☛ ... the most recent messages are on top !
Michael Rank rank@mailbox.co.uk [weihsien_camp]
Mon, 31 Aug 2015 at 19:40
[weihsien_camp] Weihsien article
I felt greatly honoured to have attended the celebrations marking the 70th anniversary liberation of the Weihsien camp and was very glad to meet so many survivors and their families, as well as wonderfully nimble Eddy Wang, who came all the way from Guizhou to share his memories of liberating the camp as part of the the Duck team.
As I mentioned, I am planning to write an article about the camp, its hardships and some of the happier moments as well, and would very much like to contact Eric Liddell's daughters Patricia and Heather. I wonder if someone could kindly provide me with their contact details or ask them to to contact me.
My photos of Weifang are here
I will be captioning them over the next few days and weeks and may ask for help in identifying some of the people pictured. Mary Previte, I was very sorry you were unable to attend, perhaps you could let me have the email of Eddy's grandson so he may be able to share the pictures with his grandfather.
It was great meeting all of you and I look forward to keeping in touch with Weihsien survivors and their families.
Best wishes,
Michael Rank
020 7254 8168
Mary Previte mtprevite@aol.com [weihsien_camp]
Mon, 31 Aug 2015 at 17:04
[Attachment(s) from Mary Previte included below]
[weihsien_camp] Betty Lambert, 1946 [1 Attachment]
This spring, when I found "Eddie" Wang, the last living member of the Duck Mission team that liberated Weihsien, one of my Chinese friends helped me phone Mr. Wang at her home, using the telephone contract she uses to phone her family in China. I had been pacing around my friend's living room, saying, "I'm not going to cry. I'm not going to cry." In 1997, I tracked down and found the six American liberators, but not in my wildest dream did I think I could ever find "Eddie" Wang. There on the Sunday morning, I was really-truly going to talk with Mr. Wang. So, in my book, there was reason to cry.
I had only one question ready for Mr. Wang: "Tell me your story."
And he did. In English! Just in case we might need an interpreter, my friend, HuiZhen, sat next to me at her dining room table.
After Mr. Wang had talked and talked and I had nudged him from time to time for more details, I asked him, "Mr. Wang, all of us girls in Weihsien were in love with all the liberators. Were any girls in camp in love with you?" By this time we had both warmed up, so I could be a little mischievous. I let HuiZhen translate this question. I heard her change the Chinese word "love" to"like." "Did any girls like you."
Mr. Wang didn't hesitate. "A teenage girl, Betty Lambert and another girl -- I can't remember her name -- taught me to dance in Weihsien."
I wanted to hug the world! If I had had any doubts about whether this man was really and truly "our" "Eddie" Wang, his naming Betty Lambert wiped them away. This Eddie Wang was for real.
Let me give a very warm thank you to Angela Cox for connecting me to Desmond Power this weekend. Desmond is Betty Lambert's half sister. Maybe Desmond might have a picture of Betty Lambert for me to send to Mr. Wang. Author of Little Foreign Devil, an autobiographical book that includes his internment in Weihsien, Desmond was transferred to Weihsien in 1944 after serving time first in Shanghai camps, Pootung and Lunghua. Desmond now lives in Vancouver, Canada.
A huge thank you to Desmond for finding and forwarding this photo of Betty.
Last night, I forwarded this 1946 photo of Betty Lambert to Mr. Wong. I can't wait to get Mr. Wong's response.
Mary Taylor Previte
Mary Previte mtprevite@aol.com [weihsien_camp]
Sat, 29 Aug 2015 at 12:18
Re: [weihsien_camp] website
Good for you, Leopold! Who will do the translating?
Mary Previte
'Tapol' leopoldpander@yahoo.com [weihsien_camp]
Sat, 29 Aug 2015 at 11:40
[weihsien_camp] website
Dear Ex-Weihsien-Internees who helped by sending painting reproductions & documents to “our” Weihsien-Paintings’ website,
I had a conversation with Mr. Sui Shude about the accessibility of our website in China.
