☛ ... the most recent messages are on top !
From: Terri Stewart
Sent: Friday, November 20, 2020 4:04 AM
To: weihsien@proximus.be
Subject: Re: Ron Bridge
Hi Leopold,
I missed hearing about the passing of Ron Bridge. I am so sorry his time on this Earth is up. He was so helpful when I was researching information about my g.Aunt and her time in Weihsien, and I am grateful for that info and to be able to respond in kind to this list with the info I had dug up, especially on Helen Burton. Ron's incredible wealth of knowledge and resources will be missed, but I am glad you are still here to continue this story of the camps. Bless you and my condolences to Ron's family.
Terri Stewart
From: Leopold (webmaster)
As Yahoo has let us down, I am in the task of updating all the data since the begining. I stumbled on the July 2017 messages about the bell incident and asked my sister Janette if she remembered this middle-of-the-night-roll-call? well, yes (!) she did and here is her short story:
From: Pierre Ley
Sent: Monday, November 16, 2020 2:28 PM
From Janette, in English !
Sent: Monday, November 16, 2020 2:28 PM
Subject: weihsien roll call in the middle of the night
From Janette, in English !
The time the roll-call bell rang in the middle of the night :
I was 6 ½ years old, it was very dark, I was walking along Tin-Pan Alley, with my parents, my little brother in Dad’s arms and baby Marylou in Mom's arms.
Dad was very silent, my mother seemed quite terrified. I remember her saying : what are they going to do to us ? Other people were also walking along towards the baseball field.
We were led and made to wait in the Church park. Many other families from all the surrounding blocks were there too. I seem to remember long benches. All the parents were trying to keep their children next to them.
The general atmosphere was terribly tense, harsh spotlights, Japaneses soldiers very agressive, barking orders, running all over the place. I very well remember my mother trying not to panic, and Dad trying to get some kind of news.
After quite some time we were told we could go « back home ».
Years later my mother said she was aware of Japanese extermination camps in Manchuria, and thought we were all going to be sent there. As a Harbin Russian she had already experienced Japanese cruelty. She left Harbin for China in 1922.
(Brussels - Belgium)
From: Roy Campbell
Sent: Saturday, November 14, 2020 4:54 PM
To: Leoplod PANDER
Subject: Re: Wang Cheng-Han
I was able to identify both myself and my sister Maida and Isabel Harris on the right front.I Maida was 15 and was holding Angela Cox when the liberators came in the gate but I can’t quite see Angela in the picture.
Maida Harris Campbell
Sent from my iPad
From: Leoplod PANDER
Sent: Saturday, November 14, 2020 2:56 PM
To: '乐道院·潍县集中营博物馆'
Subject: RE: Wang Cheng-Han
Dear Mr. Wu,
Emmanuel Hanquet has a whole chapter in the Weihsien paintings’ website. GoTo:
You must read his “book” !
He died in February 2008.
He is also identified on the liberation photo I found in Norman Cliff’s scrapbooks:
Emmanuel Hanquet is the person approximately in the centre of the picture with his sunglasses and military cap, holding the hand of a little boy of four years old … Ron Bridge’s little brother. (I was about six months older than he was!)
Does Eddy Wang remember him?
Best regards,

From: 乐道院·潍县集中营博物馆
Sent: Saturday, November 14, 2020 1:09 PM
To: Leoplod PANDER
Subject: Re: Wang Cheng-Han
Dear Leoporld Pander,
We have arrived in Guizhou now. We will see Mr. Wang Chenghan tomorrow. It's really exciting.
You mentioned a name. Emmanuel Hanquet Can you tell me he is? Some specific information and information about him. If I have any news from Mr. Wang Chenghan, I will send you an email in time.
I will say hello to Mr. Wang Chenghan on your behalf.
Neal Wu
From: Leoplod PANDER
Sent: Thursday, November 12, 2020 11:20 AM
To: '乐道院·潍县集中营博物馆'
Subject: RE: Wang Cheng-Han
Dear Mr. Wu,
Dear Weihsien group,
Four new messages updated: GoTo:
Mr. Wu, please transmit our best regards to Eddie Wang when you will meet him. We have had the privilege of meeting him in 2015 for the 70-year celebrations of the camp. I hope that he is able to follow our messages on the Weihsien-Paintings’ website? I still remember that a few years ago, when Emmanuel Hanquet was 92 years old, I used to bring him the printed copies of our messages for him to read and many of his answers benefited to the website as he had a better knowledge than us, concerning the Camp organisation.
