☛ ... the most recent messages are on top !
From: Leopold PANDER
Sent: Saturday, September 28, 2024 9:48 AM
To: 'Leopold PANDER'
Subject: FW: Contact
Hello Darrell,
... still active, yes indeed 😊
You can reach the Weihsien Museum in Weifang privately: ldybgs@163.com
The persons "in charge" will certainly give you more info for the next year's liberation celebrations.
Feel free to contact us (website) at your convenience.
Best regards,
-----Original Message-----
From: Darrell Cowlam
Sent: Friday, September 27, 2024 7:22 PM
To: weihsien@proximus.be
From: Darrell Cowlam
Sent: Friday, September 27, 2024 7:22 PM
To: weihsien@proximus.be
Subject: Contact
Just reaching out to see if this site is still active as trying to find out if:
1) there is an email address for the museum that has been opened for the camp.
2) if there is an anniversary planned in the near future.
Some of my family were at the camp so trying to establish a connection.
Many thanks
Darrell Cowlam
From: Terri Stewart
Sent: Thursday, September 19, 2024 3:18 AM
To: Leopold PANDER
Subject: Re: Forum News Service -- story on Helen Burton
Hi Chris,
All the info I have on Helen Burton (who was a dear friend to my late g. Aunt, Ruth Kunkel, also interned at Weihsien) is already on the Weihsien-Paintings.org website.
Terri Stewart
From: Mitch
Sent: Tuesday, September 17, 2024 11:32 PM
To: Leopold PANDER
Cc: cshagen@forumcomm.com
Subject: Re: Forum News Service -- story on Helen Burton
I have been collecting material on Helen Burton for years. I have her shops guest register. I have want to go to Fargo to research some material about her and her family that remains up with you.
Let me know how I can help.
Mitch Krayton Small Ship Cruising Expert Certified Travel Consultant Verified Travel Advisor Certified Luxury Specialist Master Cruise Counselor Signature Travel Expert Select - Expedition Cruising 2021-24 Top Travel Specialist, Condé Nast Traveler Krayton Travel 4255 S. Buckley Rd., #430 Aurora, CO 80013 303-365-0051
From: Leopold PANDER
Sent: Tuesday, September 17, 2024 11:00 AM
To: 'Leopold PANDER'
Subject: FW: Forum News Service -- story on Helen Burton
Hello Christopher,
… as I have already written many times before, on our Weihsien-Paintings’ website (…) all that we have done is free access and non-profit.
Sure, you can write about Weihsien by taking data from our website. Just be kind enough as to mention the origin of the data you may use in your future project.
About the Camel Bell shop, Helen Burton and Tientsin I trust that other ex-prisoners of Weihsien (to whom this message is forwarded) might contact you privately. cshagen@forumcomm.com or via this group: weihsien@proximus.be
Most of the information on the website comes from the Wilder family → dmenzi@earthlink.net → Donald Menzi 5 east 10 Street New York, NY 10003
Donald died quite a few years ago and I did not have any contact since.
… And Terri Stewart → tksweaver@verizon.net
… and others …
I guess that you have already searched for Helen Burton from the Weihsien Paintings’ website’s search engine so, be welcome to use it.
Good luck,
Best regards,
From: Christopher Hagen
Sent: Tuesday, September 17, 2024 6:29 AM
To: weihsien@proximus.be
Sent: Tuesday, September 17, 2024 6:29 AM
To: weihsien@proximus.be
Subject: Forum News Service -- story on Helen Burton
my name is Chris Hagen and I am a reporter with Forum News Service in Fargo, North Dakota, USA.
I contacted you before maybe 10 years ago or more as I was doing a series of stories on Tianjin (Tientsin) which led me to Weihsien Internment Camp. I interviewed quite a few survivors at that time, but now I would like to do a story that could be seen by a much larger audience about Weihsien Internment Camp, and because we're focused on writing news/stories about North Dakota, Minnesota and surrounding area, also on Helen Burton, proprietor of the Camel Bell shop at the Grand Hotel de Pekin.
I would like permission to use some photographs with the story, and also am interested in talking to anyone who knew her, or has information about her. I understand that some grandchildren of hers may still be alive? Are you able to assist me with any of this?
