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From: 乐道院·潍县集中营博物馆
Ledaoyuan·Weixian Concentration Camp Museum
Sent: Friday, September 24, 2021 9:42 AM
To: george.godula@gmail.com
Cc: 潍县绘画 Weixian Painting
Subject: 来自乐道院·潍县集中营博物馆的邮件
Mail from Ledaoyuan·Weixian Concentration Camp Museum
Dear George
Thank you and Leopold for transmitting theses emails to us, that’s really appreciate. I am Liang Jingyao, the staff of the Courtyard of the Happy Way and Weihsien Concentration Camp Museum,also the person who keeps in touch with the survivors of Weihsien Concentration Camp.
Unfortunately we don’t have the book Tientsin in the museum. If we have any updates with this book in our museum, we will let you know.
If you have any information or historical sources about the Courtyard of the Happy Way and the Weihsien Concentration Camp that would like to share with our museum. That will be really thankful and also helps a lot on our research and exploration about that period of history.
Nice to hear from you and thank you with the cooperation.
Looking forward to your reply soon.
Best regards
Liang Jingyao
From: 乐道院·潍县集中营博物馆
Ledaoyuan·Weixian Concentration Camp Museum
Sent: Friday, September 24, 2021 5:00 AM
To: terrigutshallpike@gmail.com
Cc: Leopold_Pander
Subject: 来自乐道院·潍县集中营博物馆的邮件
Mail from Ledaoyuan·Weixian Concentration Camp Museum
Dear Terri Pike
This is Liang Jingyao, the staff of the Courtyard of the Happy Way and Weihsien Concentration Camp museum.The attachment is all the information that we knew about your family. If we get more information and memories about in the future, we will keep in touch with you and let you know. And if you have any information that would like to share, please contact us. Thank you very much with cooperation.
Best regards
Liang Jingyao

From: 乐道院·潍县集中营博物馆
Ledaoyuan·Weixian Concentration Camp Museum
Sent: Friday, September 24, 2021 4:46 AM
To: terrigutshallpike@gmail.com
Cc: weihsien@proximus.be; Leopold_Pander
attachment: form.docx
Subject: 来自乐道院·潍县集中营博物馆的邮件
Mail from Ledaoyuan·Weixian Concentration Camp Museum
Dear Terri Pike
Hello. How are you recently? I am Liang Jingyao, the staff of the Courtyard of the Happy Way and Weihsien Concentration Camp Museum. Leopold Pander had transmitted your email to us. We are really appreciate to hear from you. All the survivors are very important to us, and make a great contribution on the development of the Weihsien Concentration Camp Museum. We are now collecting historical sources and objects about the Courtyard of the Happy Way and Weihsien Concentration Camp from various aspects. The museum now is collecting the survivors relevant personal files and the stories about your time in the camp and also the stuff about the camp and oral history.All the precious memories and stories of you are valuable to the museum. I'm wondering if you have any information or things would like to share with us , that will be very thankful. And if you can help us to fill the personal profile form which attached in the attachment, that will be very helpful for completing our production of relevant personal files.
If you have any questions please let me know. Thank you very much for helping and supporting .
Looking forward to your reply.
Best regards
Liang Jingyao
From: George Godula
Sent: Tuesday, September 21, 2021 3:39 PM
To: Leopold PANDER
Subject: Some first Tientsin impressions
Dear Leopold & group,
As mentioned, I am based in Shanghai and as a hobby maintain a small museum (www.mofba.org) on commercial history in old China - mostly researching the stories of the early entrepreneurs in trading, F&B, brand advertising and retail.
I have just returned to Shanghai and so far wrote up 2 small pieces:
• Astor House Hotel - the oldest elevator still standing in China: https://www.mofba.org/2021/09/19/oldest-elevator-still-standing-in-china/
• The Chung Yuen / Quanyechang / 天津劝业场 department store: https://www.mofba.org/2021/09/22/the-chung-yuen-co-%E5%A4%A9%E6%B4%A5%E5%8A%9D%E4%B8%9A%E5%9C%BA-department-store-in-tientsin-completed-1928/
I hope you enjoy the background information and pictures - I will share much more as I find time to document my short stay in Tianjin. If you have any further information, additions or corrections (how exactly did the foreign population call the Quanyechang department store?) please do let me know & thank you so much!
All the best,
From: George Godula
Sent: Tuesday, September 21, 2021 7:59 AM
To: Gary
Cc: Nicholas Kitto
Subject: Re: FW: Tientsin book by David C. Hulme
Dear Gary,
Thank you very much for your reply and additional information! The correspondence I mentioned by Werner Kiessling can be found in the document here: https://docplayer.org/192147572-Studeo-studienwerk-deutsches-leben-in-ostasien-e-v.html. It's from the year 2003, so unfortunately already a long time ago.
Dr. Kiessling's reply starts on page 30. Unfortunately all in German, but you can copy the text and run it through Google translate. I have already attached a quick automatic translation for you. I hope this is helpful and interesting to you too. I am not sure Werner Kiessling is still alive but if you have his contact details and could pass them on to me it would be fantastic.
I am concluding my Tianjin trip now and heading to the airport in 30 minutes and then back to Shanghai. We had perfect blue sky weather today and the remaining concession buildings are almost all newly renovated and in great shape!
All the best,
Google Translate basic translation from German to English:
Werner Kiessling -Answer; Honorary Citizen of Tianjin, People's Republic of China; Koblenz, January 28th, 2003 Dear Gary, Thank you for your letter of November 20th, 2002. Just a few days ago a package arrived from Brisbane that we had sent by sea. It also contained your book "The Ta-rasow Saga" with your kind dedication. I have now looked through it and congratulate you on it. In many parts it reminded me of my Tientsin youth. The impressions of your mother Nina revived. My wife and I visited Nina in Sydney in 1985 and 1988 and stayed in correspondence until her death. Her great hospitality will not be forgotten and of course her enthusiasm with which she told about her work at Kiessling & Bader, which you aptly describe in your book In Brisbane I had discovered some serious mistakes as far as Kiessling was concerned, and I promised to share details. It is now up to you to inform your readers every new author adopts details from others without checking. After such a long time, things like this are not easy either would you have with me, Dr. Vera Bader and Heinz Tö-bich found the best sources of information. And now to the individual corrections. Page 66 and 89 -Albert Kiessling, Friedrich Bader and Walter Reiche! were Germans. The recurring claim that Kiessling & Bader was an Austrian company is wrong. It was a German company from its foundation to the end. Only the fourth owner, Robert Töbich, was Austrian. He became the owner - together with Reiche] - in the mid-thirties. In 1938 Hitler annexed Austria and Töbich became a German. According to a letterhead available to me, the founding year was 1906, not 1901. The company was named “A. Kiessling "until about 1913. Then there was a letter from my father dated April 18, 1913 to Friedrich Bader with the offer of a partnership, which was probably established in the same year. From then on, business with all previous and later branches was -Rue of France in the French concession, Woodrow Wilson Street = headquarters from 1913, Peitaiho, anking and Shanghai - the name Kiessling & Bader and kept it until the expropriation 19-16 - and maybe even beyond. Kiesslings "was the language used, a common abbreviation. A legend has recently been spread in China: The founder is said to have been a V illiam Kiessling and the