them take a short video of themselves. The short video content can express the thoughts and blessings for the new museum, such as: the Former Site of Weihsien Courtyard of the Happy Way & Concentration Camp, congratulations on the reopening(潍县乐道院暨西方侨民集中营旧址,祝贺重新开馆)。
Although it is difficult to invite survivors to the opening ceremony due to the severe epidemic situation, we still hope that survivors can participate in the opening ceremony in another way.
Thank you and looking forward to your reply.
Neal Wu
签名由 网易邮箱大师 定制
On 7/20/2020 14:45,乐道院·潍县集中营博物馆 wrote:
Dear Mr. Leopold Pander,
On 7/20/2020 14:45,乐道院·潍县集中营博物馆
Dear Mr. Leopold Pander,
Glad to receive your email.
I just saw your email today because we are closed on Saturday and Sunday.
I have seen the photos.. I am currently confirming the names with the museum. We will try to contact Zhang Xihong. If we have the latest news, I will give you the information as soon as possible.
At present, the restoration project of Weihsien concentration camp museum will be finished soon, although the opening time has not been determined. The leaders of our museum hope to invite the survivors of the concentration camp to participate in the opening ceremony of the museum. However, due to the current epidemic situation, it is really difficult to achieve.
Thank you for your support for our work. And the news about photos, if there is any latest progress, I will give you the information as soon as possible.
Best wishes,
come from,
Neal Wu
签名由 网易邮箱大师 定制
On 7/17/2020 17:02,Tapol wrote:
Dear Mr. Neal Wu,
On 7/17/2020 17:02,Tapol
Dear Mr. Neal Wu,
Hope this message finds you well and that the renovated Weihsien museum is almost finished.
Attached is a photo of ex-prisoners from Weihsien who organised the escape.

If I have the names of the Europeans ― Arthur Hummel ― Laurie Tipton ― Raymond deJaegher and Roy Tchoo, I am not quite sure for the names of the Chinese individuals.
Father Emmanuel Hanquet told me (when he was still alive) that the person between Roy Tchoo and Raymond deJaegher was: Zhang Xihong’s father …
Is this correct?
… If you can question Zhang Xihong (who made a speech in 2005 for the 60-year celebrations) could he confirm and maybe give the names of the other Chinese helpers ?
Thanks in advance …
Stay safe and keep well
Best regards,

'Leopold_Pander' pander.nl@skynet.be [stanley_camp]
To: stanley_camp@yahoogroups.com
Mon, 13 Jul at 10:25
RE: [stanley_camp] - Visit to the Russian cemetery in Harbin (Happy Valley Cemeteries - July 9, 2020)
Dear Jane,
I am almost sure that the recording you mention is on the Weihsien-paintings’ website;
Go To:
and scroll down until you reach the BBC4 logo.
Click on that and … enjoy!
Hope you manage,
… all the best,
From: stanley_camp@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Monday, July 13, 2020 10:11 AM
To: stanley_camp@yahoogroups.com
I love Ian Gill’s articles! Thank you very much, Ian, for providing the link.
Sent from my iPad
Sent: Monday, July 13, 2020 10:11 AM
To: stanley_camp@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [stanley_camp] - Visit to the Russian cemetery in Harbin (Happy Valley Cemeteries - July 9, 2020)
I love Ian Gill’s articles! Thank you very much, Ian, for providing the link.
There was a documentary on BBC Radio 4 several years ago (I can’t remember exactly when) about the missionary school at Chefoo, which included interviews with former pupils. One lady spoke in detail about the life of the school during the war, and paid tribute to the teachers who made superhuman efforts to give the children in their care as normal and happy a life as possible. If anyone else happened to hear it, and has a better memory than I do, it might be possible to find out exactly when the programme was broadcast, and perhaps even to obtain a recording from the BBC.
Sent from my iPad
tapol@skynet.be [weihsien_camp]
To: weihsien_camp@yahoogroups.com,
Mon, 13 Jul at 09:14
[weihsien_camp] FW: Stanley-Wilder family in Tientsin
Dear Tanyue,
Thanks for your message and interest in the Weihsien)Paintings’ website.