Many thanks to Christine for the *.pdf file about Ron Bridge. On the Internet, you need a valid subscription with the “Times” to be able to read the whole article.
Mr. Wu, thanks for keeping us informed.
Best regards,
From: 乐道院·潍县集中营博物馆
Sent: Thursday, November 12, 2020 4:58 AM
To: 潍县绘画
Subject: Wang Cheng-Han
Dear Mr. Leopold Pander,
The information you provided is very helpful to us.
There is one thing I want to tell you. I believe you must know Wang Cheng-Han? His English name is Eddie Wang. Although he is very old now, he is in good health. He now lives in Guiyang, Guizhou Province, China. We are going to Guiyang this Sunday to visit Wang Cheng-Han, interview him and collect "oral history".
If there is any latest news, I will tell you in time and provide you with relevant information.
Best wishes.
Neal Wu
From: Angela
Sent: Thursday, November 12, 2020 4:44 AM
To: Leoplod PANDER
Subject: REmembrance Day CDa - a holiday
Hi Leopold,
Ceremonies here with limited people compared to previous years-
people wear Poppies but not the usual sellers on the streets.
Of course - we all remember the famous verse *In Flanders Field*.
The Queen observed ceremony Sunday & Singapore too.....
I was able to locate Ron Bridge/s Obit -FEPOW History & Christine
Sancton sent one in her message. I have advised Monica Hamburg
as she was a friend of his Tientsin & had asked if I/d heard from him?
That was few months ago - Ron sent his book to her. My late brother
graduated with him & I will advise another of his class stuck in china.
I had mock Zoom session with Louisa Sorkness today - alas she
wasnt able to see him although I could see her - we continued as the
audio worked. I/ll google again how to fix - clicked on icon - lower left
several times - it didnt work. I will also download I Pad - perhaps that
wud be an option. She said she/d try it again with to see if she/ll be
able to see me. I did my best to answer her questions- she wanted to
know the period prior to camp but only know my mother managed to
get thru barrier to French concession to attend Mass St Louis church
but Credit Foncier also in French concession but no idea if my Dad
was able to cross to his office??
Also the time after camp - think our
family carried on as before- lived Ping Bldg - Credit foncier bldg
& Molly lived there at the time before moving to large house near
the Mostaerts.
AGain no memory except seeing many Marines
all over in Victoria park as well. Know I went to see America films
with my mother- Snow white Tarzan etc....
Hope Janette will participate as Christine said she/s declined but
have urged her to change her mind.
cheers angela
From: Molly & Leslie Soltay
Sent: Wednesday, November 11, 2020 6:47 PM
To: Leoplod PANDER
Subject: Re: FW: Ron Bridge
It was a shock to hear of Ron Bridge's passing. It was over a year ago I wrote to ask if they still had their annual meeting lunch in London and if so I would love to join in again.
Then Covit happened.
I first met Ron and his team in Hong Kong on their way to Japan to ask the Government to say they were "sorry "
I was able to get them a few interviews with the press in Hong Kong before they left.
It was a real eye-opener to hear him and his team talk, to understand the hard work they put into helping those of us that were in Camps.
We owe him and all those who did so much for us.
He shall be missed
Molly (Foyn) Soltay
From: Sancton
Sent: Wednesday, November 11, 2020 3:52 PM
To: Leopold Pander
Subject: Fw: Weihsien
Good Remembrance day:
In case you haven’t seen this I am forwarding this sent to me by Wendy Robinson’s daughter, Elizabeth Weaver. Wendy is Dr Robinson’s daughter from Camp.
What an interesting and full life Ron had.
Our families may have known each other in Tientsin. Richard and I met Ron at the Imperial War Museum in 2005, the same year that we met you, Janette and Père Hanquet.
We had only a short time together and at the time I hadn’t realised how hard he had worked for the repatriation monies we received.
Reading some of Ron’s account, I feel that you and I as babies were spared so much anxiety during those Camp days.
Love to you all.
Keep safe.
From: Elaine Yau
Sent: Wednesday, November 11, 2020 10:11 AM
To: pander.nl@skynet.be
Subject: Ron Bridge
Dear Leopold,
Thank you for all your good work! I had just found from your message that Ron Bridge passed away.
