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'Molly & Leslie Soltay' brasscranes@gmail.com [weihsien_camp]
To: Leopold
Wed, 24 Jun at 15:29
[weihsien_camp] Re: Trading Places
That is pricey.
I think I will wait for the paperback edition or second-hand bookstores in a few years!
Leslie Soltay
Nicholas Kitto njkitto@me.com [weihsien_camp]
To: L PR tapol@skynet.be [weihsien_camp]
Wed, 24 Jun at 11:36
Re: [weihsien_camp] Trading Places
Dear All,
Thank you for the interest in my book, Trading Places.
The book appears in the coming winter catalogue of the National Book Network, our distributor for Canada and the US. We have not yet been cleared to ship copies to NBN but expect to be receiving that clearance fairly soon. Thus I am surprised that there are any copies of the book currently available in the US.
As Mieke mentions, the best source at the moment is the Book Depository. But it is also available direct from the publisher here in Hong Kong, although given the limited postal services at the moment it would take some time to reach North America or Europe. But here’s a link: https://www.blacksmithbooks.com/books/trading-places-a-photographic-journey-through-chinas-former-treaty-ports/
Kind regards
Nicholas Kitto LRPSHong Kong
tel. +852 94692584
Photographing Heritage
miekemelief miekemelief@kpnmail.nl [weihsien_camp]
To: weihsien_camp@yahoogroups.com
Wed, 24 Jun at 09:34
[weihsien_camp] Trading Places
Dear all,
Angela Elliott emailed me that the book is very pricey in the US and Canada The best deal is with Book Depository.
€ 67,95 and free shipping to anywhare in the world.
miekemelief miekemelief@kpnmail.nl [weihsien_camp]
To: weihsien_camp@yahoogroups.com
Tue, 23 Jun at 12:09
[weihsien_camp] Trading Places
Dear Leopold, Nick Kitto and dear all,
Yesterday I received the beautiful book of Nick Kitto " Trading Places". It was published in February.
Due to the Corona Crisis it had to be shipped by seamail, so it took several months to reach me. Painstaking research. High quality photographs, beautiful lay-out.
Explanatory text where needed. Historical references. Extensive coverage of all the places where trade took place in the period of the Chinese treaty ports. I am very impressed. Nick has travelled all over China and found architectural traces of foreign presence even in very remote parts of China. It is an excellent academic study as well. Chapeau Nick. I highly recommend this book.
[click on the picture (above) for more about the book ...]