Unfortunately, Donald Menzi ― who could have helped you ― died a few years ago and I have no contact information to enable you to reach his family!
His e-mail address was: dmenzi@earthlink.net … and his address was: donald menzi 5 east 10 Street New York, NY 10003
The best I can do now is to forward your message to our Chat-List and hope that somebody will be able to help you.
Good luck in your research
Best regards,
From: tc
Sent: Sunday, July 12, 2020 10:35 PM
To: tapol@skynet.be
Dear Sir/Madam,
Sent: Sunday, July 12, 2020 10:35 PM
To: tapol@skynet.be
Subject: Stanley-Wilder family in Tientsin
Dear Sir/Madam,
My name is Tanyue Chen, I am now residing in San Francisco,
I have been doing independent research on missionary work in China, while I am trying to find the long lost footsteps of my ancestors who were Christians and other interesting people.
I am planning to write an article in Chinese about the Chiu Chen Middle School and Stanley Memorial Girls' School in Tientsin, China. I want to find detailed information about the schools and photos of the founders Mr. and Mrs. Stanley.
I found in your web site some information about the Stanley-Wilder family, who had worked for generations in Northern China. The linked article said that the Volume II of the book contained Mr. Charles Stanley's letters back to his sponsoring organization, the Congregational Church’s American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, I wonder where I can find that volume ( info regarding the eldest Charles Stanley before 1909 when he retired).
Also, I wonder if I can get in contact with surviving members of the Stanley-Wilder family to ask them for some information.
Thank you so much for your help.
'Leopold_Pander' pander.nl@skynet.be [stanley_camp]
To: stanley_camp@yahoogroups.com
Mon, 13 Jul at 08:56
FW: [weihsien_camp] [stanley_camp] - Visit to the Russian cemetery in Harbin (Happy Valley Cemeteries - July 9, 2020)
Dear Nick,
Thanks very much for your message that I am now transferring to the “Stanley” group …
Bien amicalement,
From: weihsien_camp@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Monday, July 13, 2020 8:22 AM
To: miekemelief miekemelief@kpnmail.nl [weihsien_camp]
The discussion about graves on the Stanley Camp group is indeed interesting but what originally caught my attention was the concern raised that the Happy Valley cemeteries might suddenly be in danger because of Hong Kong’s national security law … I cannot see how the national security of the PRC can impact a cemetery in one of its relatively small, albeit important, cities.
Nicholas Kitto LRPS
Hong Kong
tel. +852 94692584
Photographing Heritage
Sent: Monday, July 13, 2020 8:22 AM
To: miekemelief miekemelief@kpnmail.nl [weihsien_camp]
Subject: Re: [weihsien_camp] [stanley_camp] - Visit to the Russian cemetery in Harbin (Happy Valley Cemeteries - July 9, 2020)
The discussion about graves on the Stanley Camp group is indeed interesting but what originally caught my attention was the concern raised that the Happy Valley cemeteries might suddenly be in danger because of Hong Kong’s national security law … I cannot see how the national security of the PRC can impact a cemetery in one of its relatively small, albeit important, cities.
It seems the western press and many of its politicians are currently having a field-day in blaming China for absolutely everything including, recently, the “death" of Hong Kong … I have lost count of the number of times I have heard that false prophesy since arriving here in 1983! Anyway, having spent the last 12 years travelling extensively on the Mainland, I have different views and believe that there is a much to be admired in China today.