Well, ... it is not always accessible everywhere in China and furthermore, it is written in English. For the young generations in China, English is sometimes understood but, for them, reading in English is much more difficult.
Then, ... why not translate the texts ... ? ... into Chinese.
We came to a conclusion that it could be a good idea to translate some of the texts in Chinese. Yes! some of the texts or even large parts of the website, including the photos and documents.
I asked Mr Sui to apply the same (unwritten) rule as I have for now, for about 15 years.
- Free access to all.
- NO publicity of any sort.
- NO money ..... this new website Mr. Sui would like to create has to be ... NON-profit.
- To mention for every document/text, the source with the exact URL to the http://www.weihsien-paintings.org website.
I hope that you all agree with this idea.
If anybody has a suggestion or an objection, please let it be known by sending a message to Mr Sui, to the Yahoo chat list or to myself.
... And, of course, I will do my best to assist and help Mr Sui Shude in this new task.
Best regards,
'Tapol' leopoldpander@yahoo.com [weihsien_camp]
Sat, 29 Aug 2015 at 06:00
[weihsien_camp] Re: Looking for Weihsien people
Dear Yuelin Huang,
Thank you very much for your message.
Indeed, I was in Weihsien in 1945. I was 4 years old at that time, ... just a child.
However, I will transfer your message to the Weihsien_Camp chat group, and I trust that somebody will be able to help you in your quest.
You can, of course, have a look at our website: http://www.weihsien-paintings.org which is free access and non commercial. More than 3000 pages of information about the Weihsien Camp we lived in for two and a half years during the war between 1943 and 1945.
Best regards,
(from Belgium)
From: Huang Yueyin
Sent: Saturday, August 29, 2015 4:17 AM
To: tapol@skynet.be
>Dear Weihsien Internment Camp Witness,
> June, 2015
> > My Contact: huangyuelin5@gmail.com
发自我的 iPad
Sent: Saturday, August 29, 2015 4:17 AM
To: tapol@skynet.be
Subject: Looking for Weihsien people
> To: A letter to Weihsien Internment Camp Witness>
Dear Weihsien Internment Camp Witness,
> It is blessed that I can have this chance to share some common memory between you and my life.
> In March, 1942, the Japanese invader made one of the American Presbyterian mission compound at Shandong, China, named “Weihsien Courtyard of the Happy Way”, to be an Internment Camp for jailing civilians of Allied countries living in Northern China. My grandfather, Pastor Lede Huang, was in charge of “Weihsien Courtyard of the Happy Way” at that time. With risking of losing life and fighting under huge difficulties, my grandfather and my father, Anwei Huang, helped a lot of people from different countries to be able to survive at that time. However, after the war in 1953, my grandfather was exiled to the remote and backward western part of China, all because of he was a Pastor and helped many American refugee. He eventually passed away in poor conditions. And my father, Anwei Huang, a great Pastor also, was treated unfairly whole life due to the same reason, left us forever in 1998.
> As the only one Christian currently in my family, I came to visit my family relatives here at America, and then decided to stay here. I am hoping to collect and organize the stories about my grandfather and father, freely express my thought, telling people the miserable experience of my grandfather and father, as Chinese Christian, being suffering from unfair treatment, restoring the historical truth, spreading the power of Christianity, the noble faith.
> If, you are the survivor who were held in Weihsien Internment Camp, or you are the descendant of one of them, you will never forget that part of sad history, also you probably still remember that China’s “Schindler”, Lede Huang. Here, can I urge you to recall that part of history at a proper time when you are willing and willing to witness a China Christian clergy‘s ordinary and great deeds, let the noble Christian faith benefiting the world? I would greatly appreciate it if you can provide even a little bit of memory about Weihsien Internment Camp, or a little bit of impression you have about my grandfather, Pastor Dele Huang.
> I would be grateful for your help, and I look forward to your reply.
