☛ ... the most recent messages are on top !
From: Sylvia Prince
Sent: Tuesday, April 12, 2022 1:34 AM
To: Leopold PANDER
Subject: Re: FW: Mar23. 2023. Dordrecht
Dear Leopold
I really enjoyed your pictures, Hope you are well, I will be attending two of my grandchildren's weddings this Spring...
How fast time flies.
Take care of yourself.
Sylvia Prince
From: Angela Elliott
Sent: Thursday, March 31, 2022 6:21 PM
To: Leopold PANDER
Subject: Re: Mar23. 2023. Dordrecht**. Thank you…. For posting. **. Especially with map**
Dear Leopold,
I found the map. Very informative. My knowledge of Belgium/Holland
is low so it was also helpful for me to see it.
Didn't see any brochures at
the airport for Amsterdam & usually in the past - maps of the country with various cities to visit but nothing or didn't try to look either.
Sent from my iPadFrom: 乐道院·潍县集中营博物馆
Sent: Friday, April 1, 2022 4:50 AM
To: Leopold PANDER
Subject: Re:FW: Mar23. 2023. Dordrecht
Dear Leopold
Thank you very much for sharing these messages and photos. Photos and memories are really meaningful and valuable to us, and we will keep these well. Also great to hear the wonderful stories about Angela, Louise and Anne.
Wish you have a good day and keep in touch.
Best wishes
Liang Jingyao
From: Angela Elliott
Sent: Wednesday, March 30, 2022 6:10 AM
To: Leopold PANDER
Subject: Mar23. 2023. Dordrecht —
... a meeting with Anne deJongh in Holland ...
Dear Fellow internees of Weihsien.
At the 2015 Weihsien reunion I was to meet. Louise de Jongh & her
Daughter, Jeannette & they took the same train with my husband Tom & I to Tientsin,
or Tianjin as it is called now. We spent a day visiting St Louis Church & our
School. St Joseph's which housed a chinese school but was vacated.
On March 18, 2022 my daughter Ayesha & I flew to Amsterdam & travelled
by train just an hour away to visit Louise's sister Anne Knüppe de Jongh
on Mar 23 in Dordrecht - one of the oldest towns in Holland. It was wonderful
to meet Anne in her lovely apartment & talk of Weihsien & Tientsin. Anne treated
my daughter Ayesha & myself to a delicious lunch by the water on a warm sunny
day. Although we didnt know each other previously as I was born in Weihsien
(1943) & Anne was a young girl then. We still shared much in common & I was
so happy to have met her & of course Louise too.
Angela Cox Elliott