Two great-great uncles of mine were interned at Weihsien and one, William May Howell, died there and was buried in the small cemetery; of course I would very much liked to have been able to visit his grave when I was in Weifang in April 2016.. The Weihsien cemetery has long been gone and I recognise that many, if not virtually all western cemeteries on the Mainland have been destroyed. But it should be remembered that these cemeteries were targeted during the Cultural Revolution by the Red Guards; all the gravestones were removed and, having been smashed, were generally used in minor construction projects. On a visit to Gulangyu, Xiamen, we discovered half a gravestone from the 1800s being used in a series of steps on a small hillside. Without the grave markings and in the absence of documentary details it would be hard to move a cemetery in any meaningful form. That is not to say that hasn’t been done though. In 1980, local government authorities in Guangzhou created a terraced cemetery on what had been called French Island and moved the surviving memorials and graves they could identify there; it’s now a lovely spot to visit. More recently, when in Shanghai the grave of a British sailor was unearthed, his remains were reinterred in a surviving cemetery and a British consular official and senior Royal Navy officer officiated at the ceremony.
As regards the Happy Valley cemeteries, I do not share the concern of others, and believe these will be safe for many decades to come. That being said, there is precedent. In order to construct Aberdeen Tunnel, the Government needed to acquire a chunk of the Hong Kong Cemetery which, as it happened, contained some of the oldest graves (incidentally, including that of a J. Kitto from 1864!). These were individually cremated and reinterred in a columbarium specially built for the purpose and sited as close to the old area as practical. As for the value of the land, that is a trifling when compared to that of Hong Kong’s Country Parks which occupy 40% of the total land mass here, including at least that ratio on Hong Kong Island alone. I worry about potential commercial incursions into our Country Parks far more than into the Hong Kong cemeteries which would surely cause a huge outcry given the number of religions and historical icons involved. Indeed, declaring each of the Happy Valley cemeteries as Monuments might help but if you’re worried about history not holding firm on notable people, who is to say that a Declared Monument cannot be declassified? In the meantime, being included as a Declared Monument would make the bureaucracy of family members cleaning graves (as I intend to do on a great-great aunt’s grave there shortly) and new burials all the more tiresome.
That’s my two-pennies’ worth,
Nicholas Kitto LRPSHong Kong
tel. +852 94692584
Photographing Heritage
From: stanley_camp@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Saturday, July 11, 2020 4:40 PM
To: stanley_camp@yahoogroups.com; stanley_camp@yahoogroups.com
Geoff here again about cemeteries, now July 11th. Very interesting that this topic received so many responses...keep them coming please! Some of my thoughts:
Sent: Saturday, July 11, 2020 4:40 PM
To: stanley_camp@yahoogroups.com; stanley_camp@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [stanley_camp] - Visit to the Russian cemetery in Harbin (Happy Valley Cemeteries - July 9, 2020)
Geoff here again about cemeteries, now July 11th. Very interesting that this topic received so many responses...keep them coming please! Some of my thoughts:
1) STANLEY CEMETERY may be safer than others because of its Commonwealth War Cemetery connection (like the Sai Wan Ho CWG cemetery) and its location outside the city. However, I worry for Stanley because in my experience, most local people think it is a "foreign cemetery" even though there are Chinese buried there and it now has memorials with names of Chinese who died in WW I and II. It is a beautiful cemetery and the reason it used to be a place (maybe still is?) where wedding photos and fashion model photos were taken. A few years ago there was a sign there asking photographers to respect the place as a cemetery - the sign has disappeared: I wonder why.
2) HAPPY VALLEY CEMETERIES - I'm afraid it is less likely than Stanley these cemeteries are "safe", not only not being "declared" but just think of the money to be made putting high-rises on these sites right in the city! It might not happen soon, but anything/everything is possible, especially when money is involved. There are a number of notable people buried in these cemeteries, but they may not be notable in years to come. It is good that since the Handover 1997, interest among locals for HK history has increased and there are more visitors to the HK cemetery (former Colonial Cemetery). I have seen groups of students there as well as other local groups. But whether this will continue is not certain.
3) HARBIN. When I visited, we were told people were informed the graves on the island were to be moved, but only if people responded did anything happen to save or move them. Few responded, not surprisingly. We were told the graves of those with no respondents ended up being destroyed or just built upon. Also we were told the new cemetery outside the city was built because foreign relations with China were improving at that time with both Russia and Israel. So what happens when foreign relations take a nosedive? Ian Gill's articles mentioned are really fascinating and highly recommended.
