☛ ... the most recent messages are on top !
From: Leopold PANDER
Sent: Wednesday, December 28, 2022 11:05 AM
To: weihsien@proximus.be; bill.streifer@gmail.com
Subject: FW: Operation Eagle
Forwarded by:
Hi 😊
… to find Bill’s article, go to the Weihsien-paintings’ website ― main-page.
- Click on: Liberation
- Click on: Duck Team
- Click on the fourth picture ― letter of thanks signed by our seven liberators + Willis !!
- Scroll to the bottom of the page (read it if you haven’t already done it).
- Click on the book: OSS in CHINA
- Scroll and read to the bottom
- Click on the very last pictogram: PDF
- Read Bill Streifer’s article ….
Interesting …
Best regards,
From: Bill Streifer
Sent: Sunday, December 25, 2022 3:23 PM
To: weihsien@proximus.be
Subject: Operation Eagle
Dear Sir,
Merry Christmas.
My article, Operation Eagle, is on your website. Could you please revise “for more information…” to “contact Bill Streifer at bill.streifer@gmail.com
Bill Streifer
Florida, USA
Thank you.
Bill Streifer1-850-730-6230
Editorial Board, Journal of Oriental Studies (Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow)
Editorial Board, Journal "Vostok"
Read what people are saying about my articles and books-in-the-works...
From: Terri Stewart
Sent: Saturday, December 24, 2022 11:45 PM
To: weihsien@proximus.be
Subject: Re: Merry Christmas
And to you as well, Leopold!!
Terri Stewart
From: 乐道院·潍县集中营博物馆
Sent: Friday, December 23, 2022 1:55 PM
To: 潍县绘画
Subject: Merry Christmas
Dear Leopold
The Christmas and New Year is coming near once again.We would like to extend our warm wishes for the upcoming holiday season and would like to wish all the survivors of the Weihsien Concentration camp and their families a Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year.This Christmas card with the greeting words was made by the museum for you all. During the epidemic time, please take care, keep healthy.Really looking forward and warm welcome all the survivors and their families come to visit the Courtyard of the Happy Way and Weihsien Concentration Camp Museum and visit Weifang after the epidemic is over.

Best regards,
The Courtyard of the Happy Way and Weihsien Concentration Camp Museum

From: 乐道院·潍县集中营博物馆
Sent: Saturday, December 24, 2022 6:19 AM
To: pander.nl@skynet.be
Subject: Merry Christmas
Dear Leopold Pander
Merry Christmas! Thank you for everything this year! Wish you and your family joy and health, full of happiness!
Best wishes
The Courtyard of the Happy Way and Weihsien Concentration Camp Museum
From: Angela
Sent: Sunday, December 18, 2022 8:37 AM
To: pander.nl@skynet.be
Subject: Fw: Joyeux Noel! Bonne Année!
Hello all,
Wishing you a very Merry Xmas & Happy New Year!
Lets hope 2023 will be a better year without new virus
cropping up. WEll Xmas was celebrated in camp but now
we can be thankful to celebrate in a free world!
Celebrate Xmas with your families - eat -drink & be merry!
Cheers & best wishes for the holidays!
From: Leopold PANDER
Sent: Wednesday, December 14, 2022 10:49 AM
To: 'Bill Einreinhofer'
Cc: 'Pamela Masters'
Subject: RE: new documentary
Dear Bill,
Thanks for your message and for keeping us informed. I transferred your message on the weihsien-paintings’ website:
As for Pamela, it is a long time since we haven’t had any message from her. Her coordinates in my data base: pamela@hendersonhouse.com
Pamela Masters 3001 Camino Heights Drive Camino, CA 95709-9508 USA
Hope you manage.
Good luck for your new documentary 😊
Best regards,
From: Bill Einreinhofer
To: weihsien@proximus.be
Subject: new documentary
Hi Leopold,
Now, a "voice" from the past... Great to see how your website is the "go to" destination about the Weihsien internment camp. I am working on a new documentary that will include excerpts from So Very Far From Home. Once it is finished (probably early March) I'll send you a link.
The original So Very Far From Home is already online. Here is the link: https://vimeo.com/745788764.
Do you have contact information for Pamela Masters? I want to let her know that she will be included in my new documentary, China: Frame by Frame.

From: 李黛妮
Sent: Wednesday, December 14, 2022 1:29 AM
To: Leopold PANDER
Subject: Re: FW: ask for permission
Dear Mr. Pander,
THANK YOU SO MUCH for your kind sharing.
Your precious experience of life is the part of the world history.
May God bless you.
Wish you Have a Happy Christmas.
from Taiwan
From: John Hoyte
Sent: Wednesday, December 14, 2022 1:10 AM
To: Leopold PANDER
Subject: Re: ask for permission
Dear Leopold:
As an old Chefoosian, I would like to send all on your wonderful network my attached Christmas Greeting. with the angel's words: "Fear not! I bring you tidings of great joy." We have such a wonderful heritage. You can see more of my paintings on my website johnhoyte.com

From: Leopold PANDER
Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2022 11:41 AM
To: '李黛妮'
Subject: RE: ask for permission
Dear Dai-Ni Li,
Thanks for your message and for asking …
Our website has always been free access and non-profit and, yes, you may use the pictures within.
Just mention for each picture and/or text: "by courtesy of http://www.weihsien-paintings.org"
Best regards,
Leopold Pander
(webmaster and ex-prisoner of Weihsien Concentration Camp).From: 李黛妮
Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2022 8:39 AM
To: tapol@skynet.be
Subject: ask for permission
Dear Sir,
May I introduce myself first, I am a reader from Taiwan and I am a worker in the Chia-Yi Christian Hospital (CYCH), the founders were Dr. Marcy Ditmanson and Mrs. Joyce Ditmanson, when I try to find information about Dr. Marcy Ditmanson and I typed the keyword “Marcy Ditmanson” and found your website.
This website is full of meaning, when I visited I found two photos with Dr. Marcy Ditmanson inside, for example the three photos from Mr. Peter Bazire file ( Photo1 to Photo 3).
May we ask permission for using these photos in the CYCH history gallery and printed material, such as a memory book for honor Dr. Marcy Ditmanoson (the purpose is for sharing to patients and people who come to this hospital, all for Non-profit). I also enclosed the CYCH’s website --
We hope you could kindly give us this permission.
Dai-Ni Li
Administrator of Planning Office at CYCH【Photo1】From The Children of Weihsien 1943-1945 Book1,p.17)

【Photo2】THE CHILDREN OF WEIHSIEN1943-1945 30(book2)

【Photo3】THE CHILDREN OF WEIHSIEN1943-1945 48(Book2)

From: 乐道院·潍县集中营博物馆
Sent: Friday, December 9, 2022 3:07 AM
To: Leopold_Pander
Subject: Re:FW: Gay Stratford
Dear Leopold
Due to the COVID-19, the museum has been closed recently. We are very sorry to be able to reply this email until now. We are very sad and heartbroken about Gay's death. It is a great loss whenever a witness of the history of the concentration camp is no longer with us. Also wish that we can be more closer, value the remaining friends, cherish peace.
Hope everything goes well.
Best regards,
The Courtyard of the Happy Way and Weihsien Concentration Camp Museum