☛ ... the most recent messages are on top !
From: Carinne Cunningham
Sent: Wednesday, January 25, 2023 5:14 PM
To: Leopold PANDER
Subject: Re: FW: Happy New Year
Hello Leopold,
Thank you and we wish you and your family, Janette and family a very happy Chinese New Year as well.
We celebrated with long life noodles and diosas dumplings made by a Russian/Chinese woman who grew up in Tientsin. While Larissa Tung Berry is younger than my mom and they never knew each other in China, as they only met 6 years ago, they are now the closest of friends. Larissa did know other internees after liberation including the Dhunjishah family and later with Angela Cox Elliot.
Solange Jacqueline (nee de Saint Hubert) will turn 101 on February 1st. I wonder if she is the oldest surviving internee of the Weihsien camp? We have had some challenges this past year including breaking her tibia and fibula at the knee (while trying to get up on the lawn mower) last June. She recovered fully but came down with double pneumonia in December and just recently fell and broke two ribs. But she is strong, brave and resilient, so we feel she will make another full recovery. She still teaches a weekly ballet class on zoom.
Members of the Belgium Embassy in Washington D.C. visited us at home in the autumn for tea and a belated toast for her centennial. They did a feature on her for their social media sites and newsletter. I will send you the link. She has been invited to a reception in honor of her 101st birthday at the Washington Ballet in February with the Belgian Ambassador. Apparently, the Washington Ballet has a Belgian dancer in the company. We will send you a photo.
Again, we extend our thanks and gratitude for the amazing work you continue to do on the website.
May 2023 be blessed with health, peace and many joys.
Our finest regards,
From: 乐道院·潍县集中营博物馆
Sent: Wednesday, January 25, 2023 9:31 AM
To: Leopold PANDER
Subject: Re:FW: Happy New Year
Dear Leopold and ex-Weihsien prisoners
Happy New Year!
Thank you very much for your blessing and wish everyone happiness and prosperity !There is also a New Year's video from all the staff of our museum which sent by the WeTransfer,here is the link,please click and check: https://we.tl/t-rA78XLyNGf ,which hoping to send our New Year's blessings and greetings to everyone.
Hope the COVID will end soon and everyone can return to normal life.
Good health and Happy new year!
Best wishes
The Courtyard of the Happy Way and Weihsien Concentration Camp Museum
From: Angela
Sent: Tuesday, January 24, 2023 4:22 AM
To: Leopold Pander
Subject: Re: Happy New Year** Kung Hsi Fai Tsai !
Hi Leopold,
Lets hope Year of Rabbit bring everyone good luck!!
From: Molly & Leslie Soltay
Sent: Monday, January 23, 2023 12:25 AM
To: undisclosed-recipients:
Subject: Happy New Year
Wishing you Kung Hai Fat Choi
The Very Best for the year of the Bunny Rabbit.
Good friends, great food, drink, and travel.
Not to forget Health, Wealth (may that lottery ticket be the winner) All that should add up to HAPPINESS!
From: Leopold PANDER
Sent: Sunday, January 22, 2023 8:41 AM
To: 'weihsien@proximus.be'
Subject: Happy New Year
… wishing a Happy New Year of the Rabbit to all our Chinese friends. Good health and happiness in a peaceful World … (!)
Best regards,