At 06:16 AM 10/7/20, Ian Gill iajgill@gmail.com [stanley_camp] wrote:
Following up Geoff's mention of his trip to the Russian and Jewish cemeteries in Harbin, I also visited the Russian cemetery on the outskirts of Harbin on September 11, 2018 with an American friend, Michael, whose Russian forebears had lived in that city during the Russian era.
Subject: Re: [stanley_camp] - Visit to the Russian cemetery in Harbin (Happy Valley Cemeteries - July 9, 2020)
Following up Geoff's mention of his trip to the Russian and Jewish cemeteries in Harbin, I also visited the Russian cemetery on the outskirts of Harbin on September 11, 2018 with an American friend, Michael, whose Russian forebears had lived in that city during the Russian era.
Michael's grandfather, Aleksandrov, a station master at Acheng, died in Harbin in 1937 and was interred in the Russian burial ground at Noviy Gorod. According to Michael, this cemetery was destroyed around 1956 and many of the gravestones were thrown into the Songhua river. However, some tombs survived and were transferred to the new cemetery around 1980. We searched the burial ground for Michael's grandfather, but without success. I went to Harbin with Michael because I was researching my grandfather's Russian “second wife Nina, who gave birth to their child Kyra in Harbin in 1922.
As you know, there were Russians in Stanley and the whole saga of the Russian revolution and civil war and the exodus of White Russians to China and Hong Kong is utterly fascinating. Michael and I spent almost a week in Harbin and saw much of what remains of Russian Harbin, including two excellent museums... The brilliant and helpful researcher Nicola Davies helped me track down my grandfather's other grandson – the son of his daughter Kyraa – to Idaho, USA. Alan Riddle was astonished to hear from me – he had no idea of his family's China history – and we ended up meeting for three days in Vancouverr to swap stories and photos. We are still in contact today. Thank you, Nicola! Incidentally, I did write an account of our adventure in Harbin.
On Thu, Jul 9, 2020 at 8:37 PM G C Emerson emerson@netvigator.com [stanley_camp] < stanley_camp@yahoogroups.com> wrote:
As far as I know, most Christian cemeteries in China are gone.
As far as I know, most Christian cemeteries in China are gone.
But I have heard that there are Kadoorie cemeteries near Shanghai.
A few years ago I visited Harbin and visited Jewish and Russian cemeteries outside the city.
The annual Harbin winter festival is on an island where there were once Jewish graves, I was told.
They were moved outside the city.
At 07:21 PM 9/7/20, you wrote:
On Thursday, July 9, 2020, 12:05 pm, G C Emerson emerson@netvigator.com [stanley_camp] < stanley_camp@yahoogroups.com> wrote:As far as I know, none of the cemeteries in Happy Valley are safe because none is a Declared Monument, having protection. I believe attempts have been made in the past to get Government to declare them, but no interest there.
At 05:09 PM 9/7/20, you wrote:
In light of what's happening in Hong Kong I have question:
There must surely be surviving Christian cemeteries in China itself.
Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhoneOn Thursday, July 9, 2020, 12:05 pm, G C Emerson emerson@netvigator.com [stanley_camp] < stanley_camp@yahoogroups.com> wrote:
As far as I know, none of the cemeteries in Happy Valley are safe because none is a Declared Monument, having protection. I believe attempts have been made in the past to get Government to declare them, but no interest there.
Very sad.
At 05:09 PM 9/7/20, you wrote:
In light of what's happening in Hong Kong I have question:
Are the graves of our loved ones interred in the Roman Catholic Cemetery of Saint Michael, Happy Valley, Hong Kong safe?
I fear for the future of these sacred sites (including adjoining cemeteries) now that HK is basically run by atheists.
From: stanley_camp@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [stanley_camp] - Visit to the Russian cemetery in Harbin (Happy Valley Cemeteries - July 9, 2020)
Yet another amazing story from Ian Gill.