> Sincerly,
> Yuelin Huang (Granddaughter of Dele Huang)
> June, 2015> > My Contact: huangyuelin5@gmail.com
Mary Previte mtprevite@aol.com [weihsien_camp]
Wed, 26 Aug 2015 at 02:30
[Attachment(s) from Mary Previte included below]
[weihsien_camp] Japanese journalist and book about Weihsien [1 Attachment]
A Japanese journalist, Koichi Yasuda from Japan, and his translator, Yo Shiima, from New York City spent the day yesterday interviewing me for a book Mr. Yasuda plans to write about Weihsien. We talked a LOT. I couldn't imagine how he could stay awake the whole day when jet lag from his long flight from Japan must have kicked in.
> Mr. Yasuda said he interviewed Mr. Wang and several Weihsieners at last week's Weihsien reunion. To make sure he gets a balanced view of Weihsien experiences, I suggested names of other Weihsieners.
> Yo is a certified court translator for New York City. She has lived in the United States for 20 years and is now a naturalized American citizen.
> I liked and enjoyed both of them. We went to lunch together here at a very popular diner, not far from my house.
> Koichi Yasuda is a prolific author of 20 books, mostly on human rights subjects -- many of which have been translated into Chinese. Now exclusively a free lance journalist, he said he already has a publisher for this book about Weihsien. There were many Japanese civilian camps in China -- so how did he hear about and choose Weihsien? In Mr. Yasuda's travels in China, a friend recommended that he write about Weihsien camp. It appears that the efforts of Weifang have succeeded in raising interest in this camp
> So many questions in at least five hours of interviewing! -- about everything from food, color of Japanese uniforms, eating egg shells, arm bands in Chefoo, deaths in the camp, death of Brian Thompson, names of any Japanese guards .
> When I asked him who his audience for this book will be, he said Japan is divided in its opinions of the war. Half of Japan denies that Japan was an aggressor in the war -- that even the attack on China and even the attack on Pearl Harbor were not aggression. He says this half will get angry at anything that says otherwise. The other half wants to find out more about what really happened. He says that people from both opinions will read his book. With twenty books under his belt, he knows his audience. He also knows about Weihsiener Stephen Metcalf's book, In Japan the Crickets Cry.
> Yo, a skilled translator, made it very easy for me and Mr. Yasuda to talk together. Sometimes she held my hand when we got emotional and she kept the tissues handy and wiped her eyes quite often as I told my story. When she and I were together alone before they left, she told me that her mother had always been against the war because Yo's grandfather had entered the war as a young man right as the war was ending and never came back. She said the family never found out what happened to him, but they thought he had drowned. Yo's mother was a very, very young child when this happened. " My mother never had a chance to meet her father because of that war," she said. " Even to this day there still remains the un-ended war inside of her." Yo told me that the Japanese government has not done well in handling the consequences of the war, and there is much to be concerned about when it comes to where the current executive body appears to be heading. "Please also know that there are people in Japan who continue to question what forces lead the nation to the war, including all its cruelness and madness. There are people in Japan who continue to seek any means possible to stop the recurrence of war efforts. "
> At lunch, Yo told me that many Japanese are concerned about proposals now in Japan for changing the constitution to allow military action -- "in defense." She is concerned about what "in defense" means. I tell you -- those words made me feel very uneasy, too.
> What a fascinating day!
> Mary Taylor Previte

Mary Previte mtprevite@aol.com [weihsien_camp]
Sun, 23 Aug 2015 at 17:38
[weihsien_camp] Report of "awesome" Weihsien reunion and one man's love of China
Here's one man's report of the "awesome" Weihsien reunion -- and the story of how his love of China has played out in his own career.
Mark Butcher has given me permission to forward exerpts of his communication with me.
What made you happy to attend last week's Weihsien reunion? We'd all love to hear from you.
Hi Mary
I am not a true "Weihsiener" since my mother was pregnant with me in the camp and I was born shortly after they arrived in England after being liberated, I truly enjoyed meeting people at the reunion.
