chapter 13
The Happy Way
At the entrance to the Wei-Hsien camp when it was my prison, there was a Chinese inscription saying visitors were entering the `Court of the Happy Way'. It was placed there when the camp was a missionary training centre.

In my time at Wei-Hsien, there were happy and unhappy moments. Our misfortunes were caused by having the wrong citizenship, in the wrong place, at the wrong time.
As I reflect now on our survival, I stress that there is one key group of people I must publicly thank for helping us. They must be greatly thanked because in helping us they daily took their lives into their hands. When our chips were down and we were hurting in the camp, many Chinese helped us. Sadly, I don't know who they were and all the ways in which they helped. But I thank them just as much as I thank those who helped us in the camp.
The supportive Chinese smuggled messages, often cared for our possessions when we were interned and sent food supplies. They were very brave. At best, if detected by the Japanese, they could expect a severe bashing. At worst, death.
The brave Chinese who helped us out of decency and out of compassion are also heroes in this story of mine.
I salute them and thank them.