☛ ... the most recent messages are on top !
From: anne rørnes
Sent: Tuesday, September 19, 2023 5:36 PM
To: Leopold PANDER
Cc: 'Helen Leavey'
Subject: Re: IBAN Swift
Hi Leopold,
So great to hear you got the book. Hope it is worth the ‘trouble’ for you😅
Typical they have you to pay more!
All the best to you and to my dear friend Helen.
From: Leopold PANDER
Sent: Tuesday, September 19, 2023 2:52 PM
To: 'anne rørnes'
Cc: 'Helen Leavey'
Subject: FW: Help needed
Dear Anne, Dear Helen,
… the “book” has finally arrived in my letter box this morning !! ― It was delayed by the Belgian Customs because Norway is not in the European Union (so they said) and ― of course ― made me pay extra fees !!
Thanks again Helen, for getting me into contact with Anne in Norway and thanks again to Anne for forwarding the book to me in Belgium.
All the best 😊
… très amicalement,
From: Leopold PANDER
Sent: Wednesday, September 6, 2023 2:57 PM
To: 'anne rørnes'
Dear Anne,
From: anne rørnes
Sent: Wednesday, September 6, 2023 12:24 PM
To: Leopold PANDER
Cc: 'Helen Leavey'
Hi, Leopold.
Sendt fra Outlook for iOS
Fra: anne rørnes
Sendt: Monday, August 28, 2023 10:45:22 AM
Til: Leopold PANDER
Kopi: 'Helen Leavey'
Fra: Leopold PANDER
Sendt: Monday, August 28, 2023 8:28:26 AM
Til: 'anne rørnes'
Kopi: 'Helen Leavey'
Dear Anne,
From: anne rørnes
Sent: Sunday, August 27, 2023 6:07 PM
To: Leopold PANDER
Cc: 'Helen Leavey'
Hi Leopold,
Sendt fra Outlook for iOS
Fra: Leopold PANDER
Sendt: Friday, August 25, 2023 11:12:46 AM
Til: 'anne rørnes'
Kopi: 'Helen Leavey'
Dear Anne,
From: anne rørnes
Sent: Monday, August 21, 2023 11:07 AM
To: Leopold PANDER
Cc: 'Helen Leavey'
Hi Leopold,
Sendt fra Outlook for iOS
Fra: Leopold PANDER
Sendt: Monday, August 21, 2023 10:17:52 AM
Til: anne-rornes@hotmail.com
Kopi: 'Helen Leavey'
Dear Anne,
Sent: Wednesday, September 6, 2023 2:57 PM
To: 'anne rørnes'
Subject: RE: book
Dear Anne,
Many thanks. I’ll be waiting for your iban number 😊
Best regards,
From: anne rørnes
Sent: Wednesday, September 6, 2023 12:24 PM
To: Leopold PANDER
Cc: 'Helen Leavey'
Subject: Re: book
Hi, Leopold.
Now your book is on its way to you in Belgium.
The cost for stamp is NOK 173. (Apx €15)
I will send you my bank iban/Swift.
Sendt fra Outlook for iOSFra: anne rørnes
Sendt: Monday, August 28, 2023 10:45:22 AM
Til: Leopold PANDER
Kopi: 'Helen Leavey'
Emne: Re: book
You are very welcome!
Sendt fra Outlook for iOSFra: Leopold PANDER
Sendt: Monday, August 28, 2023 8:28:26 AM
Til: 'anne rørnes'
Kopi: 'Helen Leavey'
Emne: RE: book
Dear Anne,
Thanks a million in advance 😊 😊 😊
Best regards,
From: anne rørnes
Sent: Sunday, August 27, 2023 6:07 PM
To: Leopold PANDER
Cc: 'Helen Leavey'
Subject: Re: book
Hi Leopold,
Yes I will forward the book to your adress. I let you know how much in cost for the stamps.