People like Eddie Wang told fascinating stories. Of particular interest to me was Joe Cotterill, who was a very good friend of my father. They were with the same Mission - Assemblies of God of Britain and both ministered together in Kalgan and lived side by side in the camp. Since my father was killed in a car accident back in 1965 when I was 18, it was of real interest at the reunion to get more history about him from a different perspective than what my mother had given me - although both were in agreement.
I met so many wonderful people at the reunion and I know I will keep in contact with them - It was nice to see Leopold Pander there - I had met Leopold a few years ago when he came to Shanghai. Meeting the two daughters of Eric Liddell was a highlight.
The Chinese Foreign Affairs Office did such a great job in organizing the event.
The whole event was amazing - I have so much more appreciation for each of them and the hardships they endured. There are so many amazing stories of God's faithfulness and goodness.
I found your story very inspiring. I cannot imagine what it must have been like for you and your parents to be separated for so many years and really not know what was happening to each other. Wish I had the chance to meet you. When will you come to China? - would love to be able to meet you and hear your story in person.
I live here in China just about 45 minutes drive to both Shanghai and Suzhou. I started a Canadian school here in 2003 and have seen it grow from 140 students with 5 Canadian teachers to over 1500 students and this year we will have 70 Canadian teachers.
Our school is Sino-Our school is Sino-Canada School www.sinocanada.cn www.sinocanadahighschool.com 95% of the students are Chinese a few Canadians and Americans and 30 or so Korean students.
100% board at the school - the school is situated on 200 acres of land - in addition to the regular courses taught at most schools we also have golf and an Equine program.
It is in total English. When the students graduate they get their diploma from the British Columbia Ministry of Education. They follow the same curriculum and write the same provincial exams as the kids back home. Most leave here and go to University in Canada, U.S. , UK, and Australia. It is a private secular school Actually we have one main campus and now 4 others schools and I am initiating a massive online program this fall.
We have a number of Christians on staff - even one of my secretaries -- actually there are more Christians in China now than Communist Party members
I retired as a Principal in 2000 and this is something I always wanted to do from when I was young
I love China and the Chinese people. There are lots of frustrations but it is worth every little bit. Problems always make one think of new ways of doing things too.
I am blest.
Mark Butcher
I am not a true "Weihsiener" since my mother was pregnant with me in the camp and I was born shortly after they arrived in England after being liberated, I truly enjoyed meeting people at the reunion.
People like Eddie Wang told fascinating stories. Of particular interest to me was Joe Cotterill, who was a very good friend of my father. They were with the same Mission - Assemblies of God of Britain and both ministered together in Kalgan and lived side by side in the camp. Since my father was killed in a car accident back in 1965 when I was 18, it was of real interest at the reunion to get more history about him from a different perspective than what my mother had given me - although both were in agreement.
I met so many wonderful people at the reunion and I know I will keep in contact with them - It was nice to see Leopold Pander there - I had met Leopold a few years ago when he came to Shanghai. Meeting the two daughters of Eric Liddell was a highlight.
The Chinese Foreign Affairs Office did such a great job in organizing the event.
The whole event was amazing - I have so much more appreciation for each of them and the hardships they endured. There are so many amazing stories of God's faithfulness and goodness.
I found your story very inspiring. I cannot imagine what it must have been like for you and your parents to be separated for so many years and really not know what was happening to each other. Wish I had the chance to meet you. When will you come to China? - would love to be able to meet you and hear your story in person.
I live here in China just about 45 minutes drive to both Shanghai and Suzhou. I started a Canadian school here in 2003 and have seen it grow from 140 students with 5 Canadian teachers to over 1500 students and this year we will have 70 Canadian teachers.
Our school is Sino-Our school is Sino-Canada School www.sinocanada.cn www.sinocanadahighschool.com 95% of the students are Chinese a few Canadians and Americans and 30 or so Korean students.
100% board at the school - the school is situated on 200 acres of land - in addition to the regular courses taught at most schools we also have golf and an Equine program.
It is in total English. When the students graduate they get their diploma from the British Columbia Ministry of Education. They follow the same curriculum and write the same provincial exams as the kids back home. Most leave here and go to University in Canada, U.S. , UK, and Australia. It is a private secular school Actually we have one main campus and now 4 others schools and I am initiating a massive online program this fall.