I met and interviewed Ron Bridge in June 2015 in London and he gave me a lot of valuable information. I did visit the War Museum because of his suggestion.
Ron Bridge, MBE
Chairman, Association of British Civilian Internees, Far East Region Historian in the area of World War II Internee camps. Retired pilot.
He told me that he was born Tianjin, and his family had a house as well in Beidaihe. He was in Weihsien March 1943 until October 1945, then returned to Tianjin. In August 1946 his parents and he went back to England for a vacation returning Tianjin May 1947 where he remained for the next four years leaving in May 1951. He has never been back since then. His Chinese speech is now very slow as he has not really communicated in Chinese for 64years. Most the old family papers (his Grandfather went to China in 1886) were burnt by the Japanese in 1937.
Here is a photo I took for him in 2015

From: Leoplod PANDER
Sent: Wednesday, November 11, 2020 10:11 AM
To: '乐道院·潍县集中营博物馆'
Dear Mr. Wu,
Thank you for forwarding your message to the Weihsien Group.
I believe that our modest website can help you by clicking on Ron Bridge’s chapter:
Ron Bridge shared a lot of information with us.
- A complete list of all the prisoners interned in Weihsien:
… you must first download the *.xls-file before opening it.
- Read his book “No Soap, Less School” that has been published very recently.
- We presume that you have already bought the book: “Captives of Empire” written by Greg Leck (a professional historian) where you can profit of his work in relation with
all the various concentration camps in China during WWII.
Our website is there to help you. Do not hesitate to question us.
Best regards,
From: 乐道院·潍县集中营博物馆
Sent: Wednesday, November 11, 2020 3:23 AM
To: 潍县绘画 = weihsien@proximus.be
Dear Nicholas Kitto,
Hello, my name is Neal Wu. I'm a staff member of The Courtyard of the Happy Way & Weihsien Concentration Camp Museum. I'm mainly responsible for liaison work and collection of historical materials.
I saw your message on the website. For the death of Ron Bridge, the museum staff expressed deep regret and respect for his life. He has given his life for many people.
Through your message, we saw the reports of the two websites, and obtained some books about the history of Weihsien concentration camp. One of the news mentions that Mr. Ron bridge has compiled some information and set up a database, a copy of the database is now available for all to view at St Michael in Cornhill, London, with a postcode. (EC3V 9DS)
This news is very important for us to study the history of Weihsien concentration camp.
So I'd like to ask you if you know the database built by Mr. Ron bridge? Is St Michael a museum? Or somewhere else? Is there any way to get in touch? Such as E-mail address?
We look forward to your reply.
Best wishes.
Neal Wu
From: Leoplod PANDER
Sent: Wednesday, November 11, 2020 8:37 AM
To: 'Angela'
Cc: pierre.ley@pandora.be
Subject: RE: Perhaps a missed msg?
Hello Angela,
Poppy day today (…) the day all went quiet on the Western Front (…) on the eleventh day of the eleventh month at eleven minutes past eleven in the morning (…). No more killing and happy to be alive.
My dad was one of them …
Regarding the messages concerning Weihsien, take the habit of searching the Weihsien-Paintings’ website for the latest messages.
… I will try to keep up of course …
bien amicalement,
From: Angela
Sent: Wednesday, November 11, 2020 12:59 AM
To: Leopold_Pander
Hi Leopold,
Sent: Wednesday, November 11, 2020 12:59 AM
To: Leopold_Pander
Subject: Perhaps a missed msg?
Hi Leopold,
Just spoke to Molly who asked if I had received a message that
Ron Bridge passed away Sept 27? She is unable to locate the e mail
received today & I didnt receive it. Is it something you've sent?
I just googled again & found his article FEPOW History ... Will you
be sending a message to advise all ??
A loss to us all - despite his age 86yrs - as previously mentioned he
graduated with my late brothers I recall him well & his brother Roger.
Well knowing them from a distance....
Cheers angela
From: Nicholas Kitto
Sent: Tuesday, November 10, 2020 11:57 AM
To: Leopold Pander
Subject: Re: Ron Bridge
Hello Leopold,
You probably knew this but I only today learned from an obituary in The Times that Ron Bridge died on 27 September from heart failure. I was in touch with him only quite recently.
Link to the obituary:
RIP Ron, a truly good man.
