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A Lovely Little War
An order for execution had been given by the Japanese Command to kill all the prisonners. A U.S. Marine Corsair flew low over the camp signaling to the prisoners below that help was on the way. The help, a U.S. Army tank, broke through the gates of the infamous Santo Thomas Internment Camp, and liberated ten year old Angus Lorenzen and his fellow prisoners. After 1125 days, Angus Lorenzen was free … only to find he was in the middle of the Battle of Manila, the most severe urban battle of World War II.
A Lovely Little War is Angus Lorenzen's own story told through his childhood eyes. He was a seven-year-old child of privilege born from a setting of comfort and thrust into a Japanese World War II internment camp. Viewed through a prism that distorted the harsh light of wartime reality into a colorful spectrum of childish fantasy. Angus Lorenzen mixes dark moments of adult cruelty with light moments and humor that are a big part of a child's life.
But the light moments darkened when after liberation, Angus was thrust into the inferno that was the battle of Manila. His view of life previously seen through his colorful spectrum of childhood fantasy broke through its prism, and absorbed the deadly events of the horrors of war.
at age 7, fled Japanese-
occupied North China with his sister and
mother, just days before the attack on Pearl
Harbor, only to be captured in Manila and
held in Santo Tomas Internment Camp for
more than 3 years. When rescued they
returned to England, where he was left in
school while his mother returned to join his
father in China to try to reestablish their
pre-war life. They left China in 1947 to
escape the Communist invasion and settled
in California, where Angus joined them.
He completed high school in Burlingame,
and graduated from the University of
California in Berkeley with a BS in
Engineering. Later, he received a Masters
of Business Management from California
State College.
He retired as Vice-President of an
international engineering firm and has
been active in ex-prisoner of war activities.
He was elected Commander of the
southern California civilian chapter of the
national organization that serves American
Ex-POWs, and took office at the beginning
of 2008.
He and his wife Gail live in Rancho Palos
Verdes, California.
History Publishing Company
jacket design: aulicinodesign.com
jacket photo: istockphoto.com

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