On Sat, Jul 11, 2020 at 11:09 AM Ian Gill iajgill@gmail.com [stanley_camp]Hi George,
Your message re Stanley and Leopold’s reference to athlete/missionary Eric Liddle in Weihsien jogs a memory regarding another foreign cemetery in Chefoo (known today as Yantai), also in Shantung province.
Missionaries and children at the famous China Inland Mission-run Chefoo School joined Liddle at the Weihsien camp during the war.
I have an interest in all this as my mother’s grandparents, Edward and Mary Ann Newman, ran the Family Hotel in Chefoo, right next door to Chefoo School, and their four children went to the school (even though they were not missionary kids).
When Edward and Mary Ann died in 1883 and 1991, respectively, they were interred in the Settlement cemetery on Temple Hill, Chefoo, which I visited.
I have family photographs of their gravestones, which is fortunate as the cemetery was severely vandalized during a wave of anti-foreign feeling during the Korean war.
Despite all the destruction of foreign cemeteries in China (and I include the grave of my mother’s father, Frank Newman, in the Tsingtao foreign cemetery which is now a park, and that of my mother’s mother Mei-lan at the former Bubbling Well Road cemetery in Shanghai), I suspect George is right in saying Stanley cemetery in Hong Kong is safe.
Hopefully, the destruction of foreign graveyards in China will remain a habit of past eras.
Incidentally, photos of the foreign tombs are not that common, but the old Newman graves in Chefoo can be viewed through this link (apologies if this seems self-serving).
Diana Fortescue
2 Rochester Terrace, London, NW1 9JNT: 020 7485 9903
M: 07765 885 047
tapol@skynet.be [weihsien_camp]
To: weihsien_camp@yahoogroups.com
Cc: 'Rita Lewi'
Fri, 3 Jul at 09:15
[weihsien_camp] FW: FW: Weihsien Exhibit
Dear Kim,
… Yes! They (the museum) have access to the whole website and were free to use whatever they wished to use for their exhibit. I am curious to see how it is all arranged.
As for the website, I think that I have now finished the complete renovation. It can now be read either on a computer screen, I-pad or smartphone. It is now the third version of the work. Three times I have started it all over again … when I think that in the beginning, I had just ten painting reproductions to share with you all … what an adventure.
Yes, we are all OK for the moment but confined in our homes with masks and all that stuff. Our social life is very limited, so we don’t worry too much. Still a few months to go until the vaccine comes out. We hear that thing are not so well in the US so, … stay indoors and keep safe too.
From: Kim Smith
Sent: Thursday, July 2, 2020 3:42 PM
To: Tapol
Hey Leopold!
Sent: Thursday, July 2, 2020 3:42 PM
To: Tapol
Subject: Re: FW: Weihsien Exhibit
Hey Leopold!
Do these photos include the ones Dad took of the liberation and extractions?
It's fine, if so; the family likes to keep track of what of Dad's work and photos are out in the world. Also, my sister lives on the DC line and might want to see the exhibition under any circumstances if it becomes possible to visit museums.
Hope you are well and safe.
Kim Smith
Sent: Monday, June 29, 2020 10:25 AM
To: 'weihsien_camp@yahoogroups.com'
Cc: 'Rita Lewi'
Subject: Weihsien Exhibit
Hi !
For your information …
For all of you living in or near Washington, DC ― and if you visit the exhibit, let us know how it was and send me photos (and your impressions) for the Weihsien-Paintings’ website.
Thanks in advance …
Bien amicalement,
From: Chinese American Museum
Sent: Sunday, June 28, 2020 11:41 PM
To: pander.nl@skynet.be
Cc: Rita Lewi; Jenny Liu
Dear Mr. Pander,
1218 16th Street, N.W.
Washington, DC 20036
Sent: Sunday, June 28, 2020 11:41 PM
To: pander.nl@skynet.be
Cc: Rita Lewi
Subject: Permission to Use Historical Photographs at Your Website
Dear Mr. Pander,
Please find attached a letter regarding permission to use the photos at your website.
Thanks you very much!
Chinese American Museum Foundation
1218 16th Street, N.W.Washington, DC 20036