Feel free to reach me by responding to this email, or calling my cell phone number listed below. Thank you!! Look forward to talking with you.
(Nearly a decade ago I was the author behind the stories published on www.cshagen.com, which earlier this year I took down, but not before making sure I saved all the stories I wrote back then).
C.S. Hagen

From: Leopold PANDER
Sent: Sunday, September 15, 2024 9:37 AM
To: 'Leopold PANDER'
Subject: FW: Princess Anne mentioned the memorial at Weihsien
Forwarded by:http://weihsien-paintings.org/TheGroup/messages/2024-08/2024-08.htm
Go to: MENU
Click on: CONTACT → The Group →scroll down, and → “read the AUGUST messages → ☛ ... the most recent messages are on top ! → enjoy 😊
The URL is just above.
Best regards,
From: Rich Swingle
Sent: Saturday, September 14, 2024 8:48 PM
To: Rich & Joyce Swingle
Cc: Leopold Pander
Subject: Re: Princess Anne mentioned the memorial at Weihsien
Oh, I forgot to say that I looked for our correspondence on http://weihsien-paintings.org and couldn’t find it. Where should I be looking?
In Christ alone,
On Sep 14, 2024, at 2:47 PM, Rich Swingle
Oh, thank you for letting me know! I ran into that trouble with my own site! Now it’s https, which was free, but a hassle to set up! I’ve changed that in the video and made a note to use http: in the description for the longer url.
Those Swiss do so many things right! …says a descendant of Ulrich Zwingli’s brother. :-)
In Christ alone,
From: Leopold PANDER
Sent: Friday, September 13, 2024 10:10 AM To: 'weihsien_camp@yahoogroups.com'
Subject: FW: Princess Anne mentioned the memorial at Weihsien
… corrected 3 URLs. If you don’t write the http or https in front of the URLs you may get a 404-error. Some computers correct them automatically, (…) my computer doesn’t.
To your previous message, yes ! I live in the French-speaking side of little Belgium. Indeed, our 70s, 80s and 90s are said: septante, quatre vingt and nonante ― unlike in France where they like to complicate things with soixante-dix, and quatrevingt-dix.I’ll never get used to that!! Besides, in the French part of Switzerland, they say it as we do but eighty is said: huitante! ― which is more logical. Ha! Ha!
… all the best,
PS: I transferred your recent messages to the Weihsien-paintings’ website. I checked: all the URLs work OK.
From: Rich Swingle
Sent: Thursday, September 12, 2024 4:46 PM
To: Leopold Pander
Subject: Re: Princess Anne mentioned the memorial at Weihsien
Thankfully I tried it before putting it in the video! I forgot to pluralize paintings! It’s now correct: www.weihsien-paintings.org
If you are in Belgium it will be very late (6 p.m. Eastern), but you’re most welcome to join our report via Zoom:
https://us06web.zoom.us/j/89999440237?pwd=Aja2nlYNj1hpsRksh0KYcM00c7diQg.1 Meeting ID: 899 9944 0237 Passcode: 808904
I am going to record it, and I’ll send out a link afterward.
In Christ alone,
From: Rich Swingle
Sent: Wednesday, September 11, 2024 8:23 PM
To: Leopold PANDER
Subject: Re: Princess Anne mentioned the memorial at Weihsien
Merci beaucoup!
Our report is in video form, so I think the shorter www.Weihsien-Painting.org will be best, but I’ve set an alarm reminding me to put the longer link in the description.
I’ll send you the report once finished.
When I was performing in Chantilly, France, three hours after the Olympic torch exchange there, a couple in attendance told me before the show that they had met Joyce and Joe Cotterill. So during the play I mentioned Joe as Eric’s roommate, and just before Eric slipped into the coma I added, “Joyce, can you bring me a cup of water.” Only problem is that I hadn’t warned my bride who was doing the sound effects, and her name is Joyce! Thankfully I looked in the other direction when I said it, and my Joyce stayed where she was and hit the next sound cue perfectly. But it gave us all such a laugh!
Are you in Belgium? I took a few French lessons, and I heard from someone that Belgium has a more decent approach to the number 70. He didn’t mention 80 or 90, but I just looked it up and see you also don’t have to do math on 90 before doing the actual math. I see 80 is still four-twenty. C'est la vie !