Best wishes
Nicholas Kitto LRPSHong Kong
tel. +852 94692584
Photographing Heritage
Book: https://treatyports.photos
From: L PR
Sent: Tuesday, November 10, 2020 11:46 AM
To: 乐道院·潍县集中营博物馆
Cc: weihsien@proximus.be
Subject: RE: Paingtings
Dear Mr. Wu,
The paintings you mention in your message (see zip-file) have been transferred on the website:
I presume that you have already found the Paintings-chapter on the Weihsien-paintings’ website.
… they are classified by the people who had the generosity of sharing them on the Internet via this website. Whether the water colours be originals or copies they all belong to their owners scattered around the planet
Best regards,
From: Kim Smith
Sent: Monday, November 9, 2020 4:42 PM
To: Leoplod PANDER
Cc: 乐道院·潍县集中营博物馆
Subject: Re: Photos of the evacuation of Weihsien...
Haha! Interesting!
My sister Kathlin, who I've cc'd here, has some possibly useful information for Mr. Wu. She knows of (and helped place) a collection of records on Sino/Japanese historical records at Fudan University, in Shanghai. There may be something there of interest to him and others in this group about Weihsien.
Cheers to all,
Kim Smith
From: Leoplod PANDER
Sent: Monday, November 9, 2020 1:50 PM
To: 'Kim Smith'
Cc: 'Kathlin Smith'
Subject: RE: Photos of the evacuation of Weihsien...
Hi Kim,
My dad’s Leica had exactly the same scratches !
I’m forwarding this to the group !
Best regards,
From: Kim Smith
Sent: Sunday, November 8, 2020 4:53 PM
To: 乐道院·潍县集中营博物馆
Cc: Leopold Pander
Subject: Re: Photos of the evacuation of Weihsien...
My father, William Arthur Smith (OSS), took very many, if not all, of the photos of the evacuation and the aftermath of the takeover of the Weihsien camp by the Allies. Taking these photos and drawing and painting the subsequent landscape of camp and internees was his job in Weihsien, having been sent there all the way from Kunming a short time after things at Weihsien had settled out a bit.
He also wrote a fascinating article "Asia and the Americas", a scan of which is also on the Weihsien site.
I believe Dad's photos are marked with his name in tiny letters, and also there seem to typically be scratches across the photos.
I believe he had gotten sand or something in the Leica he used for this.
I hope this helps you
Kim Smith
From: 乐道院·潍县集中营博物馆
Sent: Monday, November 9, 2020 8:25 AM
To: tapol@live.be
Subject: Paingtings
Dear Mr. Leopold Pander,
Here are some paintings on display in the new museum. Do you know the author of these paintings? What country are they from?
I look for authors on the website, only the collectors of these paintings, no information about the authors.
Besides, as for the paintings of the concentration camp, are the originals of these paintings in their own hands? How did the collectors get the paintings?
Neal Wu
从网易邮箱大师发来的云附件 paingtings.zip (45.8MB,2020年11月24日 15:23 到期)
From: Leoplod PANDER
Sent: Sunday, November 8, 2020 11:10 AM
To: '乐道院·潍县集中营博物馆'
Cc: 'weihsien@proximus.be'
Subject: RE: New Questions
Dear Mr. Neal Wu,
Thanks for your message.
We wholly appreciate your research for the historical facts about our old Weihsien Concentration Camp and we hope that the Weihsien website will be able to help you to fulfil your quest. We will try to help you the best we can.
Keep in mind that the now ― living ex-prisoners of Weihsien during WWII were children in 1945 and generally ignorant as to all the problems our parents had to negotiate. The Weihsien-paintings’ website has been created to “REMEMBER” and all the documents and testimonies in this website are facts you can rely upon.
The follow-up of all these messages (― now that Yahoo has let us down! ― ) are on the website ― regularly updated by the webmaster.
Now to your questions:
- Imperial War Museum in London:
I have no privileged contact with them but the last time I received a letter, it was from Mr. Roderick Suddaby in November 2008. A most charming and helpful gentleman. I know that he has died since but I do not know who replaces him in the “Archive” department. You can eventually write to: Imperial War Museum, Lambeth Road, London SE1-6HZ – telephone 0207416-5220 Fax: 020-7416-5374.
- About Eric Liddell in Camp:
Eric was idealised by the Chefoo kids in camp and also by a movie later on, in 1981: “The Chariots of Fire”. In the more recent film: “On Wings of Eagles” (2015) ― if it is based on a true story it is far from being the exact historical truth ! It is a question of interpretation … or maybe, the beginning of a legend.
