The Flamboya Tree

Clara Olink Kelly now lives in Bellingham, Washington with her husband. She spends much of her Lime with her children and grand­children. flic Flamboya Tree is her first book.

'Incredibly moving ... The courage of the whole family, particularly of Clara's mother, shines through' Cathy Kelly, Daily Mail


`Fascinating' People Magazine


'A wrenching memoir ... These stories clearly demonstrate that terrible atrocities are committed - justified even - in the name of war' Seattle Times


'A moving, immediate account of a relatively unknown wartime drama ... Unforgettable' Booklist


`Remarkable ... Trie Flamboya Tree charts a family journey that is awesome and heartbreaking, but which remains a story of hope' The Herald Sun


'An affecting account of wartime deprivation ... Well written' Publishers Weekly


'The Flamboya Tree is a touching story of how a mother's love saved a family of three defenseless children trapped in a brutal Japanese death


camp. As Clara Kelly honours her mother's memory we are reminded that not all the heroes of World War II faced the bullets of the battle­field' James Bradley


`Nothing illustrates wartime suffering and sacrifices more poignantly than a child's voice. Clara Kelly has done a wonderful job capturing the depravity of the Java prison camps and the courage of interned mothers trying to keep their young children alive and humane. The Flamboya Tree is a fascinating story that will leave the reader informed about a missing piece of the World War II experience, and in awe of one family's survival' Elizabeth Norman


`The Flamboya Tree is like a bright jewel found in the dust of fading history. I was bowled over by this book' Caroyln See


`Simply told, deeply felt, Kelly's The Flamboya Tree shows us that adver­sity can transform our lives into courageous, life-affirming works of art' Gwyn Hyman Rubio


`Sometimes the history of war hides its best stories, its fine, quiet stories ... The Flamboya Tree is such a story, with some kinship to Nicholas Gage's Eleni, and, in the same extraordinary way, about the triumph of love and compassion and decency' Alan Furst


`Sure-footed and big-hearted, Kelly's narrative offers testimony to the sustaining power of dignity and courage in the face of impossible circum­stances' Beth Kephart, author of A Slant of Sun








Published in the United Kingdom by Arrow Books in 2003

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Copyright © Clara Olink Kelly 2002

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