establishment is said to have taken place in 1901. Both are wrong. The source was found on the Internet, I was told. Skepticism towards Internet stories is therefore appropriate. Albert Kiessling, born in 1879, learned the trade of baker, confectioner and cook in Dresden and completed his military service in Kamenz. From 1901 he went on ships of German East Asia shipping companies as a ship cook and confectioner. In 1904 he was fired in Hong Kong and, on the advice of the German consul, moved to Tientsin, northern China. From then on he only left China for the purpose of short stays abroad for business activities and holidays. In 1946 he was exempted from repatriation by the then Chinese central government, he remained resident of Tientsin. In 1952 he suffered a stroke and, paralyzed on one side, applied for participation in a repatriation - probably the last - carried out by the Federal Government of Germany. He arrived in Hamburg on December 22nd, 1952 and traveled via Friedland to Bietigheim, where I lived with my family. He died there on January 13, 1955. "The other change involved the two parh1ers, Kiessling and Bader, who decided to retire and re-turn to Austria." This is wrong. It is correct that Albert Kiessling wanted to retire from professional life, but not to return to Germany - Austria is completely wrong - but to continue living in Tientsin, which he then did. Friedrich Bader, on the other hand, moved to Munich, where he bought a house and land and lived with his second wife and two daughters_ Your book does not mention that Mrs. Olga Kiessling, my mother, together with my sister Lotti, who was born in Tientsin in 1914, and me traveled to Germany in October 1929 to settle in Leipzig - her native city. She tolerated the North Chinese climate increasingly poorly and, as agreed, took over the further upbringing of us children alone. "The business was sold to two other Austrians by the name of Reiche! And Töbich." I already mentioned above that Walter Reiche! Was German. Robert Töbich was an Austrian engineer. He married my aunt Emmy Kiessling, sister of Albert Kiessling. He joined Kiess-ling & Bader and later took over together with Reichel as described above. "... a deal was struck to change the a deal was struck to change the name of the establishment to Kiesslings. "I have already mentioned that this is not the case either. The company name Kiessling & Bader, which has now become famous, was never changed. It probably only expired when the expropriation In 1946, or much later, in the wake of the earthquake in Tangshan on July 28, 1976, with 655,000 deaths, the company's traditional building on ex-Woodrow-Wilson-Street was demolished down to the ground floor due to its dilapidation Find out more. Then the Chinese went to the former Victoria Cafe and established the "Kiessling Restaurant" there, as it still exists today. "For that Mr. Kiessling was to earn royalties for the rest of his life." That does not coincide with my knowledge. The sale with payment took place step by step. Fried-rich Bader must have paid for his house in Munich with it. My father financed his life and ours through investments in China - Leopold Building and other investments - and later in a factory in Germany. on page 142 - "As Kiesslings was an Austrian firm ..." according to what I said above would be correct - "Kiessling & Bader was a German firm." "... to their Austrian bosses." "The emphasis on" Austrian "is incorrect for the reasons I have given. In keeping with tradition, it was a German company. The few years under the partnership management of Reiche! and Töbich cannot turn it into an Austrian one. I hope to have finally clarified what is very important to me. to page 172 -Töbich and Reiche! were deported to Austria. "That is also only half correct. Robert Töbich, his wife Emmy and his Solm Heinz traveled to Austria and later lived in Vienna. Walter Reiche) was there in 1946 when the exodus of the Germans took place. Over the Asperg it went to Kirchheim unter Teck, where he from then on lived with his wife Betty and daughter Renate - later married Leloneck. to page 270/271 - "... the mayor of Tientsin invited Werner Kiessling, the son of the founder of Kiessling, and his wife to the festivities. "For the sake of completeness, it should be mentioned that our daughter Steffi Kiessling-Plewa, who was in Hamburg, was invited and took part." The Kiesslings were at that time living in Austria. "Where did you come from this fairy tale, Gary? We both live in Koblenz, Germany. "Werner had not becn to China since the family departed 1933 ..." I had already reported that the separation from China took place in 1929 and I was 10 years old at the time and not 13. Besides In 1985, my wife and I were invited to manage Kiessling Restaurant in Tianjin and Petaiho. We were already being celebrated back then and the then Vice Mayor of Tianjin, Mr. Liu Jin-Feng, gave a plague banquet. Tch noted in my diary: We were taken to a fish specialty restaurant by our company; everything new, a large, round table, at which an estimated 20 people could sit and waited for our host. It was the vice-mayor of Tianjin, Mr. LiuJin-Feng personally, who now introduced himself and his companions, the upper ranks of the departments of the city administration responsible for economic relations, trade and investments and brought us the greetings of the mayor, who because of a I regret traveling abroad not being able to come in person. Much, much honor for us, much more than we could ever expect. The last three namesake Kiessling visited again from 14. -21. September 2001. It was pre-ventilated by sending a five-person delegation to Koblenz in August 2001. This then probably found me suitable to receive the dignity of an honorary citizen of Tianjin. The ceremony took place on September 15, 2001 in Tianjin City Hall and I was introduced to the public in the open space in front of the Kiessling Restaurant and in the concert hall at a symphony concert by Vice Mayor Xia Bao Lang. Gala dinner followed by gala dinner. My inauguration and interviews have been recognized all over China on television and in the press. In the foreground - as I felt it - was honoring my father and his name, work and work. For decades, Kiessling & Bader was undeniably the center of German life and international ties in China, and its reputation for excellent quality went beyond the borders. As far as still alive, there was and is probably no Old China Hand who did not acknowledge Albert Kiessling for this. Fifty years in China, outstanding specialist and artist, fair employer, elected Rotarian, promoter in many areas, passionate cosmopolitan but true to his country - his name was a term for quality in China. Understood in this way, I accepted the honorary citizenship of the city of Tian-jin, in order to preserve the memory of the positive sides of German abroad in China. Finally, dear Gary, I would ask you to let me know in due course how you manage to correct the gross errors in your book. What else interests me is to find out whether you know the book "Tientsin" by David C. Hulme -er-schienen published by Iumix Ltd. Verlag, Totton, United Kingdom? He goes into many pages on Kiess-ling & Bader and deals extensively with ina, your mother. With a few exceptions, his reports are not objectionable. Copyright one year before your book, 2001. It was a pleasure to be in contact with you. I wish for the sale of your work I wish you continued success. Best regards, Dr. Werner Kiesling and Ms. Carolina
German original:
Werner Kiessling -Antwort; Ehrenbürger von Tianjin der Volksrepublik China; Koblenz, 28.1.2003 Lieber Gary, Ich bedanke mich noch für Ihr Schreiben vom 20.11.2002. Erst vor einigen Tagen traf ein Paket aus Brisbane ein, das wir auf dem Seewege abgeschickt hatten. Darin befand sich auch Ihr Buch „The Ta-rasow Saga" mit ihrer freundlichen Widmung. Ich habe es nun durchgesehen und beglückwünsche Sie dazu. Es erinnerte mich in vielen Teilen an meine Tientsiner Jugendjahre. Die Eindrücke von Ihrer Mutter Nina lebten auf. Meine Frau und ich besuchten Nina 1985 und 1988 in Sidney und standen bis zu ihrem Tode in Briefverkehr. Ihre übergroße Gastfreundschaft bleibt unvergessen und natürlich ihre Begeisterung, mit der sie von ihrer Tätigkeit bei Kiessling & Bader erzählte, was Sie in Ihrem Buch treffend schildern. Schon in Brisbane hatte ich einige gravierende Fehler, was Kiessling betrifft, entdeckt und verspro-chen, Einzelheiten mitzuteilen. Das geschieht nun nachfolgend. Es bleibt Ihnen überlassen, Ihre Leser zu unterrichten. Ich befürchte nämlich, dass weitere unrichtige Publikationen auf dem Büchermarkt auftauchen, da wohl jeder neue Autor Details von anderen ungeprüft übernimmt. Nach so langer Zeit sind solche Dinge ja auch nicht einfach. Immerhin hätten Sie bei mir, Dr. Vera Bader und Heinz Tö-bich die besten Auskunftsquellen gefunden. Und nun zu den einzelnen Richtigstellungen. Seite 66 und 89 -Albert Kiessling, Friedrich Bader und Walter Reiche! waren Deutsche. Die immer wieder auftauchende Behauptung, Kiessling & Bader sei eine österreichische Firma gewesen, ist falsch. Sie war ab Gründung bis zuletzt eine deutsche Firma. Lediglich der vierte Eigentümer, Robert Töbich, war Österreicher. Er wurde Inhaber -zusammen mit Reiche] -in der Mitte der Dreissiger-jahre. 1938 annektierte Hitler Österreich und somit wurde Töbich dann auch Deutscher. Das Gründungsjahr war gemäss einem mir vorliegenden Briefkopf 1906, nicht 1901. Man firmierte „A. Kiessling" bis ca. 1913. Dann existiert ein Brief meines Vaters vom 18.4.1913 an Friedrich Bader mit dem Angebot einer Partnerschaft, die wohl im gleichen Jahr noch entstand. Von da an trug das Ge-schäft mit allen früheren und späteren Niederlassungen -Rue der France in der Französischen Kon-zession, Woodrow Wilson Street =Hauptsitz ab 1913, Peitaiho, anking und Shanghai -den Namen Kiessling & Bader und behielt ihn durchgehend bis zur Enteignung 19-16 -und vielleicht noch dar-über hinaus. Die Bezeichnung „Kiesslings" war Sprachgebrauch, gängige Abkürzung. Seit kurzem wird in China eine Legende verbreitet: Der Gründer soll ein V illiam Kiessling gewesen sein und die Gründung soll 1901 stattgefunden haben. Beides ist falsch. Die Quelle habe man im In-ternet gefunden, sagte man mir. Skepsis gegenüber Internet-Stories ist demnach angebracht. Albert Kiessling, geboren 1879, lernte in Dresden die Handwerke Bäcker, Konditor und Koch und absolvierte seine Militärzeit in Kamenz. Ab 1901 fuhr er auf Schiffen von deutschen Ostasienreederei-en als Schiffskoch und -konditor. 1904 heuerte er in Hongkong ab und wechselte auf Anraten des Deutschen Konsuls nach Tientsin, Nordchina. Von da ab verließ er China nur zum Zwecke kurzzeiti-ger Auslandsaufenthalte zu Geschäftstätigkeit und Urlaub. 1946 wurde er von der damaligen Chinesi-schen Zentralregierung von der Repatriierung ausgenommen, er blieb weiterhin Resident of Tientsin. 1952 erlitt er einen Schlaganfall und beantragte, halbseitig gelähmt, die Teilnahme an einem -wohl dem letzen -von der Bundesregierung Deutschland durchgeführten Rücktransport. Er traf am 22.12.1952 in Hamburg ein und reiste via Friedland nach Bietigheim, wo ich mit meiner Familie lebte. Er starb daselbst am 13. Januar 1955. "The other change involvcd the two parh1ers, Kiessling and Bader, who decidcd to retire and re-turn to Austria." Das ist falsch. Richtig ist, daß Albert Kiessling sich aus dem Berufsleben zurückziehen wollte, aber nicht um nach Deutschland -ganz falsch ist Österreich -zurückzukehren, sondern um weiter in Tientsin zu leben, was er dann auch tat. Friedrich Bader hingegen siedelte nach München über, wo er ein Haus und Grundstück erwarb und mit seiner zweiten Frau und seinen beiden Töchtern lebte_ Unerwähnt bleibt in Ihrem Buch, daß Frau Olga Kiessling, meine Mutter, zusammen mit meiner 1914 in Tientsin geborenen Schwester Lotti und mir im Oktober 1929 nach Deutschland reiste, um sich in Leipzig -ihrer Geburtsstadt -niederzulassen. Sie vertrug das nord-chinesische Klima immer schlechter und übernahm absprachegemäß die weitere Erziehung von uns Kindern allein. "The business was sold to two other Austrians by the name of Reiche! and Töbich." Oben habe ich bereits erwähnt, daß Walter Reiche! Deutscher war. Robert Töbich war österreichischer Ingenieur. Er heiratete meine Tante Emmy Kiessling, Schwester von Albert Kiessling. Er trat in Kiess-ling & Bader ein und übernahm es zusammen mit Reichel später wie oben beschrieben. " ... a deal was struck to change the name of the establishment to Kiesslings." Daß auch dies nicht zutrifft, habe ich oben bereits erwähnt. Der inzwischen berühmt gewordene Fir-menname Kiessling & Bader wurde nie geändert. Er dürfte erst erloschen sein, als die Enteignung 1946 erfolgte oder viel später, als im Zuge des Erdbebens in Tangshan am 28.Juli 1976 mit 655'000 Toten das Traditionsgebäude der Firma in der ex-Woodrow-Wilson-Street bis auf das Erdgeschoß wegen Baufälligkeit abgerissen wurde. Darüber ließ sich leider nichts mehr eruieren. Anschließend gingen die Chinesen in das ehemalige Victoria Cafe und etablierten dort „Kiessling Restaurant", wie es bis heute existiert. "For that Mr. Kiessling was to earn royalties for the rest of his life." Das deckt sich nicht mit meinen Kenntnissen. Der Verkauf mit Bezahlung erfolgte Zug um Zug. Fried-rich Bader dürfte sein Haus in München davon bezahlt haben. Mein Vater hat sein und unser Leben durch Anlagen in China -Leopold Building und andere Investitionen -und später in einer Fabrik in Deutschland finanziert. zu Seite 142 -„As Kiesslings was an Austrian firm ... " entsprechend meinen obigen Ausführungen wäre richtig -„Kiessling & Bader was a German firm." " ... to their Austrian bosses."" Die Betonung auf „Austrian" ist aus den von mir genannten Gründen unrichtig. Der ganzen Tradition entsprechend war es eine deutsche Firma. Die wenigen Jahre unter der partnerschaftlichen Leitung von Reiche! und Töbich können daraus keine österreichische machen. Ich hoffe damit endlich Klarheit geschaffen zu haben, was mir sehr am Herzen liegt. zu Seite 172 -Töbich and Reiche! were deported to Austria." Auch das ist nur zur Hälfte richtig. Robert Töbich, seine Frau Emmy und sein Solm Heinz reisten nach Österreich und lebten später in Wien. Walter Reiche) war 1946 dabei, als der Exodus der Deutschen stattfand.Über den Asperg ging es nach Kirchheim unter Teck, wo er hinfort mit seiner Frau Betty und Tochter Renate -später verheiratete Leloneck -lebte. zu Seite 270/271 -" ... the mayor of Tientsin invited Werner Kiessling, the son of the founder of Kiessling, and his wife to the festivities." Hier wäre aus Gründen der Vollständigkeit zu erwähnen, daß auch unsere Tochter Steffi Kiessling-Plewa -wolutl1aft in Hamburg -eingeladen war und teilnahm. "The Kiesslings were at that time living in Austria." Woher haben Sie dieses Märchen, Gary? Wir beide leben in Koblenz, Deutschland. "Werner had not becn to China since the family departed 1933 ... " Ich hatte schon berichtet, daß die Trennung von China 1929 erfolgte und ich damals 10 Jahre alt war und nicht 13. Außerdem sind meine Frau und ich 1985 bereits einmal auf Einladung der Leitung von Kiessling Restaurant in Tianjin und Petaiho gewesen. Wir wurden damals bereits gefeiert und der seinerzeitige Vice Mayor von Tianjin, Herr Liu Jin-Feng gab ein Pestbankett. Tch notierte in meinem Tagebuch: Wir wurden von unserer Begleitung in ein Fischspezialitäten Restaurant geführt; alles neu, ein groß-dimensionierter runder Tisch, an dem schätzungsweise 20 Personen Platz nehmen konnten und war-teten auf unseren