We have a number of Christians on staff - even one of my secretaries -- actually there are more Christians in China now than Communist Party members
I retired as a Principal in 2000 and this is something I always wanted to do from when I was young
I love China and the Chinese people. There are lots of frustrations but it is worth every little bit. Problems always make one think of new ways of doing things too.
I am blest.
Mark Butcher
Mary Previte mtprevite@aol.com [weihsien_camp]
Fri, 21 Aug 2015 at 12:13
[weihsien_camp] Weihsien reunion -- The Last Race movie about Eric Liddell
http://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/films/news/the-last-race-unofficial-chariots-of-fire-sequel-starring-joseph-fiennes-in-the-running-10340745.htmlBrian Kerry, who attended the reunion celebration in Weifang this week, pronounces it as "brilliiant." We want to learn every detail, Brian. Please write all about it.
Brian reports that major feature of the reunion was the "wrapping" of the upcoming movie about Eric Liddell, The Last Race. Brian has passed along the link for us to see.
Here in my house in January, a Chinese movie production team gave me a professionally-produced concept-book of the film. They told me that the film has already been approved by Chinese censors.
The movie narrative that was presented to me in January is a creative license story, neither a biography of Eric Liddell, nor of the Weihsien camp we knew.
You will find it interesting.
Mary Previte mtprevite@aol.com [weihsien_camp]
Thu, 20 Aug 2015 at 18:43
[weihsien_camp] China's CCTV broadcast of the "Eddie' Wang Cheng-Han story
China's CCTV News channel interviewed "Eddie" Wang Cheng-Han in his home in Guiyang before he traveled to Weifang for the Weihsien camp reunion on August 17.
Here is the link to view this video: http://english.cntv.cn/2015/08/20/VIDE1440046680003776.shtml
My deepest thanks to Daniel Wang, grandson of Mr. Wang, for forwarding this link. Without Daniel Wang, I would never have found "Eddie" Wang a few months ago. We would never have had the miracle ending to Mr. Wang's story.
Mr. Wang says he visited Weihsien in the 1970s and no one paid any attention.
This week -- forty years later, Mr. Wang's was a very different story. My thanks also go Mr. Sui ShuDe and the People's Government of Weifang for inviting Mr. Wang and his son to be honored guests at the 70th anniversary reunion and to cover their air fare and hotel costs.
Mary Taylor Previte
Haddonfield, NJ, USA
Mary Previte mtprevite@aol.com [weihsien_camp]
Wed, 19 Aug 2015 at 23:36
[weihsien_camp] BBC broadcast, "WITNESS" tells my story of Weihsien camp
BBC broadcast, "WITNESS," celebrates the 70th anniversary of liberation of Weihsien camp.
Michael Bristow, head of BBC's East Asia coverage, interviewed me in June when I was in Barnsley, England, for a celebration of the 150th anniversary of the founding of the China Inland Mission (CIM, now Overseas Missionary Fellowship). CIM was founded by my great grandfather, J. Hudson Taylor, who was born in Barnsley.
Each of us has a story of Weihsien. Each is unique. This is a story of a pre-teen girl, nurtured by Christian missionary parents and a Christian boarding school to educate the children of Christian missionaries. This is my story.
This broadcast was crafted from a face to face interview of perhaps two hours..