Besides Eric Liddell, there were many other persons of interest in our concentration camp. Remember that we were more than 1400 in there with highly competent and important people of the Western World in China ― the “enemy nationals” as the Japanese called us.
- Where was Eric Liddell buried?
and also: the July messages from Stanley Camp about the cemeteries in China …
Your last question:
- The photos ― who took them?
Cameras and radios were forbidden in camp.
The photos before WWII were taken by missionaries and the people who lived there:
When the war ended and the Americans came to liberate us, they came with cameras and films and took many pictures of all the camps in China and elsewhere.
Many pages of the WeiHsien-paintings website illustrate this.
During the war, NO PHOTOS allowed but many paintings were done of the camp because many prisoners came to camp with their coloured pencils and painting outfits & watercolours.
This message will be shortly transferred to the Weihsien Paintings’ website.
Whoever wishes to add a complementary information is welcome to do so by simply sending a message to: weihsien@proximus.be
Best regards,
From: 乐道院·潍县集中营博物馆
Sent: Sunday, November 8, 2020 7:59 AM
To: pander.nl@skynet.be
Subject: Re: New Questions
Dear Mr. Leopold Pander,
I hope everything is well with you.
Recently, the new museum has received many Chinese government leaders. The Chinese government is very concerned about the new museum.
I have also attended several meetings in recent days.
It is worth mentioning that we are planning to apply for Weifang to become a "city of peace", just like Nanjing in China, to become a "city of peace".
As you know, Weihsien concentration camp involves many people in many countries. We hope to commemorate this period of history through a series of activities, call for world peace and convey the wish of "world peace" to the whole world.
I am trying to get in touch with the Imperial War Museum in London. I really need some historical materials to help us study the history of Weihsien concentration camp, restore this history, and then better tell the world about this history.
Our historical data collection team is conducting investigations all over China, and I am mainly responsible for overseas historical data collection. I wonder if you have a better proposal?
All the people in our museum hope to have enough historical materials to help us study the history of Weihsien concentration camp. For all the people who have been held here, for the researchers all over the world, for the peace building of the world.
Recently, we are going to go to Nanjing for an inspection tour, and we will arrange a team of people to visit Mr. Wang Chenghan's home (Wang Andy, a Chinese translator at the time of liberation).
If someone wants to shoot a video and tell the story that happened here, we would like to thank you very much. Please ask them to send the video to our email or use wetransfer.
Eric Liddell, do you know anything about him? Where was he buried after his death?
Who took the photos in Weihsien concentration camp?Before or after liberation?
We look forward to your reply.
Best wishes.
Neal Wu
From: Leopold PANDER
Sent: Friday, November 6, 2020 9:56 AM
To: 'Rita Lewi'
Cc: 'gregleck@epix.net'
Subject: zoom
GoTo : https://www.chineseamericanmuseum.org/
Dear Rita,
Thanks again for your interest in our old Weihsien Concentration Camp for your exhibit in the spring of 2021 !
I especially noticed your interest in the paintings that were created during our imprisonment.
… Cameras were ― of course ― forbidden by our captors but as many internees had come to camp with their pencils and water colours they painted instead of taking pictures. If you search the Internet, you will find paintings and sketches done in numerous other concentration camps, in Asia as well as in Europe.
Before the war, the Weihsien Compound was a beautiful place to live in ― as the paintings show, but remember that we were 1500 prisoners crammed in that small space.
You questioned me on “where the people lived” …
… it is an *.xls-file. You can download it and appreciate all the data contained in the file.
You can also buy the book: “Captives of Empire.”
… a book written by Greg Leck ― a historian ― who had access to mountains of documents and has realised a correct synthesis of all the concentration camps in China. At the end of the book, you will access a complete listing of all the people imprisoned by the Japanese during WWII.
Regarding the books to read, start with:
… you will have to buy it because I did not have the publisher’s permission to recopy it for the website.
and many other books in the “BOOKS” chapter of the Weihsien-Paintings’ website.
… you can read them with your smartphone or iPad when in the train between Maryland and Washington.
You questioned me on the organisation of the camp.
Who was the boss?
The camp was organised as a mini-democracy !!
… here is a copy/paste of a page I had prepared for the website but finally decided not to publish it.