Gastgeber. Es war der Vize-Bürgermeister von Tianjin, Herr LiuJin-Feng persönlich, der nun sich und seine Begleiter, die oberen Chargen der für Wirtschaftsrelationen, Handel und In-vestments zuständigen Ressorts der Stadtverwaltung vorstellte und uns die Grüße des Bürgermeisters überbrachte, der wegen einer Auslandsreise bedauere, nicht persönlich kommen zu können. Viel, viel Ehre für uns, viel mehr als wir je erwarten konnten. Der erneute Besuch von den letzten drei Namensträgern Kiessling erfolgte vom 14. -21. September 2001. Er wurde vorventiliert durch die Entsendung einer fünfköpfigen Delegation nach Koblenz im August 2001. Diese hat mich dann wohl für geeignet befunden, die Würde eines Ehrenbürgers von Tianjin zu erhalten. Die Zeremonie fand am 15. September 2001 im Rathaus von Tianjin statt und ich wurde der Bevölkerung auf offenem Platz vor dem Kiessling Restaurant und im Konzertsaal anläßlich eines Sinfoniekonzertes durch Vice Mayor Xia Bao Lang vorgestellt. Gala-Dinner an Gala-Dinner folg-te. Meine Inauguration und Interviews wurden über ganz China im Fernsehen und der Presse gewür-digt. Im Vordergrund -wie ich es empfand -stand die Ehrung meines Vaters und seines Namens, Wirkens und Werkes. Unbestreitbar war Kiessling & Bader über Jahrzehnte Zentrum deutschen Lebens und internationaler Verflechtung in China, sein Ruf hervorragender Qualität ging über die Grenzen hinaus. Es gab und gibt, soweit noch am Leben, wohl keinen Old China Hand, der Albert Kiessling dafür nicht Anerken-nung zollte. Fünfzig Jahre in China, hervorragender Fachmann und Künstler, fairer Arbeitgeber, gewählter Rota-rier, Förderer auf vielen Gebieten, aus Leidenschaft Kosmopolit doch treu seinem Lande -sein Name ging in China als Begriff für Qualität ein. So verstanden habe ich die Ehrerbürgerschaft der Stadt Tian-jin angenommen, zur Wahrung des Andenkens an die positiven Seiten des Auslandsdeutschtums in China. Abschließend, lieber Gary, möchte ich Sie bitten, mich zu gegebener Zeit wissen zu lassen, wie Sie es bewerkstelligen, die groben Fehler in Ihrem Buch zu korrigieren. Was mich noch interessiert ist zu erfahren, ob Sie das Buch „Tientsin" von David C. Hulme -er-schienen im Iumix Ltd. Verlag, Totton, United Kingdom, kennen? Er geht über viele Seiten auf Kiess-ling & Bader ein und beschäftigt sich ausführlich mit ina, Ihrer Mutter. Mit wenigen Ausnahmen sind seine Berichte nicht zu beanstanden. Copyright ein Jahr vor Ihrem Buch, 2001. Es war mir eine Freude, mit Ihnen in Verbindung getreten zu sein. Für den Absatz Ihres Werkes wün-sche ich Ihnen weiterhin viel Erfolg. Herzliche Grüße Ihr, Dr. Werner Kies ling und Frau Carolina
Werner Kiessling -Answer; Honorary Citizen of Tianjin, People's Republic of China; Koblenz, January 28th, 2003 Dear Gary, Thank you for your letter of November 20th, 2002. Just a few days ago a package arrived from Brisbane that we had sent by sea. It also contained your book "The Ta-rasow Saga" with your kind dedication. I have now looked through it and congratulate you on it. In many parts it reminded me of my Tientsin youth. The impressions of your mother Nina revived. My wife and I visited Nina in Sydney in 1985 and 1988 and stayed in correspondence until her death. Her great hospitality will not be forgotten and of course her enthusiasm with which she told about her work at Kiessling & Bader, which you aptly describe in your book In Brisbane I had discovered some serious mistakes as far as Kiessling was concerned, and I promised to share details. It is now up to you to inform your readers every new author adopts details from others without checking. After such a long time, things like this are not easy either would you have with me, Dr. Vera Bader and Heinz Tö-bich found the best sources of information. And now to the individual corrections. Page 66 and 89 -Albert Kiessling, Friedrich Bader and Walter Reiche! were Germans. The recurring claim that Kiessling & Bader was an Austrian company is wrong. It was a German company from its foundation to the end. Only the fourth owner, Robert Töbich, was Austrian. He became the owner - together with Reiche] - in the mid-thirties. In 1938 Hitler annexed Austria and Töbich became a German. According to a letterhead available to me, the founding year was 1906, not 1901. The company was named “A. Kiessling "until about 1913. Then there was a letter from my father dated April 18, 1913 to Friedrich Bader with the offer of a partnership, which was probably established in the same year. From then on, business with all previous and later branches was -Rue of France in the French concession, Woodrow Wilson Street = headquarters from 1913, Peitaiho, anking and Shanghai - the name Kiessling & Bader and kept it until the expropriation 19-16 - and maybe even beyond. Kiesslings "was the language used, a common abbreviation. A legend has recently been spread in China: The founder is said to have been a V illiam Kiessling and the establishment is said to have taken place in 1901. Both are wrong. The source was found on the Internet, I was told. Skepticism towards Internet stories is therefore appropriate. Albert Kiessling, born in 1879, learned the trade of baker, confectioner and cook in Dresden and completed his military service in Kamenz. From 1901 he went on ships of German East Asia shipping companies as a ship cook and confectioner. In 1904 he was fired in Hong Kong and, on the advice of the German consul, moved to Tientsin, northern China. From then on he only left China for the purpose of short stays abroad for business activities and holidays. In 1946 he was exempted from repatriation by the then Chinese central government, he remained resident of Tientsin. In 1952 he suffered a stroke and, paralyzed on one side, applied for participation in a repatriation - probably the last - carried out by the Federal Government of Germany. He arrived in Hamburg on December 22nd, 1952 and traveled via Friedland to Bietigheim, where I lived with my family. He died there on January 13, 1955. "The other change involved the two parh1ers, Kiessling and Bader, who decided to retire and re-turn to Austria." This is wrong. It is correct that Albert Kiessling wanted to retire from professional life, but not to return to Germany - Austria is completely wrong - but to continue living in Tientsin, which he then did. Friedrich Bader, on the other hand, moved to Munich, where he bought a house and land and lived with his second wife and two daughters_ Your book does not mention that Mrs. Olga Kiessling, my mother, together with my sister Lotti, who was born in Tientsin in 1914, and me traveled to Germany in October 1929 to settle in Leipzig - her native city. She tolerated the North Chinese climate increasingly poorly and, as agreed, took over the further upbringing of us children alone. "The business was sold to two other Austrians by the name of Reiche! And Töbich." I already mentioned above that Walter Reiche! Was German. Robert Töbich was an Austrian engineer. He married my aunt Emmy Kiessling, sister of Albert Kiessling. He joined Kiess-ling & Bader and later took over together with Reichel as described above. "... a deal was struck to change the a deal was struck to change the name of the establishment to Kiesslings. "I have already mentioned that this is not the case either. The company name Kiessling & Bader, which has now become famous, was never changed. It probably only expired when the expropriation In 1946, or much later, in the wake of the earthquake in Tangshan on July 28, 1976, with 655,000 deaths, the company's traditional building on ex-Woodrow-Wilson-Street was demolished down to the ground floor due to its dilapidation Find out more. Then the Chinese went to the former Victoria Cafe and established the "Kiessling Restaurant" there, as it still exists