Mary Taylor Previte
Mary Previte mtprevite@aol.com [weihsien_camp]
Mon, 17 Aug 2015 at 10:15
[Attachment(s) from Mary Previte included below]
[weihsien_camp] Fwd: 8/17 morning 2 -- Weihsien reunion [5 Attachments]
Begin forwarded message:> From: Elaine Yau
> Subject: 8/17 morning 2
> Date: August 17, 2015 4:07:58 AM EDT
> To: Mary Previte

Mary Previte mtprevite@aol.com [weihsien_camp]
Mon, 17 Aug 2015 at 10:08
[Attachment(s) from Mary Previte included below]
[weihsien_camp] Torgesen family reunion and other Weihsien-ers at opening of Weihsien reunion [4 Attachments]
Begin forwarded message:> From: Elaine Yau
> Subject: Photos@ opening
> Date: August 16, 2015 10:09:41 AM EDT
> To: Mary Previte

從我的 iPhone 傳送
Mary Previte mtprevite@aol.com [weihsien_camp]
Mon, 17 Aug 2015 at 10:02
[Attachment(s) from Mary Previte included below]
[weihsien_camp] Weihsien camp 70th anniversary reunion, opening day [5 Attachments]
Begin forwarded message:> From: Elaine Yau
Weihsien-ers greet Wehsiern liberator, "Eddie' Wang Cheng-Han at opening of 70th anniversary reunion.
Thirty-four members of the Hakon Torgeson family are celebrating with a family reunion at Weifang. Bless my soul! What a memory for all these generations! Hakon and his siblings were students of the Chefoo School interned in Weihsien.
Thanks to movie producer, Elaine Yao, for these photos.
Mary Taylor Previte

從我的 iPhone 傳送
Mary Previte mtprevite@aol.com [weihsien_camp]
Mon, 17 Aug 2015 at 09:56
[Attachment(s) from Mary Previte included below]
[weihsien_camp] Photos @ Weihsien 70th anniversary reunion opening [5 Attachments]
Weihsien-ers greet "Eddie" Wang Cheng Han, Weihsien liberator, 90 years old
Thirty-four members of the Hakon Torgesen family are celebrating with a family reunion at Weifang. Hakon and his siblings were students of the Chefoo School, interned in Weihsien.
Mary Taylor Previte
Begin forwarded message:> From: Elaine Yau

從我的 iPhone 傳送
suishude@126.com [weihsien_camp]
Sun, 9 Aug 2015 at 19:12
[weihsien_camp] Shadyside Hospital building repair finishes this THU
The Shadyside Hospital repair work started this March and will be finished this Thursday. The hospital is the main building existed of Ledaoyuan, as well as Weihsien Concentration Camp site under the protection of Shandong Provincial People's Government for its historical value. Now it has turned to be, also, a big exhibition house of Ledaoyuan and Weihsien Camp and will be open to public.
We have collected SOME items of Weihsien Camp life for exhibit from some former internees and some local people, except photos and paintings, and still many beautiful exhibition boxes there are empty. Any donations of items of Weihsien Camp life are highly appreciated.
Weihsieners are warmly welcome to the 70th anniversary reunion in Weifang in this August.
Among the 87 registered participants to the reunion there are 15 former internees, so far recorded.
All participants to the reunion will stay in Dongfang Hotel from August 16 to 18th.
Sui Shude - Weifang Foreign Affairs Office (FAO)
suishude@126.com [weihsien_camp]
Sun, 9 Aug 2015 at 18:39
[weihsien_camp] Schedule of the 2015 Weihsien Reunion in Weifang:
Schedule of the 2015 Weihsien Reunion in Weifang:
August 16th(SUN):
Pick-up Weihsieners from Qingdao Airport , Weifang Airport or Weifang Railway Station.
Afternoon: all Weihsieners arrive in Weifang, registered and check-in Dongfang Hotel;
18:00 City officials meet with former internees (in the hotel)
18:30 Welcome banquet for all Weihsieners (in the hotel)
August 17th(MON)
Breakfast(in the hotel)
Attend the Unveiling Ceremony of Eric Liddell Bronze Statue;
Issue ceremony of the translated book "Shandong Compund"
Visit the Weihsien Camp Memorial exhibition;
Visit the Le Dao Yuan site and Le Dao Square
Appreciate the issue ceremony of the film(on shooting) on Weihsien Camp
Lunch in Dongfang Hotel
Weihsieners meet with Eddie Wang, one of the Duck Team parachutist;
Bus to Binhai to enjoy a sea beach visit and an evening party and dinner
Back to Dongfang Hotel
August 18(TUE)
Breakfast(in the hotel)
Bus to Shouguang city to visit the International Vegetable Expo. Exhibition Center
Lunch in Dongfang Hotel
City Tour--Visit Yangjiabu New Year Picture & Kite Exhibition Garden
City Tour-- Visit Weifang Wetland Park
Farewell Banquet Dinner near the Wetland Park
August 19th(WED)
Breakfast(in the hotel)
Farewell after breakfast
Bus to Airport/Train Station
Note: Schedule is subject to changes according to weather or new arrangements. New schedule will be presented to Weihsieners at registration counter in Dongfang Hotel on Autust 16th.
