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De : L PR
Envoyé : lundi 17 juin 2013 11:34
À : Janette & home
Objet : Fw: 回复:Fw:_Weihsien_Book_“Midnight_in_Peking"
From: Cathy Tang
Sent: Monday, June 17, 2013 5:46 AM
To: tapol_(Skynet) ; Mary Previte
Subject: 回复:Fw:_Weihsien_Book_“Midnight_in_Peking"
Dear Mr Pander,
Thank you very much for the detailed description of the book. As there are episodes about the victim's father and the killer's life in Weihsien, I must buy this book then 😀
Best regards,
汤 昕 总裁秘书
Cathy TANG Director Secretary
电话/Phone: +86 532 6897 2080手提/Mobile: +86 156 1053 9868
传真/Fax: +86 532 6897 2363
Qingdao Phoenix Film & Media Co., LTD.
16th Floor, Jianguo Plaza, 519 Changjiang Middle Rd,
QingdaoDevelopment Area, Qingdao, PRC. 266555
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