today. "For that Mr. Kiessling was to earn royalties for the rest of his life." That does not coincide with my knowledge. The sale with payment took place step by step. Fried-rich Bader must have paid for his house in Munich with it. My father financed his life and ours through investments in China - Leopold Building and other investments - and later in a factory in Germany. on page 142 - "As Kiesslings was an Austrian firm ..." according to what I said above would be correct - "Kiessling & Bader was a German firm." "... to their Austrian bosses." "The emphasis on" Austrian "is incorrect for the reasons I have given. In keeping with tradition, it was a German company. The few years under the partnership management of Reiche! and Töbich cannot turn it into an Austrian one. I hope to have finally clarified what is very important to me. to page 172 -Töbich and Reiche! were deported to Austria. "That is also only half correct. Robert Töbich, his wife Emmy and his Solm Heinz traveled to Austria and later lived in Vienna. Walter Reiche) was there in 1946 when the exodus of the Germans took place. Over the Asperg it went to Kirchheim unter Teck, where he from then on lived with his wife Betty and daughter Renate - later married Leloneck. to page 270/271 - "... the mayor of Tientsin invited Werner Kiessling, the son of the founder of Kiessling, and his wife to the festivities. "For the sake of completeness, it should be mentioned that our daughter Steffi Kiessling-Plewa, who was in Hamburg, was invited and took part." The Kiesslings were at that time living in Austria. "Where did you come from this fairy tale, Gary? We both live in Koblenz, Germany. "Werner had not becn to China since the family departed 1933 ..." I had already reported that the separation from China took place in 1929 and I was 10 years old at the time and not 13. Besides In 1985, my wife and I were invited to manage Kiessling Restaurant in Tianjin and Petaiho. We were already being celebrated back then and the then Vice Mayor of Tianjin, Mr. Liu Jin-Feng, gave a plague banquet. Tch noted in my diary: We were taken to a fish specialty restaurant by our company; everything new, a large, round table, at which an estimated 20 people could sit and waited for our host. It was the vice-mayor of Tianjin, Mr. LiuJin-Feng personally, who now introduced himself and his companions, the upper ranks of the departments of the city administration responsible for economic relations, trade and investments and brought us the greetings of the mayor, who because of a I regret traveling abroad not being able to come in person. Much, much honor for us, much more than we could ever expect. The last three namesake Kiessling visited again from 14. -21. September 2001. It was pre-ventilated by sending a five-person delegation to Koblenz in August 2001. This then probably found me suitable to receive the dignity of an honorary citizen of Tianjin. The ceremony took place on September 15, 2001 in Tianjin City Hall and I was introduced to the public in the open space in front of the Kiessling Restaurant and in the concert hall at a symphony concert by Vice Mayor Xia Bao Lang. Gala dinner followed by gala dinner. My inauguration and interviews have been recognized all over China on television and in the press. In the foreground - as I felt it - was honoring my father and his name, work and work. For decades, Kiessling & Bader was undeniably the center of German life and international ties in China, and its reputation for excellent quality went beyond the borders. As far as still alive, there was and is probably no Old China Hand who did not acknowledge Albert Kiessling for this. Fifty years in China, outstanding specialist and artist, fair employer, elected Rotarian, promoter in many areas, passionate cosmopolitan but true to his country - his name was a term for quality in China. Understood in this way, I accepted the honorary citizenship of the city of Tian-jin, in order to preserve the memory of the positive sides of German abroad in China. Finally, dear Gary, I would ask you to let me know in due course how you manage to correct the gross errors in your book. What else interests me is to find out whether you know the book "Tientsin" by David C. Hulme -er-schienen published by Iumix Ltd. Verlag, Totton, United Kingdom? He goes into many pages on Kiess-ling & Bader and deals extensively with ina, your mother. With a few exceptions, his reports are not objectionable. Copyright one year before your book, 2001. It was a pleasure to be in contact with you. I wish for the sale of your work I wish you continued success. Best regards, Dr. Werner Kiesling and Ms. Carolina
German original:
Werner Kiessling -Antwort; Ehrenbürger von Tianjin der Volksrepublik China; Koblenz, 28.1.2003 Lieber Gary, Ich bedanke mich noch für Ihr Schreiben vom 20.11.2002. Erst vor einigen Tagen traf ein Paket aus Brisbane ein, das wir auf dem Seewege abgeschickt hatten. Darin befand sich auch Ihr Buch „The Ta-rasow Saga" mit ihrer freundlichen Widmung. Ich habe es nun durchgesehen und beglückwünsche Sie dazu. Es erinnerte mich in vielen Teilen an meine Tientsiner Jugendjahre. Die Eindrücke von Ihrer Mutter Nina lebten auf. Meine Frau und ich besuchten Nina 1985 und 1988 in Sidney und standen bis zu ihrem Tode in Briefverkehr. Ihre übergroße Gastfreundschaft bleibt unvergessen und natürlich ihre Begeisterung, mit der sie von ihrer Tätigkeit bei Kiessling & Bader erzählte, was Sie in Ihrem Buch treffend schildern. Schon in Brisbane hatte ich einige gravierende Fehler, was Kiessling betrifft, entdeckt und verspro-chen, Einzelheiten mitzuteilen. Das geschieht nun nachfolgend. Es bleibt Ihnen überlassen, Ihre Leser zu unterrichten. Ich befürchte nämlich, dass weitere unrichtige Publikationen auf dem Büchermarkt auftauchen, da wohl jeder neue Autor Details von anderen ungeprüft übernimmt. Nach so langer Zeit sind solche Dinge ja auch nicht einfach. Immerhin hätten Sie bei mir, Dr. Vera Bader und Heinz Tö-bich die besten Auskunftsquellen gefunden. Und nun zu den einzelnen Richtigstellungen. Seite 66 und 89 -Albert Kiessling, Friedrich Bader und Walter Reiche! waren Deutsche. Die immer wieder auftauchende Behauptung, Kiessling & Bader sei eine österreichische Firma gewesen, ist falsch. Sie war ab Gründung bis zuletzt eine deutsche Firma. Lediglich der vierte Eigentümer, Robert Töbich, war Österreicher. Er wurde Inhaber -zusammen mit Reiche] -in der Mitte der Dreissiger-jahre. 1938 annektierte Hitler Österreich und somit wurde Töbich dann auch Deutscher. Das Gründungsjahr war gemäss einem mir vorliegenden Briefkopf 1906, nicht 1901. Man firmierte „A. Kiessling" bis ca. 1913. Dann existiert ein Brief meines Vaters vom 18.4.1913 an Friedrich Bader mit dem Angebot einer Partnerschaft, die wohl im gleichen Jahr noch entstand. Von da an trug das Ge-schäft mit allen früheren und späteren Niederlassungen -Rue der France in der Französischen Kon-zession, Woodrow Wilson Street =Hauptsitz ab 1913, Peitaiho, anking und Shanghai -den Namen Kiessling & Bader und behielt ihn durchgehend bis zur Enteignung 19-16 -und vielleicht noch dar-über hinaus. Die Bezeichnung „Kiesslings" war Sprachgebrauch, gängige Abkürzung. Seit kurzem wird in China eine Legende verbreitet: Der Gründer soll ein V illiam Kiessling gewesen sein und die Gründung soll 1901 stattgefunden haben. Beides ist falsch. Die Quelle habe man im In-ternet gefunden, sagte man mir. Skepsis gegenüber Internet-Stories ist demnach angebracht. Albert Kiessling, geboren 1879, lernte in Dresden die Handwerke Bäcker, Konditor und Koch und absolvierte seine Militärzeit in Kamenz. Ab 1901 fuhr er auf Schiffen von deutschen Ostasienreederei-en als Schiffskoch und -konditor. 