----- Original Message -----

From: Donald Menzi

Sent: Friday, April 15, 2011 7:11 PM

Subject: Re: Father Van Genechten




I think I already sent you the following two references to Fr. Genechten in George Wilder's diary, but here they are anyway:


June 23-30, 1943

...I had had a full day, sitting for a pen portrait by Father Genechten for an hour.  He couldn't get the likeness as he did with Porter and Britland, both in characteristic pipe-smoking attitudes.


... I saw Father Genechten's picture of the dead Father, who is to be buried Friday temporarily in the cemetery cow pasture. 


Do we know what happened to the portraits that he did in Weihsien?  I'd love to see the one he did of my grandfather, if it exists.


Donald Menzi