... At the arrival - in Weihsien Concentration Camp - (of the "Ennemy Alliens") in March 1943, the Japanese decided that the camp would be managed by nine committees such as:
General Affairs, Discipline, Labour, Education, Supplies, Quarters, Medicine, Engineering, and Finance ...
... and that a Japanese would be in charge of each of these departments of camp life; under him would work one internee who would be the chairman of the committee concerned.
- Read Langdon Gilkey's book: "Shantung Compound" written in 1966 -
The members of the committee were democratically elected every six months amongst the camp population, the men of the colonial world in China at that time and who were imprisoned in Weihsien. -
In 1945, when the camp was liberated, the head of the committee was Mr. McLaren. -
Hope all this helps you …
Bien amicalement,
General Affairs, Discipline, Labour, Education, Supplies, Quarters, Medicine, Engineering, and Finance ...
... and that a Japanese would be in charge of each of these departments of camp life; under him would work one internee who would be the chairman of the committee concerned.
- Read Langdon Gilkey's book: "Shantung Compound" written in 1966 -
The members of the committee were democratically elected every six months amongst the camp population, the men of the colonial world in China at that time and who were imprisoned in Weihsien. -
In 1945, when the camp was liberated, the head of the committee was Mr. McLaren. -
From: Leoplod PANDER
Sent: Monday, November 2, 2020 8:52 AM
To: 'weihsien@proximus.be'
Cc: Carinne Cunningham
Subject: FW: New Questions
Dear Mr. Wu,
Yes! Jacqueline de Saint-Hubert is still alive and I have forwarded this message to her daughter.
Yes! Janette Ley-Pander is my sister and she will also have a copy of this message.
I have forwarded your letter to the Group ― (as well as this message).
Twenty years ago, the same question arose and the necessity of sharing old photos, paintings and documents resulted in the creation of the Weihsien paintings’ website that has grown ever since. All the original artefacts are the property of their owners as the website ― we can all understand ― is the virtual reproduction of all these treasures be they sentimental or not. I have had the permission to reproduce them providing that: http://www.weihsien-paintings.org be non-profit and free access to all.
Many “originals” of diseased persons are now archived at the Imperial War Museum in London.
I wish you success in your quest.
Best regards,
From: 乐道院·潍县集中营博物馆
Sent: Monday, November 2, 2020 7:10 AM
To: Leoplod PANDER
Subject: New Questions
Dear Mr. Leopold Pander,
Is Madame Jacqueline de Saint-Hubert still alive? Can her daughter, who lives in America, be contacted? Is Janette Ley Pander your family? Is she your sister?
Besides, do you know if other people still keep the old photos? Can these old photos be donated to the museum?
I have written a notice. Can you post it on your website?
Best wishes.
Neal Wu
The Courtyard of the Happy Way & Weihsien Concentration Camp Museum
Collection of cultural relics
Dear friends,
I'm Neal Wu, a staff member of The Courtyard of the Happy Way & Weihsien Concentration Camp Museum.
In May 2019, Weifang Museum officially handed over the management work of the Former site of The Courtyard of the Happy Way & Weihsien Concentration Camp, and handed over some articles and materials from the original management organization, Weifang Foreign Affairs Office. We have set up a research group to sort out and study the materials and articles handed over, and carry out the construction of the new museum. On September 3, 2020, the new museum, The Courtyard of the Happy Way & Weihsien Concentration Camp Museum, was officially opened.
Today, the world is facing many problems. As witnesses of the Second World War, you have a profound understanding of the harm of war to all mankind. Therefore, the main work of The Courtyard of the Happy Way & Weihsien Concentration Camp Museum is to tell the story of Weihsien for the world, and appeal to people all over the world to remember history and cherish peace.
Since September 3 to now, the museum has received a large number of tourists and groups, telling them about the history. All of them are deeply saddened by the suffering caused by the war. Therefore, in order to better publicize the new museum and tell the historical story better, the new museum hopes to collect all the cultural relics related to the concentration camp in Weihsien. If you still have some physical objects in your hand, such as old photos, original paintings, old diaries, old books, video materials, articles used during the concentration camp, etc. We sincerely hope that you can donate to the museum. We will take good care of these cultural relics through professional technology, and display them to the world.
If you have cultural relics related to The Courtyard of the Happy Way and Weihsien Concentration Camp, please contact us at any time. Our email address is: ldybgs@163.com 。
Best wishes.
Neal Wu
The Courtyard of the Happy Way & Weihsien Concentration Camp Museum