1904 heuerte er in Hongkong ab und wechselte auf Anraten des Deutschen Konsuls nach Tientsin, Nordchina. Von da ab verließ er China nur zum Zwecke kurzzeiti-ger Auslandsaufenthalte zu Geschäftstätigkeit und Urlaub. 1946 wurde er von der damaligen Chinesi-schen Zentralregierung von der Repatriierung ausgenommen, er blieb weiterhin Resident of Tientsin. 1952 erlitt er einen Schlaganfall und beantragte, halbseitig gelähmt, die Teilnahme an einem -wohl dem letzen -von der Bundesregierung Deutschland durchgeführten Rücktransport. Er traf am 22.12.1952 in Hamburg ein und reiste via Friedland nach Bietigheim, wo ich mit meiner Familie lebte. Er starb daselbst am 13. Januar 1955. "The other change involvcd the two parh1ers, Kiessling and Bader, who decidcd to retire and re-turn to Austria." Das ist falsch. Richtig ist, daß Albert Kiessling sich aus dem Berufsleben zurückziehen wollte, aber nicht um nach Deutschland -ganz falsch ist Österreich -zurückzukehren, sondern um weiter in Tientsin zu leben, was er dann auch tat. Friedrich Bader hingegen siedelte nach München über, wo er ein Haus und Grundstück erwarb und mit seiner zweiten Frau und seinen beiden Töchtern lebte_ Unerwähnt bleibt in Ihrem Buch, daß Frau Olga Kiessling, meine Mutter, zusammen mit meiner 1914 in Tientsin geborenen Schwester Lotti und mir im Oktober 1929 nach Deutschland reiste, um sich in Leipzig -ihrer Geburtsstadt -niederzulassen. Sie vertrug das nord-chinesische Klima immer schlechter und übernahm absprachegemäß die weitere Erziehung von uns Kindern allein. "The business was sold to two other Austrians by the name of Reiche! and Töbich." Oben habe ich bereits erwähnt, daß Walter Reiche! Deutscher war. Robert Töbich war österreichischer Ingenieur. Er heiratete meine Tante Emmy Kiessling, Schwester von Albert Kiessling. Er trat in Kiess-ling & Bader ein und übernahm es zusammen mit Reichel später wie oben beschrieben. " ... a deal was struck to change the name of the establishment to Kiesslings." Daß auch dies nicht zutrifft, habe ich oben bereits erwähnt. Der inzwischen berühmt gewordene Fir-menname Kiessling & Bader wurde nie geändert. Er dürfte erst erloschen sein, als die Enteignung 1946 erfolgte oder viel später, als im Zuge des Erdbebens in Tangshan am 28.Juli 1976 mit 655'000 Toten das Traditionsgebäude der Firma in der ex-Woodrow-Wilson-Street bis auf das Erdgeschoß wegen Baufälligkeit abgerissen wurde. Darüber ließ sich leider nichts mehr eruieren. Anschließend gingen die Chinesen in das ehemalige Victoria Cafe und etablierten dort „Kiessling Restaurant", wie es bis heute existiert. "For that Mr. Kiessling was to earn royalties for the rest of his life." Das deckt sich nicht mit meinen Kenntnissen. Der Verkauf mit Bezahlung erfolgte Zug um Zug. Fried-rich Bader dürfte sein Haus in München davon bezahlt haben. Mein Vater hat sein und unser Leben durch Anlagen in China -Leopold Building und andere Investitionen -und später in einer Fabrik in Deutschland finanziert. zu Seite 142 -„As Kiesslings was an Austrian firm ... " entsprechend meinen obigen Ausführungen wäre richtig -„Kiessling & Bader was a German firm." " ... to their Austrian bosses."" Die Betonung auf „Austrian" ist aus den von mir genannten Gründen unrichtig. Der ganzen Tradition entsprechend war es eine deutsche Firma. Die wenigen Jahre unter der partnerschaftlichen Leitung von Reiche! und Töbich können daraus keine österreichische machen. Ich hoffe damit endlich Klarheit geschaffen zu haben, was mir sehr am Herzen liegt. zu Seite 172 -Töbich and Reiche! were deported to Austria." Auch das ist nur zur Hälfte richtig. Robert Töbich, seine Frau Emmy und sein Solm Heinz reisten nach Österreich und lebten später in Wien. Walter Reiche) war 1946 dabei, als der Exodus der Deutschen stattfand.Über den Asperg ging es nach Kirchheim unter Teck, wo er hinfort mit seiner Frau Betty und Tochter Renate -später verheiratete Leloneck -lebte. zu Seite 270/271 -" ... the mayor of Tientsin invited Werner Kiessling, the son of the founder of Kiessling, and his wife to the festivities." Hier wäre aus Gründen der Vollständigkeit zu erwähnen, daß auch unsere Tochter Steffi Kiessling-Plewa -wolutl1aft in Hamburg -eingeladen war und teilnahm. "The Kiesslings were at that time living in Austria." Woher haben Sie dieses Märchen, Gary? Wir beide leben in Koblenz, Deutschland. "Werner had not becn to China since the family departed 1933 ... " Ich hatte schon berichtet, daß die Trennung von China 1929 erfolgte und ich damals 10 Jahre alt war und nicht 13. Außerdem sind meine Frau und ich 1985 bereits einmal auf Einladung der Leitung von Kiessling Restaurant in Tianjin und Petaiho gewesen. Wir wurden damals bereits gefeiert und der seinerzeitige Vice Mayor von Tianjin, Herr Liu Jin-Feng gab ein Pestbankett. Tch notierte in meinem Tagebuch: Wir wurden von unserer Begleitung in ein Fischspezialitäten Restaurant geführt; alles neu, ein groß-dimensionierter runder Tisch, an dem schätzungsweise 20 Personen Platz nehmen konnten und war-teten auf unseren Gastgeber. Es war der Vize-Bürgermeister von Tianjin, Herr LiuJin-Feng persönlich, der nun sich und seine Begleiter, die oberen Chargen der für Wirtschaftsrelationen, Handel und In-vestments zuständigen Ressorts der Stadtverwaltung vorstellte und uns die Grüße des Bürgermeisters überbrachte, der wegen einer Auslandsreise bedauere, nicht persönlich kommen zu können. Viel, viel Ehre für uns, viel mehr als wir je erwarten konnten. Der erneute Besuch von den letzten drei Namensträgern Kiessling erfolgte vom 14. -21. September 2001. Er wurde vorventiliert durch die Entsendung einer fünfköpfigen Delegation nach Koblenz im August 2001. Diese hat mich dann wohl für geeignet befunden, die Würde eines Ehrenbürgers von Tianjin zu erhalten. Die Zeremonie fand am 15. September 2001 im Rathaus von Tianjin statt und ich wurde der Bevölkerung auf offenem Platz vor dem Kiessling Restaurant und im Konzertsaal anläßlich eines Sinfoniekonzertes durch Vice Mayor Xia Bao Lang vorgestellt. Gala-Dinner an Gala-Dinner folg-te. Meine Inauguration und Interviews wurden über ganz China im Fernsehen und der Presse gewür-digt. Im Vordergrund -wie ich es empfand -stand die Ehrung meines Vaters und seines Namens, Wirkens und Werkes. Unbestreitbar war Kiessling & Bader über Jahrzehnte Zentrum deutschen Lebens und internationaler Verflechtung in China, sein Ruf hervorragender Qualität ging über die Grenzen hinaus. Es gab und gibt, soweit noch am Leben, wohl keinen Old China Hand, der Albert Kiessling dafür nicht Anerken-nung zollte. Fünfzig Jahre in China, hervorragender Fachmann und Künstler, fairer Arbeitgeber, gewählter Rota-rier, Förderer auf vielen Gebieten, aus Leidenschaft Kosmopolit doch treu seinem Lande -sein Name ging in China als Begriff für Qualität ein. So verstanden habe ich die Ehrerbürgerschaft der Stadt Tian-jin angenommen, zur Wahrung des Andenkens an die positiven Seiten des Auslandsdeutschtums in China. Abschließend, lieber Gary, möchte ich Sie bitten, mich zu gegebener Zeit wissen zu lassen, wie Sie es bewerkstelligen, die groben Fehler in Ihrem Buch zu korrigieren. Was mich noch interessiert ist zu erfahren, ob Sie das Buch „Tientsin" von David C. Hulme -er-schienen im Iumix Ltd. Verlag, Totton, United Kingdom, kennen? Er geht über viele Seiten auf Kiess-ling & Bader ein und beschäftigt sich ausführlich mit ina, Ihrer Mutter. Mit wenigen Ausnahmen sind seine Berichte nicht zu beanstanden. Copyright ein Jahr vor Ihrem Buch, 2001. Es war mir eine Freude, mit Ihnen in Verbindung getreten zu sein. Für den Absatz Ihres Werkes wün-sche ich Ihnen weiterhin viel Erfolg. Herzliche Grüße Ihr, Dr. Werner Kies ling und Frau Carolina
From: Gary
Sent: Tuesday, September 21, 2021 7:23 AM
To: george.godula@gmail.com
Cc: njkitto@me.com; weihsien@proximus.be
Subject: FW: Tientsin book by David C. Hulme
Hello George
I am the author of the Tarasov Saga book.
