Part Three
in later years as a result of the Washington Conference
For some years prior to the "Lukouchiao Incident" in July 1937, which marked the beginning of China's open war against Japan, the Japanese had been seeking to gain influence over the Governor of this province, General Han Fu-ch'u, and had been given a receptive hearing.
At the outbreak of the Sino-Japanese war, Shantung under the government of General Han, officially was completely under the jurisdiction of the Central Government at Nanking, but in actuality Han remained, as he was originally, one of the old war-lord school, outwardly submitting to the will of the Central Government but in fact enjoying almost complete freedom of action within his province.
after the "Lukouchiao Incident" General Feng Yu-hsiang, then
Vice-Minister of War, went north, hoping to regain control of, and co-operate
with, his former sub-ordinates who were scattered in influential positions
through-out the
was the beginning of '38 before the Japanese commenced their invasion of
sent a detachment of troops north to the provincial border to stem the Japanese
advance, but this was considered more of a face-saving move than a real attempt
to resist, and with but a token resistance in the suburbs of Tsinan, General
Han evacuated the city and retreated south of the capital, where his provincial
troops, stiffened by the arrival of Central Government reinforcements, were
successful in holding up the Japanese southward advance. Advantage was taken of
this respite by the Central Government to complete preparations for a
counter-offensive in southern
the battle of Taierchuang on the southern border of Shantung, where the Chinese
forces inflicted a humiliating defeat on the Japanese, the Central Government
attempted to stabilise southern Shantung, but some three months later it became
evident that the Japanese intended to make a concerted drive on this area from
both the north and the south, to converge on the railway junction of Hsuchowfu.
Defence preparations were made, but without success. The Japanese swept through
With the Central Army's defeat at Hsuchowfu they with-drew westward to Kaifeng and the Peking—Hankow railway junction town of Chengchow, and the Japanese, after consolidating their position, pressed their attack to the west, closely following on the heels of the retreating Chinese Army.
this crucial point nature intervened. Wending its tortuous way from the Tibetan
uplands through the provinces of
a flood occurred in '39. For hundreds of miles the country was turned into a
huge lake dotted here and there with an occasional island. Thousands of troops,
both Japanese and Chinese, were caught in this flood and drowned, together with
peasants and their livestock; others, isolated on these small islands, starved
to death or died from disease, thus bringing to an end the war in this area.
The Chinese forces, safe behind this mass of water, withdrew to
As a result of this flood enormous areas were laid waste and in certain places the silt deposit was such that even today one can travel for miles through completely barren land. Occasionally one can see the remains of a village, perhaps the graceful curving roof of a temple or the top branches of a withered tree projecting a few feet above the silt. The peasants have gone. Of those who did not perish in the flood many succumbed to starvation and disease; famine and pestilence raged. Now, with the Japanese defeat, a few have returned to the location of their previous homes and are eking out a starvation existence encamped above the sites 0i their old villages, living literally on the roof-tops of their former homes. Although this disaster checked the Japanese advance to the west, it devastated a once rich and fertile land and accounted for a greater loss of life than did any military engagement during the war.
1939 all the Central Government troops had been withdrawn from
"Mopping-up" operations continued throughout the years '40 and '41 with but little success from the Japanese point of view. Japanese-sponsored newspapers gave glowing accounts of operations successfully carried out at various points in the interior against the "bandit forces", announcing the complete annihilation of the "bandits" and the pacification of the particular area. Almost invariably, within three or four months that point would again be in the news, the "bandits" re-annihilated and the area again pacified. By the end of '41 the Japanese were still as far from realising their objective as they were in '39.
were these people who so successfully prevented the invaders from consolidating
their gains and reaping the spoils of aggression? In the Japanese papers they
were dubbed as "bandits", "Communists" and sometimes as
in '39 the Central Government ordered the opening of a training school for
guerrillas in the mountains of southern
During the early stages of the Japanese invasion of Shantung there had been a tacit understanding of co-operation between the Communists and the Nationalist forces, but, as the Central Government forces became weaker, the Communists recruited and expanded under the banner of patriot-ism. As the Nationalists were gradually forced to withdraw from the south by Japanese pressure and by Communist attacks on their lines of communication, the areas which they vacated were occupied largely by Communists and, to a lesser extent, by guerrillas.
The guerrilla units settled into more or less specified areas and built up strong local militia forces which were, for the most part, composed of peasants recruited from that particular district in which the unit had originated. They were fighting primarily for the right to till and reap their own soil and to protect their homes and families from Japanese vandalism. Patriotism as such, particularly with the farmer-peasant recruits, was something not yet very clearly understood. They were concerned more with the material things of life. They knew that if their district was under Japanese control, their crops would be taken away from them, their pigs and cattle driven off to the Japanese garrisons and slaughtered, their mules and horses requisitioned for military use, their young men taken for enforced labour. Even their womenfolk would not be safe. What remnant of their crops they were allowed to keep would have to be sold at fixed prices; they would be told what to plant, and when. They were fighting to maintain their accustomed way of life.
The Communists, on the other hand, were essentially an alien body which had injected itself into the area and had gradually absorbed local support in certain districts as the only alternative available to the people, after the retreat of the Central Government forces, other than Japanese subjugation. Here also the peasants thought they were fighting to preserve their original mode of life, but in this case they soon learned otherwise. They found that they were involved in something very new, a way of life entirely contrary to that which they had lived since time immemorial. Caught in the web they had no alternative. With uncertainty and fear in their hearts, the older generation watched the training of their sons and daughters under this new scheme of things. There was op-position but this was removed by the extinction of life; against such fundamental means of eradicating opposition, the people had no recourse, and as the older generation became broken and whipped in spirit, so their sons and daughters, under their intense indoctrination, gained a new strength and under-standing. They soon believed that they were crusading for a new cause, a new way of life, and for this they were fighting the Japanese invaders.
The Japanese, failing to obtain conclusive results with their mopping-up operations, changed their policy from one of independent military aggression to that of conciliatory co-operation with Chinese who were willing to subjugate them-selves to Japanese control. Working out from the railway zone and from their established garrisons in the interior, they set up puppet governments and reorganised puppet troops, supplying them with arms and ammunition. In this manner they divided the province into many districts, thus hoping to control the Chinese through the Chinese.
with these newly established units, they moved their troops from one district
to another in an effort to Promote their new
"Peace Pacification Movement" and to wipe out guerrilla and Communist
activities. Fostering war by war, they endeavoured to gain control of large
areas of
Vastly superior in armaments, they gradually established control over large areas through the support of Chinese puppet troops. It was not long before these puppet troops, feeling secure under the protection of the Japanese, began to make independent excursions into nearby guerrilla areas, ravaging and pillaging as the Japanese had seldom done.
Encouraged by the success of their policy, the Japanese interlaced intrigue with aggression, and many guerrilla areas, under pressure of constant threat, negotiated non-aggression pacts with the Japanese. Through their puppet forces and these allied guerrillas the Japanese fostered intrigue and misunderstanding, thus forestalling any possibility of concerted action and creating an atmosphere of distrust and suspicion.
the time of the outbreak of the Pacific war in December '41, the situation in
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