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by Raymond deJaegher,

De tout homme, ils font un instrument
Fausses sont leurs actions
Mensongères, leurs paroles.

à Monsieur Léopold Pander
En souvenir de la Chine et des journées au camp de Weihsien.
(signé): Raymond deJaegher
Novembre 1952.


was born in Belgium in 1905. He studied in England and received his M.A. at the University of Louvain. He lived under the Communists in China from 1937-1943, was in a Japanese concentration camp from 1943-1945, and worked against the Communists in China until 1949. His book, The Enemy Within (Doubleday) has been translated into eight languages. He is coauthor with Dr. Pan of The Red Guards which was published last spring. He was Regent of the Institute of Far Eastern Studies at Seton Hall University from 1950-1953. From 1954-1964, Father de Jaegher worked in South Vietnam, where he founded two high schools with 4,000 students. He established the Free Pacific Association in Saigon, and for many years edited a daily paper and a magazine in Chinese, a magazine in French, and one in English. Father de Jaegher rendered extremely valuable service to the late President Diem from 1954-1963. His command of languages, his long experience with the Communists in China, his knowledge of the people and problems in Vietnam, was so unique that Diem conferred with him daily during his nine years in the presidency. He is director of Public Relations for the Archdiocese of Taipei. He lectures in English, French, and Chinese.

Advance comments on THE ENEMY WITHIN:

"In terms of his personal experience and observation, Father de Jaegher tells a grimly fascinating story. Here is the reality of communism in action in all its naked horror. I recommend it to my fellow Americans who want to see and know, in close-up, the demonic force now loose in our world"

"For those who would better understand the methods by which communism fastens its grip upon a nation THE ENEMIY WITHIN is required reading. It is also a book hard to put down until the reader has completed the final chapter."

"THE ENEMY WITHIN" depicts objectively the conditions prevailing in China the past several years. Thu authors have had wide and unique experiences in that complex area of the world and are therefore qualified to analyze individually and collectively the manners, customs, and daily lives of the people. I know of my personal knowledge that Mrs. Kuhn was highly respected by scores of Chinese in all walks of life.

"It is obvious to the reader that Chinese adults and children react not unlike members of the Anglo-Saxon race—family loyalties, keen sense of humor, appreciation of the good things of life. an innate desire to live and let lice. This book is extremely entertaining and perhaps one of the most highly instructive that I have read on China."

T.E.W. Price, $3.75 (USD-1951)

by Raymond J. de Jaegher and Irene Corbally Kuhn

Belgian Father Raymond de Jaegher first went to China as a missionary in 1930, and from that time until his perilous escape from the country in 1949 he has watched the insidious but systematic spread of Communist domination in the Far East. In THE ENEMY WITHIN he presents a graphic and unforgettable eyewitness report on Red conquest, which might happen similarly in any nation, a creeping terror which unrolled before his eyes "like a Chinese scroll painted by a devil."

First the Communists undermined the traditional Chinese family life, code of morals, and religions, forcing even the peace-loving Buddhists into active underground resistance. They then used the war with Japan to weaken further the National Government, and Father de Jaegher describes one tragic day in the spring of 1940, when the Reds calmly annihilated nearly sixty thousand of their own countrymen, while a Japanese army idled less than fifty miles away. He tells how children were forced to witness beheadings, details the inhuman tortures inflicted upon anti-Communists: freezing, flaying, burial alive, and the "Peiping Express," wherein the unfortunate victim is dragged to death by a horse beaten into a frenzy.

Father de Jaeghcr often finds flashes of humor in his experiences, but most of his shrewd and articulate report is grimly serious. And whether relating events during his imprisonment in a Japanese concentration camp, recounting talks with Chiang Kai-shek, or tracing the vain efforts of the United States to bring peace to China, he tells his story ill terms of people, showing vividly the devastating effects of communism on all classes, from peasant to scholar and banker.

Father Raymond de Jaegher was born in Belgium, educated there and in England, and spent nineteen years s as missionary in China. He came to this country in 1949 and now makes his home in Maryknoll, New York. He lectures extensively on his experiences in the Orient, and during the past winter he returned to Formosa and Hong Kong for a brief visit.

Irene Corbally Kuhn, who collaborated with Father de Jaegher on this book, is a well-known magazine writer, war correspondent, radio commentator, and author who spent a great deal of time in China, both before and during World War II. She currently resides in New York City.

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Jacket Design by Leo Manso
Printed in the U.S.A.