Sendt fra Outlook for iOSFra: Leopold PANDER
Sendt: Friday, August 25, 2023 11:12:46 AM
Til: 'anne rørnes'
Kopi: 'Helen Leavey'
Emne: RE: book
Dear Anne,
Hello 😊
… just to let you know that I have ordered the Book I ambition to copy/translate for the Weihsien Paintings’ website. You should receive it shortly in your letter box by Norwegian post.
Could you forward it to me:
Leopold Pander —
Sentier du Berger, 15
BE-1325 Corroy-le-Grand
… and let me know how much I owe you for the stamps, etc. and if I can use PayPal at your e-mail address or if you prefer a bank transfer or any other means.
Thanks in advance for all the trouble.
Best regards,
From: anne rørnes
Sent: Monday, August 21, 2023 11:07 AM
To: Leopold PANDER
Cc: 'Helen Leavey'
Subject: Re: book
Hi Leopold,
Of course I will help in this matter if you need help with another book.
And yes we live in a beautiful and diverse country in many ways. And the same with you in Belgium. I am a fan of your sour beers, Geuze, Kriek and Frambosiere🤩👌 (the dry ones;). Hope to visit Brussels one day.
Sendt fra Outlook for iOSFra: Leopold PANDER
Sendt: Monday, August 21, 2023 10:17:52 AM
Til: anne-rornes@hotmail.com
Kopi: 'Helen Leavey'
Emne: FW: FW: book
Dear Anne,
Thanks for reading me … 😊
I am just trying to buy a book in Norwegian in Norway. The Arkbokhandel store in Norway (I ordered the book on their website) but it (the book) was only accessible in Norway and they refused to add a few more stamps on the envelope to forward the package to me in Belgium.
My message was just to ask you if I could use your address for the ArkBokHandel’s website and then, you could send it to me in Belgium. Of course, I will pay the extra stamps to you by PayPal or any other way.
… xxx
I just received a message from our friend Brian in England who finally got a reply from his cousin in Oslo. She will buy the book for me and forward it to Belgium.
So, I will keep your address just in case 😊 (if you give me permission to use it)
By the way, I googled your address on the Internet. Many years ago, we passed in front of your home on our way to Stavanger from Kristiansand. We were touring the Norwegian fjord roads with our motor home (Westfalia) heading North with no hurry at all. You live in a magnificent country. We went up to Trondheim and had to return southward back home. No more holiday time left and back to work …
Best regards,
PS: and thanks to Helen for giving me your coordinates …
From: Mieke Melief
Sent: Wednesday, September 6, 2023 5:07 PM
To: weihsien@proximus.be
Subject: Website Boek Anneke Knüppe-de Jongh
Beste Leopold,
Bij de laatste herdenking van de bevrijding van Nederlands Indië in Den haag op 15 augustus j.l. werd het leed van de Nederlanders in Azië buiten Nederlands Indië voor het eerst erkend. Anneke schreef daarop een brief aan jou en jij stuurde hem door naar de andere oud kampbewoners. Ik heb er een blog over gemaakt op de website van het boek dat ik voor Anneke geschreven heb. www.hierinhetoostenalleswel.nl
Ik heb nog wat brieven toegevoegd van andere oud kampbewoners of familieleden daarvan die jij doorstuurde. Verder heb ik in het blog verwezen naar de website van Weihsien. Ik hoop dat je er geen bezwaar tegen hebt. Anders hoor ik het graag van je.
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Dear Leopold,
At the last commemoration of the liberation of the Dutch East Indies in The Hague on August 15th. the suffering of the Dutch in Asia outside the Dutch East Indies was recognized for the first time. Anneke then wrote a letter to you and you forwarded it to the other former camp residents. I made a blog about it on the website of the book I wrote for Anneke. www.hierinhetoostenalleswel.nl
I have added some letters from other former camp residents or relatives that you forwarded. I also referred to the Weihsien website in the blog. I hope you don't mind. Otherwise I'd love to hear from you.
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