There is a lot of information there about Kiessling.
My mother Nina worked there for 22 years from 1927 to 1949, most of it as the senior sales girl.
She was the manager who ran the Peitaiho summer branch from the start in 1936 until 1943
She had a wonderful relationship with Mr Kiessling who treated her as a daughter-in-law
You said Werner Kiessling responded to me (in German) and corrected me on many mistakes in the book around Kiessling
I have never received anything from him. You say that the PDF with that correspondence can be found online.
I would appreciate it if you could tell me how I could get a copy of it
I am looking forward to reading your book.
Good luck
Gary Nash
From: Leopold PANDER
Sent: Monday, 20 September 2021 7:04 PM
To: 'George Godula'
Cc: gbn@tpg.com.au
Hi !
Sent: Monday, 20 September 2021 7:04 PM
To: 'George Godula'
Cc: gbn@tpg.com.au
Subject: RE: Tientsin book by David C. Hulme
Hi !
Try contacting Gary Nash at: gbn@tpg.com.au
Hope he will help you in your research …
Best regards,
From: George Godula
Sent: Monday, September 20, 2021 2:44 PM
To: Nicholas Kitto
Cc: Leopold PANDER
Subject: Re: Tientsin book by David C. Hulme
As a 15 year+ Shanghailander (since 2006) I have to say I am very impressed with what I saw sofar in Tianjin. Especially as an Austrian, I was very delighted to visit the former Austro-Hungarian concession incl. the old Austrian consulate. Amazing that Tianjin gets so little mention in both historic documents, novels, etc. as well as in contemporary reports. Shanghai somehow managed to grab all that glory...
Btw. not sure you had seen this Nicholas in my original introduction to Leopold: I maintain a small museum on foreign brand advertising in China at www.mofba.org & which is my own collection. I post artefacts from the collection & related info several times per week on the blog section of the website.
From: Nicholas Kitto
Sent: Monday, September 20, 2021 1:05 PM
To: George Godula
Cc: Leoplod PANDER
Subject: Re: Tientsin book by David C. Hulme
Okay, that’s great George, glad you have all that covered.
Say hello to Tientsin for me … it’s probably my favourite treaty port, albeit partly because my father was born there in 1925, but largely because it has so many buildings which have been beautifully restored. As soon as we are able to travel from Hong Kong to the mainland again, I’ll be up there in a jiffy!
Please keep me (and I’m sure, Weihsien Paintings) informed once your Kiessling project has been completed … I’ll now wait for that rather than chase down the corrections to Gary’s book. Actually, I made my own mistake on that below … it was Gary’s mother, Nina, who worked at Kiessling’s. One of Gary’s aunts, Lina, was the second wife of a great-great uncle of mine, William May Howell, and the book has a few amusing stories on him. Sadly WMH died in Weihsien on Christmas Day 1944. Anyway, I’m starting to waffle and best leave you in peace.
Kind regards
From: George Godula
Sent: Monday, September 20, 2021 10:26 AM
To: Nicholas Kitto
Cc: Leopold PANDER
Subject: Re: Tientsin book by David C. Hulme
Thank you so much Nicholas. I am on vacation in Tientsin just now and visited the former Victoria, now "Chinese Kiessling". I am aware of the Tarasov Saga. Werner Kiessling the son of Albert Kiessling though responded to the author (in German) and corrected him on many mistakes in the book around the Kiessling (the PDF with that correspondence can be found online). Werners writing has so far been the most accurate source. I am not sure he is still alive or how to contact him though.
From: George Godula
Sent: Monday, September 20, 2021 10:23 AM
To: Angela
Cc: Leopold
Subject: Re: Fw: Tientsin book by David C. Hulme **
the book is probably out of print now!!
Thank you so much Angela! Werner Kiessling the son of Albert Kiessling mentioned that the book "Tientsin" has several pages on the Kiessling. There is a lot of wrong information about the history of Kiessling and Bader on the Chinese and English Internet so I'm working on writing up one comprehensive and correct account.
From: Angela
Sent: Monday, September 20, 2021 10:11 AM
To: Leopold Pander
Subject: Fw: Tientsin book by David C. Hulme **
the book is probably out of print now!!
Hi Leopold & George,
I have the book *Tientsin* it was commissioned by Alex
Tsukada for his friend David Hulme to write the book. Alex
was devoted to the Marist brothers of St Louis College Tientsin.
Alex brought David Hulme to our1996 reunion Tientsin meeting
many of the former students. Later he visited most of them to record their stories & thus featured in the book. I dont recall
anything of Kiesslings in the book.
During the summer months- Kiesslings had a branch at
Peitaiho as most foreigners spent summers there by the beach.
Beautiful villas - my family had a bungalow close to the beach
plus there was the Peitaiho hotel too. All that ended with the
new regime & foreigners werent allowed to travel for pleasure.
It was a wonderful restaurant & I have eaten there & given
their chocolates. The best cakes, pastries -
Peking dust my mother/s favourite
(whipped cream with ground chestnuts) & beautiful
decorations of goodies Xmas & Easter.
Birthday cakes always
ordered from Kiesslings. Was such a treat to have a meal
mainly was there tea time for ice cream & such- sundaes/banana
splits or sodas. Understand there wad a deli too but I dont
recall.. the original building has been demolished & now
Victoria CAfe is Kiesslings but cakes arent the same although
they do turn out very good cookies.
There is much info in goggle but the original Kiessling
was on Woodrow Wilson Street changed from Wilhelm Kaiser
street after WW I .. There is a gentleman in the US Steve
Upton who is very knowledgeable of Tientsin establishments
& certain he/d be delighted to assist you with any information.
His e mail -uptonrs@gmail.com.
I may have some info
buried in my Tientsin folder but too difficult to locate.
Steve wud be your best source.
Angela cox Elliott
Vancouver BC
From: Nicholas Kitto
Sent: Monday, September 20, 2021 9:53 AM
To: george.godula@gmail.com
Cc: Leoplod PANDER
Subject: Fwd: Tientsin book by David C. Hulme
Hello George,
I note from below that you are writing-up a history of Kiessling in Tientsin.
I expect you are aware of this but in case not: another book of interest may be ’The Tarasov Saga’ by Gary Nash (his anglicised name), Rosenberg Publishing ISBN 187705801-7. Gary’s aunt worked for many years at Kiessling, both in Tientsin and, during the summer, at Peitaiho. Some of her memories are covered in the book.
