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From: Leopold PANDER
Sent: Wednesday, July 13, 2022 8:30 AM
To: weihsien@proximus.be; edwardssmith@verizon.net
Subject: FW: Pictures of Weihsien Camp
Thanks for your message,
… for your information, Jacqueline de Saint-Hubert is now aged over 100 and healthy.
Here is her e-mail address: (… her daughter’s ― in fact)
Best regards,
From: Edward Smith
Sent: Tuesday, July 12, 2022 5:52 PM
To: weihsien@proximus.be
Subject: Re: Pictures of Weihsien Camp
Thank you.
Just to clarify, I made a request, not a demand. If you had said no, I would have had to find something else to use on the cover page.
I picked out the watercolor of the main gate and guard house by Jaqueine de Saint-Hubert. I Hope she and/or her family have it framed and hung in a prominent place in their home. It is lovely. 
My hope as a writer is to help people see what in the past is worth remembering and studying. Each generation of human beings have the opportunity interact with and sometimes oppress the next generation of human beings, who then have the opportunity to interact with and perhaps oppress the generation of human beings who will succeed them.
From: Leopold PANDER
Sent: Tuesday, July 12, 2022 11:56 AM
To: edwardssmith@verizon.net; weihsien@proximus.be
Subject: FW: Pictures of Weihsien Camp
Dear Edward,
Thanks for your message that I shall be forwarding to our “Weihsien-Group”
As I have already written in answer to a similar demand this year:
“As for using the pictures from our Weihsien-paintings’ website, yes! ― it will be an honour for us. This website was created twenty years ago, nonprofit and free access to all. All the data has been freely and generously given to me from all over the world. Our hope is that it may be used for the knowledge of what happened in a civilian concentration camp in China during WWII. Many people in our country are not quite sure that there even was a war raging on the other side of the planet 80 years ago ― in the Pacific. Many people even ignore that Belgium had officially declared war on Japan ― December 20, 1941.”
Under any pictures you might choose to use, just mention the document’s source (URL) — http://www.weihsien-paintings.org —
Good luck in your enterprise and let us know of any further publications …
Best regards,
From: Edward Smith
Sent: Tuesday, July 12, 2022 3:57 AM
To: weihsien@proximus.be
Subject: Pictures of Weihsien Camp
I an writing the third of three essays about Yee-Tsoong Tobacco Distributors Ltd, and the first thing I learned about the company was that Arthur Hummel and Laurance (Bill) Tipton, after they escaped from Weihsien in June 1944 they worked with a Kuomintang Resistance unit in the area and later arranged to provide aid to the internees in Weihsien with the help of Yee-Tsoong Tobacco.
I would like to use a map of the camp drawn by Father Verhoeven and one of the sketches of the camp gate. I fully intent to include how by 2002 the gate has been "disappeared" and how the name of Shadyside Hospital had been chipped away during the Cultural Revolution, and include the photograph showing what was left.
Right now, this would be showing up on my Substack page, but I would want to publish the essay elsewhere, for real money, if that opportunity arose.
Using the sketches and the map may or may not require me asking you to use them, but I feel I should ask you anyway, and attach what I have already written to give you a sense of how I would use the images from the site.
Your site has the best images of the site, I will be focusing on Hummel and Tipton, the escape, and on Tipton's 1949 book and Hummel's later diplomatic book. But what happened to the camp's site after the war an din the Cultural Revolution us an important part of the story.
Republic of China, Inflation & Postage Prices.pdf
Yee-Tsoong Tobacco Distributors, The Firm.pdf