Contact: Sui Shude Weifang FAO Tel:13905369362 13625363618 Email: suishude@126.com
'Tapol' leopoldpander@yahoo.com [weihsien_camp]
Wed, 5 Aug 2015 at 16:58
[weihsien_camp] Fw: Hiroshima
What you write, is exactly the way I think about it and I am certainly not the only one. All of us folks are old 'timers now !!!!!!
Bien amicalement,
PS ... and the Japs are re-arming now ! ... makes me shiver ...
From: Edmund Pearson
Sent: Wednesday, August 05, 2015 2:50 PM
To: editor@thesuburban.com
Well it is once again time to remember Hiroshima and Nagasaki. These were terrible losses of life. The entire world remembers these bombings. However, I was 10 years old in 1945. Unlike many 10 year olds, I was in a Japanese Prisoner of war camp in China. If it had not been for Hiroshima and Nagasaki, I may well have died in that camp. No one talks about the Japanese atrocities in China, the massacres in Nanjing. No one talks about the Japanese Korean and Dutch Comfort women. No one talks about the slave labour in Indonesia and Malaysia and Hong Kong. No one talks about the killings in the Philippines. What is even more amazing is that no one talks about the help the USA gave Japan to rebuild its economy after the war, thereby enabling it to leap ahead of the “victors”! Every one talks about the horrors of the A bomb. Well world, listen up. If it had not been for Pearl harbour, the A bomb may never have been used.
1545 ave Dr. Penfield, apt 209. Montreal Canada H3G 1C7.
Sent: Wednesday, August 05, 2015 2:50 PM
To: editor@thesuburban.com
Subject: Fw: Hiroshima
Well it is once again time to remember Hiroshima and Nagasaki. These were terrible losses of life. The entire world remembers these bombings. However, I was 10 years old in 1945. Unlike many 10 year olds, I was in a Japanese Prisoner of war camp in China. If it had not been for Hiroshima and Nagasaki, I may well have died in that camp. No one talks about the Japanese atrocities in China, the massacres in Nanjing. No one talks about the Japanese Korean and Dutch Comfort women. No one talks about the slave labour in Indonesia and Malaysia and Hong Kong. No one talks about the killings in the Philippines. What is even more amazing is that no one talks about the help the USA gave Japan to rebuild its economy after the war, thereby enabling it to leap ahead of the “victors”! Every one talks about the horrors of the A bomb. Well world, listen up. If it had not been for Pearl harbour, the A bomb may never have been used.
Frankly, as I near my 80th birthday, I am fed up listening to the twaddle about the A bomb. I am grateful that the USA dropped the bomb. I am grateful for our liberation by the USA on August 17th, 1945. I am grateful to the Chinese city of Weifang, which will have celebrated our liberation twice. Once in 2005 and again this year on August 17th.
I have seen the Imperial Shinto Priests go to Tojo’s tomb in the Yakusuni Shrine in 1975, years after this war criminal had been executed.
Let me be clear. Japanese people are people like any others. However, the Japanese Government has never, ever admitted its culpability in any war atrocities any time any where during the Sino Japanese war, and World War two.
Their Supreme Court said as much when they denied the claim for compensation launched by surviving prisoners of war.
So forgive me if I am a little bitter. Isn’t it time to show the other side of the page?
Ted Pearson.
1545 ave Dr. Penfield, apt 209. Montreal Canada H3G 1C7.