I also have some contemporary images of Kiessling after it took over and moved into the former Victoria Café … you’d be welcome to use those, although you may have plenty of your own images.
Kind regards
Nicholas Kitto LRPSHong Kong
tel. +852 94692584
Photographing Heritage
Book: https://treatyports.photos
From: George Godula
Sent: Monday, September 20, 2021 4:15 AM
To: Leopold PANDER
Subject: Re: Tientsin book by David C. Hulme
Dear Leopold,
Thank you very much for your help. I am based in Shanghai so unfortunately the Princeton library won't be an option. It would be great to find a digital version somewhere or a cheap physical copy that can be shipped.
I am interested in the book btw because I am working on a detailed and comprehensive write-up on the history of the Kiessling in Tientsin.
All the best from China,
From: Leoplod PANDER
Sent: Sunday, September 19, 2021 4:40 PM
To: 'George Godula'
Subject: RE: Tientsin book by David C. Hulme
Dear George,
Thanks for your message.
I did find a copy at the Princeton University but you must ask for it.
There are copies available on Amazon.com @ + 800 USD. Quite expensive for a “book”.
I did indeed mention the book on the Weihsien-paintings’ website because I found it of interest for my subject: The Weihsien Concentration Camp 1943-1945 where I was interned.
As my website is free access and non-profit, I took the liberty of reproducing the chapter explaining the “Opium Wars” because what is written, seemed very clear to me. If the editor or the copyright owner wants it rubbed out, I will do so a.s.a.p. My e-mail address is at the bottom of the page.
Let us hope that you will soon be able to read it in a Kindle edition.
Best regards,
P.S. I am forwarding this message to our Weihsien-chat-group. Maybe somebody has a spare copy for you to purchase!
From: George Godula
Sent: Sunday, September 19, 2021 2:41 PM
To: weihsien@proximus.be
Dear Sir or Madam,
Sent: Sunday, September 19, 2021 2:41 PM
To: weihsien@proximus.be
Subject: Tientsin book by David C. Hulme
Dear Sir or Madam,
Do you happen to have a PDF version of the book Tientsin by David C. Hulme that you could share? I have tried to purchase a copy of the book or find a digital company but it appears the book is sold out and there are no digitized versions available online.
Thank you so much and best regards,
From: Leoplod PANDER
Sent: Wednesday, September 15, 2021 9:14 AM
To: weihsien@proximus.be
Subject: FW: Congratulations!!!!
Hi, 😊 thanks for the compliments …
Best regards,
From: Terri Stewart
Sent: Wednesday, September 15, 2021 2:20 AM
To: weihsien@proximus.be
Subject: Re: Congratulations!!!!
Ditto! If it wasn't for you, Leopold, I would not have been in contact with so many on the website that had info (such as Ron Bridges) that I lacked and have filled in many gaps of my g.Aunt's past and experience in China and at Weihsien. Thank-You does not cover it but that is what I can offer and I do thank you!
Terri Stewart
From: neilyorkston@gmail.com
Sent: Sunday, September 12, 2021 12:49 AM
To: 'Leoplod PANDER'
Subject: RE: 来自乐道院·潍县集中营博物馆的邮件
Mail from Ledaoyuan·Weixian Concentration Camp Museum
Thank you for the news.
Congratulations to The Weihsien Concentration Camp Research Association on enlisting such a broad range of talented people.
From: Molly & Leslie Soltay
Sent: Friday, September 10, 2021 11:55 PM
To: leopold pander
Subject: Congratulations!!!!
Dear Leopold
You finally got a director seat plus some long-overdue recognition after all these years. Next, we need a statue or, at the very least, a bronze plaque in the museum. Congratulations!
Time to polish your thank you speech. You have been the main inspiration and will continue being a hard-working director. You have the living soul of the Camp at your fingertips, without you a museum would have been just that a building, but through your years of hard work you have breathed life into a museum. The spirit of all of us lives on there just because of this wonderful website you have created.
Thank You.
The museum is a lovely way of reminding us of the many uses the buildings had undergone, a tribute to those that saw beyond the buildings, perhaps the people of Weifeng have parents/grandparents who could add their stories of how they too played a part during those awful years. I bet there are some great tales to tell out there.
Leopold, this has been a long time coming. I am sure everyone is delighted. As an ex-POW, all I can say is a great big congratulation and a thank you for everything you have done to tell the world and to remind us of what we/our parents experienced.
Without you, there would have been no organized record. Now there is a place made possible through many hands, especially yours where our shared thoughts/memories/stories, yes even jokes are together. What was once a sad and forgotten past, has been brought back to life.
Once again Congratulations Leopold, well done,
From: 乐道院·潍县集中营博物馆
Ledaoyuan·Weixian Concentration Camp Museum
Sent: Friday, September 10, 2021 11:20 AM
To: 潍县绘画 Weixian Painting
Subject: 来自乐道院·潍县集中营博物馆的邮件
Mail from Ledaoyuan·Weixian Concentration Camp Museum
Dear Leopold Pander
How are you recently? Hope everything goes well.
The Weihsien Concentration Camp Research Association ceremony has been successfully held at the International Convention Center of the Farrington Hotel on September 3. We really appreciate with your congratulation letter for the conference, the main content of this Weihsien Concentration Camp Research Association ceremony, was to vote the position of the director-general,vice director, and established the project upgrade consultant group of the Weihsien Concentration Camp Research Association of Weifang.
After the election, the following members of the research association were established:
1 Director-general:
Sun Jingming
Professor of Weifang Museum
4 Vice directors:
Su Lijun
Party member of Weifang Culture and Tourism Bureau, director of the Courtyard of Happy Way and Weihsien Concentration Camp Museum
Liu Jiafeng
Deputy Dean of School of History and Culture,Shandong University、Professor
Wang Jianxin
Secretary of Party Committee of Weifang Guangwen Middle School, President
Zou Fengqiang
Director of Party office of the Weifang People’s Hospital
1 Secretary General :
Sun Li
Associate professor of library science of the Weifang Museum
The following are the members of the project upgrade consultant group of the Weihsien Concentration Camp Research Association (14 in total):
Li Ming
Secretary of Party Committee of Weifang Medical Hospital
Cui Zhaozhong
Deputy Secretary of Party Committee of Weifang Nursing Vocational College, President
Su Maoquan
Secretary of Party Committee of Weifang People’s Hospital, President
Wang Bing
Secretary of Party Committee of Weifang Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, President
Qiao Yunfei
Vice President of the Chinese Academy of Cultural Heritage
Li Xiangdong
Director of Cultural Relics Protection Engineering Institute of the Chinese Academy of Cultural Heritage
Liu Cheng
Professor of Nanjing University, Holder of UNESCO Chair on Peace Studies
Meng Lingqian
Director of Shandong Ancient Building Protection Research Institute
Wang Chenghan
Member of Operation Duck, who liberated the Weihsien Camp
Xia Baoshu
Former President of Weifang People’s Hospital
Ji Shuchun
Former director of Weifang Museum, Professor of library science
Cheng Long
President of Canadian Chinese Teachers Association, Professor of Department of Asian Studies Columbia College
Zhao Li
Managing director of Qingdao City Media Film and Television Culture Co. LTD
Leopold Pander
a Weihsien Concentration Camp internee, Founder and webmaster of Weihsien Paintings
At the end of the ceremony, Liu Cheng, Wang Chenghan, Cheng Long, and Angela Cox Elliot were unable to be attend due to special reasons.
They sent congratulatory speeches via video. This video and other related reports about the Weihsien Concentration Camp Research Association ceremony will be sent to you through WeTransfer, please keep an eye on, thank you.
There is also a website link about the related report, http://weifang.dzwww.com/wfxwn/202109/t20210903_9087585.htm, please take a look.
Best regards
Liang Jingyao