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From: Angela
Sent: Friday, May 13, 2022 8:10 PM
To: weihsien@proximus.be
Subject: Re: News of Weihsien internees** am able to open & view!
Hi Leopold,
Again more of our internees are passing away of course old
age is main factor!
We are among the youngest but getting on
as well.
From: 乐道院·潍县集中营博物馆
Ledao Institute·Weixian Concentration Camp Museum
Sent: Thursday, May 12, 2022 11:19 AM
To: Leopold PANDER
Subject: Re:FW: News of Weihsien internees
Dear Leopold,
We were very sad to receive the obituaries for the two ladies who had experienced this heavy time but still loved life. Therefore, we made a video to remember the dead ex-prisoners and commemorate the heavy history time.(The video already transfered by the WeTransfer, if is not working, please let me know.)
We are very sorry for the error of your sister Jeannette Pander's name in the video, but we can't modify it because the copyright of video doesn't belong to us but belongs to the TV station. We have been actively contacting, but the correction still needs some time. Please understand and apologize!
Ex-prisoners are the experiencers and witnesses of this period of history. It coincides with May 18 - International Museum Day, Let's remember history and pass on the concept of peace!
The Courtyard of the Happy Way and Weihsien Concentration Camp Museum
From: Brian Kerry
Sent: Monday, May 9, 2022 11:47 AM
To: Leopold Pander
Subject: News of Weihsien internees
Good morning Leopold,
Greetings! I trust you are well.
It was with sadness that I learnt of the deaths of two ladies who, as children, were pupils at Chefoo School and were interned in Weihsien camp. I would be grateful if you could include this information on the Weihsien-paintings website for the benefit of others who would have known them.
I spotted the attached notice in the obituaries in the Daily Telegraph last week. Ann Chalkley as we knew her was two months younger than me. Her parents were Harold Chalkley, one of our schoolteachers, and his wife Lilian. Ann had an elder brother Donovan, born 1928.
By coincidence I received a letter yesterday from the daughters of Beryl Goodland, nee Welch, Theo’s sister. They wrote to tell me that Beryl died on 18th April aged 91.
Thank you for all you do to ensure that our stories are never forgotten. I wonder how many of us are still here.
With my sincere best wishes,

2005 - "Group" photo - ex-Weihsien internees:
... the gentlemen - standing - from left to right:
Stanley Fairchild - Eddie Cooke - Michael Calvert - Neil Yorkston - James Taylor III - Gerald Walsham - David Beard - Peter Bazire - David Birch - Stephen Metcalf (in front).
... the ladies - standing - from left to right:
Beryl Welch Goodland - Maida Haris Campbell - Marian Bevan - Estelle Cliff Horne - Georgeanna Knisely - Diana (Walsham) Linley
... the front row:
Angela Cox Elliot - Ted Pearson - Mary Taylor Previte - Mary Hoyte Broughton.