Did you ever see the play? Here’s the link: www.RichDrama.com/blog/post/BtC
In Christ alone,
Follow our worldwide adventures!
From: Leopold PANDER
Sent: Wednesday, September 11, 2024 10:46 AM
To: 'Leopold PANDER' ; 'RichSwingle@RichDrama.com'
Subject: FW: Princess Anne mentioned the memorial at Weihsien
Forwarded by:
Dear Mr. Swingle,
Our website is free access and non-profit.
The picture you mention comes indeed from our website:
Yes, by all means, you are free to use this picture taken in 2015 during the 70-year celebrations of our liberations and end of WWII. Just mention the source: http://www.weihsien-paintings.org or the URL just above.
Good luck with your “one-man play” and, (…) as we say in French: “Bon vent” 😊
Bien à vous,
From: Rich Swingle
Sent: Wednesday, September 11, 2024 12:41 AM
To: Leopold Pander
Subject: Princess Anne mentioned the memorial at Weihsien
I hope this finds you well.
We were in touch years ago when I was working on a documentary about Eric Liddell in the run up to the Beijing Olympics in 2008.
I’m still performing my one-man play about “Uncle Eric,” and I was able to perform the play at the Scots Kirk Paris on the centenary of him preaching there the day the world expected him to run the 100m heats at the Paris Olympics of 1924. While I was there I was invited to attend a visit by Princess Anne on the opening day of the 2024 Paris Olympics. Here are the photos from the visit: https://link.shutterfly.com/2HhDhCEhGLb
She asked us how much the Chinese appreciated his story, so I was thrilled to speak of our experience performing the play in China. She mentioned the memorial to him in Weihsien. We’re putting together a video to let our supporters know about the trip, and I’d love to use this photo from your site, so people can understand what it is:
We’re sharing the video this Saturday, 14 September.
Hope to hear from you soon!
All the best!
In Christ alone,
Follow our worldwide adventures!
From: 乐道院潍县集中营博物馆
Sent: Friday, September 6, 2024 2:09 PM
To: Leopold_Pander
Subject: Dazhong Daily
September 6, 2024
Dear Mr. Leopold Pander,
September 21, 2024 is the 23rd International Day of Peace. Weihsien West Civilians Concentration Camp Site Museum, as a symbol of the just struggle of international migrants and the Chinese people united against Japanese fascism during World War II and the spirit of internationalism, is of great value for educating the public, remembering history and cherishing peace.
We are from Dazhong Daily, the official media of Shandong province. For the purpose of cherishing peace and promoting cultural exchanges and peaceful communication between different countries, we sincerely hope that you can accept our interview and record a video or audio, and we will publicize it on our official website. If it is really inconvenient, please give a written answer to our questions in the form of an email. We will be extremely grateful for your support and cooperation.
The questions are as follows.
Over 80 years ago, Weihsien the Courtyard of the Happy Way was forcibly occupied by the Japanese Imperial Army and became a concentration camp for Western migrants. More than 2000 migrants from 25 Western countries had a hard time in the concentration camp. What was it like inside the concentration camp where you were imprisoned at that time? What was the situation when you were in the concentration camp? Could you tell us briefly?
Currently, the international situation is facing uncertainty. Having experienced World War II, you may have a deep understanding of the significance of peace. Could you please share your expectations for world peace?
When you were imprisoned in the concentration camp, you went through a lot of hardships. How did the local Chinese people help you? What role did they play in helping you escape from the concentration camp? What kind of feelings do you have for Chinese people?
Wish you good health and a long-lasting friendship between our two countries.
Sincerely yours,
Reporters of Dazhong Daily

Merci beaucoup!
Our report is in video form, so I think the shorter www.Weihsien-Painting.org will be best, but I’ve set an alarm reminding me to put the longer link in the description.
I’ll send you the report once finished.
When I was performing in Chantilly, France, three hours after the Olympic torch exchange there, a couple in attendance told me before the show that they had met Joyce and Joe Cotterill. So during the play I mentioned Joe as Eric’s roommate, and just before Eric slipped into the coma I added, “Joyce, can you bring me a cup of water.” Only problem is that I hadn’t warned my bride who was doing the sound effects, and her name is Joyce! Thankfully I looked in the other direction when I said it, and my Joyce stayed where she was and hit the next sound cue perfectly. But it gave us all such a laugh!
Are you in Belgium? I took a few French lessons, and I heard from someone that Belgium has a more decent approach to the number 70. He didn’t mention 80 or 90, but I just looked it up and see you also don’t have to do math on 90 before doing the actual math. I see 80 is still four-twenty. C'est la vie !
Did you ever see the play? Here’s the link: www.RichDrama.com/blog/post/BtC
In Christ alone,
+1.646.932.4890Follow our worldwide adventures!
From: Leopold PANDER
Sent: Wednesday, September 11, 2024 10:46 AM To: 'Leopold PANDER'
Subject: FW: Princess Anne mentioned the memorial at Weihsien
Forwarded by:http://www.weihsien-paintings.org
Dear Mr. Swingle,
Our website is free access and non-profit.
The picture you mention comes indeed from our website:
Yes, by all means, you are free to use this picture taken in 2015 during the 70-year celebrations of our liberations and end of WWII. Just mention the source: http://www.weihsien-paintings.org or the URL just above.
Good luck with your “one-man play” and, (…) as we say in French: “Bon vent” 😊
Bien à vous,
From: Rich Swingle
Sent: Wednesday, September 11, 2024 12:41 AM
To: Leopold Pander
I hope this finds you well.
Follow our worldwide adventures!
Sent: Wednesday, September 11, 2024 12:41 AM
To: Leopold Pander
Subject: Princess Anne mentioned the memorial at Weihsien
I hope this finds you well.
We were in touch years ago when I was working on a documentary about Eric Liddell in the run up to the Beijing Olympics in 2008.
I’m still performing my one-man play about “Uncle Eric,” and I was able to perform the play at the Scots Kirk Paris on the centenary of him preaching there the day the world expected him to run the 100m heats at the Paris Olympics of 1924. While I was there I was invited to attend a visit by Princess Anne on the opening day of the 2024 Paris Olympics. Here are the photos from the visit: https://link.shutterfly.com/2HhDhCEhGLb
She asked us how much the Chinese appreciated his story, so I was thrilled to speak of our experience performing the play in China. She mentioned the memorial to him in Weihsien. We’re putting together a video to let our supporters know about the trip, and I’d love to use this photo from your site, so people can understand what it is:
We’re sharing the video this Saturday, 14 September.
Hope to hear from you soon!
All the best!
In Christ alone,
Follow our worldwide adventures!
From: 乐道院潍县集中营博物馆
Sent: Friday, September 6, 2024 2:09 PM
To: Leopold_Pander
Subject: Dazhong Daily
September 6, 2024
Dear Mr. Leopold Pander,
September 21, 2024 is the 23rd International Day of Peace. Weihsien West Civilians Concentration Camp Site Museum, as a symbol of the just struggle of international migrants and the Chinese people united against Japanese fascism during World War II and the spirit of internationalism, is of great value for educating the public, remembering history and cherishing peace.
We are from Dazhong Daily, the official media of Shandong province. For the purpose of cherishing peace and promoting cultural exchanges and peaceful communication between different countries, we sincerely hope that you can accept our interview and record a video or audio, and we will publicize it on our official website. If it is really inconvenient, please give a written answer to our questions in the form of an email. We will be extremely grateful for your support and cooperation.
The questions are as follows.
Over 80 years ago, Weihsien the Courtyard of the Happy Way was forcibly occupied by the Japanese Imperial Army and became a concentration camp for Western migrants. More than 2000 migrants from 25 Western countries had a hard time in the concentration camp. What was it like inside the concentration camp where you were imprisoned at that time? What was the situation when you were in the concentration camp? Could you tell us briefly?
Currently, the international situation is facing uncertainty. Having experienced World War II, you may have a deep understanding of the significance of peace. Could you please share your expectations for world peace?
When you were imprisoned in the concentration camp, you went through a lot of hardships. How did the local Chinese people help you? What role did they play in helping you escape from the concentration camp? What kind of feelings do you have for Chinese people?
Wish you good health and a long-lasting friendship between our two countries.
Sincerely yours,
Reporters of Dazhong Daily